Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sarah Palin: Biting off more than she can chew

For Governor Palin, it could be "BLACK THURSDAY" later on this week if she fails to convince a very concerned electorate that her Foreign Policy experience is more than just living close to the Russian border and meeting a few world leaders at the United Nations last week after a crash course on International Relations from former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger. Indeed, the lipstick has worn thin, the designer glasses are going out of vogue, the red bathing suit doesn't impress, she didn't sell the jet on eBay, Congress was the first to cancel the Bridge to Nowhere, and the moose steaks are starting to taste a little bit stale now.

Sarah Palin has also championed herself as the reinvented modern feminist political figure but has dismissed the concerns and agenda of her would-be White working Moms constituency as "irrelevant;" that is, compared to her own personal ambitions. The "OCTOBER SURPRISE" might be Governor Palin's minimal knowledge of the issues which are of concern to a lot of women such as Healthcare, The Economy, Education, Equal Pay for Equal Work, Family Leave, Childcare, and Women's Reproductive Rights; among a few others. If the so-called Alaskan Hockey-Mom/Pit Bull/Barracuda doesn't do well in her first serious televised debate, she will have about as much of a future in National Politics as a 'dog catcher.'

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 29, 2008

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Real McCain: War Hero or Just Another Politician??

There used to be an old expression about something being genuine, “true blue,” or honest as “The Real McCoy,” and Republican Senator John McCain just might not be in reality what all the hype has said about him. John McCain was a P.O.W. at the “Hanoi Hilton” for five years and his life in “HELL” was the stuff of LEGEND; but does that necessarily make him a HERO? All the prisoners were tortured, some more than others, and there were doubtless a few who succumbed to their injuries and sicknesses who later died.

John McCain told Diane Sawyer in an interview on ABC’s 20/20 on Friday, September 26, 2008, “I was so ashamed that I considered taking my own life.” John McCain’s shame and humiliation is understandable, and who can imagine enduring the horrors that he not only witnessed but personally experienced, yet be that as it may, he was the only prisoner on record who did the bidding of the enemy. When John McCain chose another career path, it made perfectly good sense to go into politics because how could he gain respect from military superiors or subordinates whom he might have to lead into battle if necessary, who, if any of them were ever captured by the enemy, would it be acceptable for them to give in also; what kind of a role model would that be? Now, why this same ‘War Hero’ wants to be the Commander-in-Chief of the entire United States military forces during a time of war, peril, and uncertainty is totally unfathomable. Talk about audacity, John McCain has plenty!

John McCain talks a lot about being a ‘Maverick’ during his nearly thirty years in the Senate, but outside of the McCain-Feingold Bill on Campaign Finance Reform, what other significant things has he done that specifically has his name on it. It is not enough just to say that he disagreed with or was in favor of a particular piece of legislation, or that he opposed his own ‘Party’ when he was in disagreement; anyone could do that. It is not enough to say that he has ‘experience’ if it cannot be quantified as specifically highlighting his own personal values, ability, and success in getting needed resources to the people he wants to help.

What pressing issues were at the forefront and the cornerstone of his long and distinguished political career? Was Senator McCain at the front of the line or did he lead the charge for against the abuses of power, greed, and indifference within the citadels of power in this country, or is this just a more recent interest? What outstanding Bill has John McCain authored, co-sponsored and pushed through the notoriously partisan Senate to eventually become Law? It is not enough to have lived to a respectable age of seventy-two, and although wise from experiencing many things, still it doesn’t qualify as the litmus test to be President of the United States. John McCain talks about having met several world leaders and spent time in a few foreign countries, but it doesn’t mean that he understands the culture or knows them.

Lastly, just to set the record straight about September 1, 2001. It wasn’t so much that terrorists hijacked commercial aircraft and destroyed the Twin Towers in New York, and although the loss of 3,000 innocent American lives was tragic, those atrocious criminal acts seemed to be geared towards disrupting the global financial infrastructure, centered in the world's most stable economy, which is the United States of America. It is interesting to hear the Presidential candidates talk about ‘National Security’ but as John McCain chided Barack Obama regarding being naïve or saying “Barack just doesn’t get it,” when in point-of-fact, neither of them gets it! America’s National Security isn’t solely about victory in Iraq, Afghanistan, destroying al-Qaida, or even capturing or killing Osama bin-Laden; but rather quite simply, it’s about having stable and growing financial markets. This Nation’s Armed Forces can vanquish any foe set against them on the battlefield anywhere in the world but Americans can lose the more devastating Economic War at home; with a lot more dire consequences.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 27, 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008

Is Sarah Palin Ready for the Job?

