Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Does Bill Clinton really have Hillary's back?

The best screenwriters in Hollywood couldn't have come up with a better script. Hillary Clinton is on the verge of becoming America's first female presidential nominee from any major political party since the founding of the Republic, and has a very good chance of being elected president, and then hubby Bill does the unthinkable. While at the Phoenix airport, the former president curiously delays his charted, private jet from taking off from the tarmac, but instead waits for the arrival of the Attorney General Loretta Lynch's flight, wherein afterwards he along with the AG and her husband talked about grandkids, family and other such mundane topics- sound suspicious, you bet! This was not a chance of fate or serendipity but a calculated and well-planned encounter where it seems the motivation is not fully known. This is all the more curious that "slick Willie" would want to jeopardize or cast a shadow on his wife's bid to become president because he is a master of political gamesmanship.

The timing couldn't be any worse and it does lead one to have suspicions, especially since the FBI is about to wrap up their investigation into Hillary's use of a private email server when she was Secretary of State that might have contained Classified as well as Top Secret government information. Not only that but the agency was to forward their recommendation to the AG's office to either prosecute or exonerate the presidential nominee for any criminal misconduct. Be that as it may, Loretta Lynch should have known better and that any contact between her and anyone involved in the Justice Department's investigation in the matter would compromise the integrity of the office of the AG and prejudice the outcome. Instead of recusing herself or appointing a Special Prosecutor, Mrs. Lynch said that she would accept the recommendation of the FBI, which it seems, has cleared the former Secretary of State from any unlawful acts; which is surprisingly fast since the final report wasn't supposed to be issued until next week. Of course, everything has to be done before the DNC which starts in about two weeks-talk about perfect timing! Now, one cannot be nominated for the presidency with a possible criminal indictment having over their (her) head, can they?

A subplot of this mess, which I think is the main story was hinted at by WA Post syndicated columnist Kathleen Parker's  Op-Ed featured in the Tacoma News Tribune July 5, 2016 edition, titled, "Bill-gate, again"? She asks the striking question, does Bill really want Hillary to be president?" I think deep down inside he really doesn't want her to succeed because her election and presidential victory would leave a significant mark in the historical as well as political narrative of this nation. Hubby Bill Clinton would just be another White male in a long list of others who have occupied the Oval Office, though significant, is not a breakthrough event in and of itself. The same cannot be said for Hillary Rodham-Clinton whose journey has taken her from First Lady of the State of Arkansas, First Lady of the United States, Senator (D-NY), Secretary of State appointed by the first African-American president of the United States, and poised on the precipice of history (that word again) to be the first female POTUS. Call it male ego or whatever but let's face it, Bill's time has come and gone- now it's Hillary's time to wear the pants around the house and not those just pant suits as she becomes Madame President and Commander-in-Chief of the world's most powerful military and possessor of the nuclear launch codes. I'm not so sure Bill wants to be in her shadow and wearing an apron, at least psychologically, as the First Husband. So, instead of Bill having Hillary's back, his recent action makes me wonder if he isn't trying to stab her in the back.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St Apt 701
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 5, 2016