Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Letter of Apology to Hillary R. Clinton

Dear Hillary:
We are sorry for choosing Barack over you but don't make us eat crow for this grievous political blunder as 17 million women, mostly White have been proven to have not been wrong after-all; and they weren't. The way things are going, your country need you, despite the fact that you mentioned about not seeking political office. Perhaps you want to be head of the World Bank but right now you can still become the first female President of the United States, which you deserve. Barack, along with our own duplicity, stole it from you so let us make it up to you by electing you as President of the United States. During the 2008 Democratic presidential debates you pointed out that Barack Obama was good at making speeches and we turned a deaf ear to your warnings because we were so caught up in the moment; being on the threshold of history in electing a person of color to the presidency that we could not be dissuaded from our course. Barack's exceptional oratory left us mesmerized and blinded by the light which gradually dispelled the darkness of the Bush era with the "hope" for CHANGE; but alas, it was only an illusion. One thing that has been so obvious that even Stevie Wonder can see it, is that "EXPERIENCE MATTERS."

I have read several online comments about a potential presidential run and quite a few Republicans mentioned that even they would vote for you. This is a critical time in America's history and a real leader needs to step up to the plate because sometimes in the course of human affairs you don't seem to have a choice because circumstances choose you, not the other way around. If after reading this impassioned plea from one of the many contrite and repentant voters, then let it be upon your conscience when this great country called America spirals down into an economic, social, political, moral, cultural and even spiritual abyss with no rescue, when you could have helped save this nation. So, if this is your final answer, then thank you very much for being such a hater and a coward!

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
November 22, 2011