Alaska Governor and Republican Vice-Presidential nominee Sarah Palin gave ABC News unprecedented access to her over the last several days. Sarah Palin was featured on ABC News, 20/20, and NIGHTLINE where she was asked a number of questions ranging from National Security to Domestic Issues. Veteran Correspondent and ABC News Anchor Charlie Gibson peppered the Vice-President Elect with the effectiveness of a Prosecuting Attorney, and the result was quite a far cry from the Sarah Palin of the Republican National Convention. Sure, Governor Palin answered all the questions that she was asked, along with the usual tenacity and firm conviction that all of America has come to expect of her; but was it convincing? According to the latest MSNBC opinion poll (“LIVE VOTE”) which was taken after all the interviews, a significant majority of 70% of respondents believe that Sarah Palin is NOT qualified to be Commander-in-Chief, let alone possess the requisite knowledge in Foreign Affairs, especially the so-called “Bush Doctrine,” to be part of the Executive Branch of the Government.

Ironically, it was Sarah Palin herself who scoffed at Barack Obama’s Celebrity status and political shallowness except that he delivers great speeches; yet she seems to be his counterpart. It is not enough to defend Sarah Palin by saying that she is ONLY running as Vice-President and not President, but when Charlie Gibson asked her about that possibility also, she said “I am ready for the Job.” To Sarah Palin, it doesn’t matter to her whether it is as Vice-President or President, she feels qualified just the same; however, nothing could be further from the truth. By Sarah’s answers to some basic questions on key policy issues, Governor Palin has shown inadequate knowledge, preparation, reflection, and even honesty to her responses elicited by Charlie Gibson. Sarah Palin wanted to reframe the specific intent of the questions to mask her weaknesses and to repeat familiar rhetorical themes of her knowledge in Energy matters and Reform Theology; politically-speaking.

It appears that major print and broadcast media are afraid to criticize Governor Palin for fear of incurring the wrath of and offending White women, who comprise nearly half of the electorate. This is reminiscent of the delicate way Barack Obama was treated in the Primaries and is still in evidence for the most part since the beginning of the General Election. The McCain camp may continue to argue until they are blue in the face that Governor Palin was not a last minute choice for Vice-President, but clearly, it is not a strong position that they can honestly continue to defend. The die is cast and one cannot go back to the drawing board after putting forth Sarah Palin’s name into nomination. So far the Republican Conservative Evangelical Christian base is energized for the moment, but Governor Palin has yet to really portray herself as someone who will appeal to Independents, Reagan Democrats, and to the rest of voters as someone who would seek bipartisan support if she were ever, due to unforeseen circumstances to occupy the Oval Office.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 12, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Will the Real Sarah Palin Please Stand Up

There is an old saying that “Fame is fleeting,” and Super Woman-Hockey Mom-Moose Hunting-Lipstick Wearing-Republican Bulldog-Political Barracuda and Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin may find that her moment in the spotlight is beginning to lose its radiance under the print and broadcast scrutiny of her background and embellishments of accomplishments mentioned during the Republican National Convention and on the campaign trail. What has come to light is that Governor Palin may not have been as forthright about that so-called “Bridge to Nowhere” and receiving earmarks. Besides the ongoing investigation about “TrooperGate,” there is also Sarah Palin’s term as Mayor of Wasilla where she met with the local Public Librarian to inquire about the banning of certain books which apparently she thought was inappropriate; putting her nose in business matters which should have been none of her concern. Clearly, this overnight sensation of the Republican Party has a lot of explaining to do regarding her values and views within the next couple of months.

