Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsberg takes on Donald Trump

Ruth Bader-Ginsburg, the feisty octogenarian Supreme Court Justice, in an unprecedented breach of protocol and tradition, made unflattering remarks about Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. “The Donald” who has never met a criticism that he didn’t like and take personally, In true form Donald Trump tweeted, "Justice Ginsburg of the U.S. Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me. Her mind is shot - resign!" The thing is, though, Justice Ginsberg has every right as a citizen to say whatever she wants as long as it doesn’t involve any legal situation before the Court that involves Donald Trump. Besides, didn’t the late Justice Scalia make comments about persons or policies he was in disagreement with? Donald Trump is so predictable and behaves like a kid in a kindergarten playground reacting to being picked on or teased by other children than a man who might one day sit in the Oval Office. Elizabeth Warren calls Donald Trump “insecure” and Hillary Clinton echoed the same thing during one of her rallies by saying that Trump doesn’t have the “temperament” to be president. She went on to say that Donald Trump is someone that cannot be entrusted with the nuclear launch codes.

The way Donald Trump behaves it not only seems un-presidential and lacking statesmanship but based on some of his actions or statements,  he shows an ignorance of the Constitution that as president, he is sworn by oath to preserve, protect, and defend. Not only that, but imagine if some world leader were to say something that a president Trump didn’t like, as insults will surely come, will we be entering the “War of Armageddon” at long last? Some leaders in Congress, such as Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, think that Donald Trump will bite his tongue and change his tone as the Convention nears but the brouhaha with Justice Ginsberg sees no sign of relent or retreat from the wrath of Donald. I think Justice Ginsberg is right on point and New Zealand might just be far enough away to escape the mushroom cloud of a nuclear holocaust after president Trump pushes that “Red” button.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St #701
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 13, 2016