Saturday, November 12, 2011

Joe Paterno: scapegoat or scoundrel?

In the biggest and most recent scandal in collegiate sports, Penn State legendary football coach was fired over allegations that he failed to alert the police after assistant coach Mike McQueary said that he saw former Defensive Coordinator Jerry Sandusky having sex with a ten year old boy in the shower at Penn State’s football facility. This incident regarding Sandusky happened in 2002, the Attorney General indicted two university officials and Penn State Board fired school president Graham Spanier as well as Paterno. Jerry Sandusky has already been arrested on sexual abuse charges which he perpetrated against at least 8 boys over a 15 year period, according to McClatchy News Services. Be that as it may, an anonymous reporter has mentioned that he thinks this is just part of a larger, more sordid practice where young boys were pimped out to rich Penn State benefactors. If true, this is more unsettling than anyone could possibly imagine for a college that has a billion dollar endowment and those who are involved in this conspiracy of silence will very likely face criminal prosecution.

While not wanting to completely exonerate coach Paterno, he did at least notify the Athletic Director and doubtless expected appropriate action to be taken. Paterno once epitomized the idea of a man with moral integrity, family values, and was a father-figure to his players and elder statesman of the campus, who, when you hear the name Penn State, you automatically think, “Joe Paterno.” Now, that image is forever tarnished and one could question whether Joe Paterno is involved in a broader cover-up and for the sake of the college and to protect the identities of its pedophile and sodomizing, deep-pocket contributors. Although coach Paterno has hired an attorney but is this an attempt to protect him from possible criminal charges and prosecution, or instead, is he willing to fall on his sword to save Penn State further embarrassment and further legal action by the State Attorney General as well as additional indictments by the Grand Jury.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
November 11, 2011