What hasn’t been discussed or investigated a lot is about Sarah Palin’s religion and what she believes. There was such a great interest about Barack Obama’s religion, what Church he attended, and what his Pastor taught, then why not afford the same level of scrutiny for Palin? Supposedly, her former Pastor at an Assembly of God Church believes that Alaska’s vast territory will be a refuge for those who will survive “The Great Tribulation,” and who also reportedly is to have warned that those [believers??] who supported former Democratic Presidential nominee John Kerry were ‘going straight to hell;’ Not only that, but Sarah Palin has said that the involvement of this country in Iraq is “God’s work.” This sounds eerily a bit like President George Bush who talks to his Heavenly Father in Foreign Policy matters and believes that “Democracy” is God’s gift to the world and America is charged with the responsibility to carry it to every corner of the earth.

Former Governor of New York Ed Koch, a Republican, supports Barack Obama for President, and responding to questions about Sarah Palin, says, “She’s scary.” Although Governor Palin enjoys a remarkable 80% approval rating among the people of Alaska, and that is even with of her support of ‘Aerial Hunting,’ which would doubtless not be so favorable outside of Alaska; offending animal lovers and PETA for sure. No one knows about her track record among the indigenous Tklingit, Inuit, and other Indian tribes and protections of their lands, hunting and fishing rights, as well as respect for their ancient and sacred customs. No one knows about Sarah Palin’s positions on Environmental Protection Laws, Civil Liberties, the Economy, the “Morning After Pill,” Partial-Birth Abortion, No Child Left Behind, Healthcare, Social Security Reform, and the government takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, etc. The only thing that is known is her unceasing to the point of nausea criticism of Barack Obama, repetitive reminders of not taking earmarks (not true), and threatening to reform Washington D.C. Someone needs to remind Sarah that just as Hope is not a Strategy, “Propaganda is not Policy.”

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 9, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Underreported Story at the Democratic and Republican National Conventions

The partisan political speeches and denunciations are over with and the General Election is in full swing, but there is an untold or at the very least, the big underreported activities of corruption at the highest levels within both the Democratic and Republican Convention delegates. Brian Ross, ABC News Chief Investigative Reporter conducted an undercover investigation titled, “Following the Money Trail” in which he was able to expose the shenanigans of the upper echelon and committee officers within the campaigns of both political parties. While some of the most stirring speeches were being spoken in Denver, Colorado and Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota, Corporate Lobbyists were throwing lavish parties for Democratic and Republican lawmakers. For the Republican bigwigs, a big party was paid for by the NRA, Lockheed Martin, and the American Trucking Association, featuring entertainment by a band called, ironically, “Hookers and Blow.” According to the report, at least 200 parties had been scheduled during the Republican Convention; just about the same number as the Democrats.

Following in the same traditional practices, Corporate Lobbyists from CitiGroup, Merrill Lynch, and UBS spent millions of dollars on food, drink, and entertainment to influence Democratic lawmakers. Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, has a “Pelosi 100,” which are wealthy contributors to the Democratic Party who pay $100,000 in personal funds for access to Legislative leaders within the Party. Despite the rhetoric within both the Democratic and Republican camps to “Reform” or “Change” the way things are done in Washington D.C. as far as fighting the entrenched Special Interests and Corporate Lobbyists influencing lawmakers, it is only paying lip service to the voters. During the Democratic National Convention, Senator mentioned about “The government must be about we the people, not we the favored few,” but in reality it seems that “The more things appear to change, the more they remain the same.”

These stark political realities were parodied in 1992 by the movie, “The Distinguished Gentleman,” starring Eddie Murphy. The movie was a satire which wasn’t and isn’t too far from the truth as it attempted to portray the sleaziness, greed, and corruption of Congress (“House of Representatives”) and Eddie Murphy played con-man turned Congressman Thomas Jefferson Johnson. To show the neophyte Freshman Congressman how things really are done in the nation’s Capitol was a perhaps over-the-top but nonetheless tour-de-force performance by actor Lane Smith as Dick Dodge, Power & Industry Chairman. Two of the realistic and applicable issues that were raised in the movie, though not treated seriously were ‘Corporate Finance Reform’ and ‘Environmental Protection.’

The thing that is inexplicable is why was ABC the only network to cover this monumental disconnect between all the passionately convincing political diatribe and business-as-usual.’ Although Congress has its own ethics reform law called the “Honest Leadership and Open Government Act” but it contains loopholes purposely enacted by Congress so that they would not be constrained by the very piece of Legislation that they passed into Law. The promised “Change” by both Presidential candidates may be more of a superficial one on the surface because behind the scenes it may be just more of the same.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 7, 2008

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Is John Edwards Affair Forgiven and Forgotten??

