Saturday, July 16, 2016

Are police actually the greatest protector of Black lives?

It was during a segment of the nationally televised Town Hall discussion between president Obama and American citizens that Milwaukee police chief Edward Flynn made this incredibly bold statement. I thought he made the case quite passionately, articulately, and convincingly; at least, as it seemed to me. Although president Obama seemed to struggle with his answers as he went through his encyclopedic reasoning, and seems to get bogged down in his own thinking and then when he does answer a question it seems that the question and questioner seems to get lost in all of the carefully worded response; which is understandable in light of the recent events of the past couple of weeks. Chief Flynn, on the other hand, while defending Black Lives Matter and the experience of people of color within the context of this nation’s past historical narrative, nevertheless chided the movement for not being more vocal in denunciating Black on Black crime in the African-American community.

During the unexpectedly long discourse he made the bold statement that the police are the greatest protector of Black lives, and the Calvary is not going to come rushing over the hill [to save them/Blacks] because there is no one else. That was a poignant moment that resonated with me, and I wonder if the moment was lost on the audience and the viewers watching at home .or on their mobile devices. And it’s like in the movie, Ghostbusters, which invokes the phrase, “Who [else] you gonna call?” I mean, if the racist police are the enemy and if Black lives are not important or valued, then why call 911 emergency when a dangerous situation is imminent or crime occurs or is about to occur? Why not organize local community or block watch groups and patrol the neighborhood as well as provide security for the residents? And as a last point, during the shooting melee in Dallas by Micah Johnson at the Black Lives Matter demonstration, White [and other] police officers braved the hail of bullets, placing themselves in the line of fire to shield the attendees, including children, with their own bodies. Five officers gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect and keep others safe, minimizing further casualties. So, the Dallas police didn’t scatter and run for cover but by their actions they proved, without saying a word or carrying a sign, placard, or poster that ‘Black Lives’ as well as all lives matter, too.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St #701
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 16, 2016