Now that the Beijing Olympics and the Democratic and Nepublican National Conventions are over, is the John Edwards/Reille Hunter Affair back on the table? There has been relative since the "National Enquirer" broke perhaps the biggest story of the political season; aside from that of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin being selected as John McCain's Vice-Presidential running mate. Is it out of sympathy for cancer-striken Elisabeth Edwards and their family that the print and broadcast media has decided to lay off or is there just no more interest as it is a non-event; that is, because the General Election is well under way with only about two months to go until the election of the next President of the United States. There are still some lingering unanswered questions about the affair such as when did it really occur, how long did it last, when did it end, who was the baby that John Edwards was shown holding in the "National Enquirer" photo (perhaps doctored), why Reille Hunter won't confirm the paternity of her baby, and the Million dollar question; is John Edwards really the father?

Perhaps this is all just the public's insatiable curiosity with the salacious and scandal-ridden lives of celebrities and political figures who should know better or do we have a right to know when those who might be role models are exposed when their private and personal indiscretions become exposed in the public arena of ridicule, scorn, and shame. Bristol Palin's pregnancy became an issue in the media for a few days at least and not because of a gender bias but due to the diligence of Internet bloggers who wanted to find out everything about a here-to-fore not well known Governor from Alaska who had shocked the political world by being announced as John McCain's running mate. Unfortunately for Bristol, she became a sort of collateral damage, an incidental innocent bystander in the frenzy to quickly amass as much information about the Palin family as soon as possible; and Bristol's pregnancy somehow became the attention of that search.

There is an old saying which goes like this, "Let a sleeping dog lay," and so perhaps it is best to move on to more important things or just sit back and wait for the "National Enquirer" to reopen the investigation or lay the next bombshell because instead of being just a supermarket 'rag,' they have a little credibility now. Besides all that, most reporting is "Tabloid Journalism" anyway.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 7, 2008

Oprah Winfrey’s Refusal to Interview Sarah Palin

On Monday, September 8, 2008 will debut the 150 American athletes who competed at the Beijing Olympics, including members of the “Dream Team” gold medal winning Men’s Basketball for her 23rd Anniversary Show as the ‘Mother Superior Daytime Television host,’ but she doesn’t want to interview Republican Vice-Presidential nominee, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. Oprah is known for her unqualified support of successful, educated, White Soccer/Hockey Moms (“Fem-Power”), so it is quite surprising that she would not have Sarah Palin on her show; at least possibly not until after the Presidential Election is over. Although Oprah has made changes in her show and staff over the two decades that she has been on television, to include shifting from those wonderful moments of Spiritual anecdotes offered by Iyanza Van Zandt to Marianne Williamson to Deepak Chopra to Eckhart Tolle; at last count. Oprah has left the sassy theme song of “A New Attitude” by Patty LaBelle to a more almost “New Age” Spirituality or Metaphysical “Oneness /Enlightenment” which evokes musical themes of the singer Enya.

Oprah has never before, until recently, publicly endorsed any political candidate; that is, until she saw and heard fellow Illinoian, Senator Barack Obama. It was like seeing a ‘kid in a candy store,’ and Oprah enjoyed that political confectionary so much that not only did she endorse him, but did one better by going out on the campaign trail with him in the very beginning of the Presidential Primary. With Oprah’s much sought after stamp of approval, Barack Obama got out of the starting blocks with a little bit of a headwind behind him over all the other candidates. There was only one little problem with Oprah’s enthusiasm for Barack Obama, namely, forgetting about Hillary Clinton. Oprah’s lack of lending support to Hillary Clinton left many of her affluent, professional, educated White working Moms feeling betrayed because they thought Oprah was one of “them” or just like them; at the very least. To say that her supporters were shocked, surprised, and enraged would be an understatement of epic proportions. Now, it seems, is another slap in the face of some of those very same female constituencies and supporters who transcend racial and political boundaries. Some of Oprah’s closest friends and supporters, who are most likely Gail King, Maria Shriver, and Caroline Kennedy to name a few, probably had advised her against the idea; although the Executive Producers of Oprah’s show were in favor of it.

Regardless if one agrees with Sarah Palin’s Evangelical Christian Conservative Republican political and social views and her taking those cheap shots at Barack Obama during the RNC, still it is an historic moment for women across America regardless of political ideology that she is the first female to be nominated as Vice-President on the Republican ticket since the founding of the Republic. The backlash against is bound to increase and the chorus of disenchanted Hillary supporters might swell the ranks of those who wield those “PALIN POWER” signs to put pressure on the sponsors of Oprah’s show, which could result in the loss of advertising revenue and slipping in the Nielsen ratings. As a reminder as to what can happen when you fall from grace, just ask Martha Stewart. It wasn’t so much that she lied about her insider trading of IMClone stock to Federal Investigators leading to criminal prosecution and conviction, which was bad enough, but more importantly was the fact that a majority of her legions of adoring fans withdrew their support; and as they say, the rest is history. Of course this is not to say that Oprah has done anything close to being criminal but it does suggest that she is not immune to the swaying of public opinion; which is important in her line of work.

Over the many years, Oprah has been able to successfully weather her share of small controversies, criticisms, or rumors about her and has been able to put all of them to rest for the most part. Still, it seems a little disingenuous for Oprah to pride herself on being so open and unbiased, staunchly leading the charge for ‘Working Women of America,’ and yet be so obviously partisan in her refusal to acknowledge the significant accomplishment of one of the very people that she is the “Poster Girl” for. Not only that, but if Oprah can have George Bush on her show, then why not Sarah Palin? Perhaps it is time to take a second look at Oprah Winfrey and find out who she really is. There was a familiar refrain which criticized the Republicans during the Obama campaign all the way to the Democratic Convention, which was, “That’s Not Change but More of the Same.” But for Oprah, the label seems appropriate because when it comes to shafting Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin, she is certainly consistent because her actions show, “That’s Not Change but More of the Same.”

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September7, 2008

Saturday, September 6, 2008

John McCain Addresses Republican National Convention

The speech that John McCain delivered can best be summed up as full of a sense of patriotism and wanting to change the status-quo in Washington D.C. Considering that America is still involved in two wars, one in Iraq and the other in Afghanistan, it is not surprising that a heavily nuanced theme of Nationalism (“Country First’) and military service augmented John McCain’s incredible ordeal as a POW in the “Hanoi Hilton” for 5 unimaginably brutal and tortuous years; being subjected to atrocities that scarcely anyone can hardly imagine. If ever there was one distinguished American who should be honored and recognized for his military service and devotion to his country, then John McCain certainly stands right up there near the top. Having said all of that, still even someone with such an impeccable record as well as serving thirty years in the U.S. Senate with distinction does not by itself qualify him to be President of the United States.

On Thursday, September 5, 2008, Senator John McCain had the opportunity to tell the American people by laying out his case, much like the duty of a lawyer presenting evidence before a judge and jury as to why he would be the best choice to be the sole occupant to sit in the Oval Office. Although Senator McCain is not known for being one of the most oratorical-gifted Senator’s, still he failed to give specific and concrete steps that he would take to solve some of the most pressing issues that the average American citizen faces, namely, jobs and healthcare; among a few others. Yes, there was the typical ‘boilerplate’ as George Stephanopoulos, Senior Correspondent for ABC News calls it. McCain talked a lot about “CHANGE” (sound familiar??), about our being Americans, government corruption, losing the confidence and betraying the trust of the American people, and quite a lot of time was spent on the McCain biography; perhaps a little bit too much time.

There were some light brushes of issues that McCain wanted to address, such as: reducing big government, doubling the child tax exemption, lowering business taxes, opening new markets for our domestically-produced products, new job creation and worker retraining, choice of sending children to a public, private, or charter school, and spending some of the estimated 700 billion on oil sent to mostly the Middle East and use those funds to invest in and develop new technologies in nuclear energy, wind, oceanic tides, solar, electric hybrid energy sources as well as drilling offshore as a temporary stopgap measure until America gets these new energy sources up and running. One of the more memorable statements by John McCain besides chastising the more entrenched special interests and corporate lobbyists within GOP was when he said that “Education is the Civil Rights issue of this Century.” Little does he realize that this profound statement will have significant implications in the future; especially among those who are racial minorities.

Selecting Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as the Vice-presidential running mate, it seems was a shrewd and clever choice, and only time will tell if it was the right choice. Sarah certainly has energized the Convention delegates who are just enamored with her and she will undoubtedly attract some of the Conservative base and White women in general who can relate to her. With an employment rate at 6% nationally, high department store retail prices everywhere, a slumping economy, high gasoline prices, and increases across the board at the grocery checkout, it’s going to take a lot more to convince the average blue-collar worker and the nearly 65-95 million ‘Baby Boomers’ who will be retiring within the next several years than just clever one-liners and sharp barbs at Barack Obama.

It is going to take coming up with practical solutions and since the McCain-Palin ticket are still the inheritors of the failed Bush-Cheney Republican legacy, it going to require more than just a group of “talking-heads” going at it with each other. Perhaps that political Ad or spoof by Paris Hilton needs to be looked at again because by mimicking both Obama and McCain, she might be on to something, which is, instead of an either-or-solution, why not look at the merits of both and take the best parts from each.

For too long in our politics, each side of the major political parties tries to play one-upmanship on the other and it’s like the little kid with the ball who says, “It’s my ball and my rules and if I can’t get my way, I will just take my ball and go home.” Even if a Democrat learns that a Republican has a better policy solution, he or she will either plagiarize (Oops, rework) it and pass it off as their own original idea, credit it to someone else, or simply just discredit it; vice versa for the Republicans too.

This is probably the way things are done in the Nation’s Capitol, it seems, and as a confirmation of the poor Legislative accomplishment of our Federally-elected officials is the fact that President Bush’s approval ratings are the lowest of any President since this information was collected. Not surprisingly, how the citizens rate the U.S. Congress is even worse. Let’s hope that the ‘Change’ which both the Democrats and Republicans promise won’t end up leaving the voter getting ‘shortchanged.’

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 5, 2008

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sarah Palin a Big Hit at the Republican National Convention

The eagerly anticipated national debut of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as Senator John McCain’s Vice-President running mate did not disappoint. The ‘Hockey Mom’ in designer glasses or in her own vernacular, showing the distinction between a pit bull and a hockey mom was only that one of them wears lipstick, showed to a partisan crowd that the reputation may be well deserved. Her acceptance speech was laced with humor, toughness, competence, and Sarah Palin will be a force to be reckoned with on the political stage for some time to come. Some of her sharpest attacks were directed at Barack Obama, which is traditionally what candidates in those positions do by attacking the other Party’s Presidential nominee. The Republicans have touted Sarah Palin’s background on the Wasilla, Alaska City Council as well as becoming Mayor and eventually elected as the Governor of Alaska which has a territory 250 times the size of the State of Delaware. Sarah Palin’s experience and Executive responsibilities dwarf any of the other Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates of either political party; eclipsing even those of Senator John McCain also.

Sarah was painfully effective in presenting the weakness of Barack’s scant political resume of Community Service Organizer to Illinois State Senator to United States Senator to President-Elect. She was correct to state that in the U.S. Senate Barack Obama passed no significant Legislation with his name on the Bill and that he only produced a couple of published memoirs worth noting. During the Democratic National Convention John McCain was lambasted by partisan Democratic speakers as voting with President George Bush at least 90% of the time, but can’t it also be said by the Republicans that Barack Obama voted with his own partisan Democrats 90% of the time, too. Perhaps the only noticeable hint of independence and working across the aisle was in his efforts to get a Senate Ethics Reform Bill passed into Law.

Sarah Palin has now publicly thrown down the gauntlet and accepted the challenge of National Political warfare and as Green Energy Advocate and former oilman and CEO of Mesa Petroleum, T. Boone Pickens one said, “If you want to play with the big boys, you have to learn how to block and tackle.” Sarah will undergo her “baptism of fire” including even more intense media scrutiny of her political career and answering reporters’ tough questions about her views on Immigration, Stem Cell Research, Roe vs. Wade, the Economy, Health Care, Gun Control, Torture (“Guantanamo detainees”), Social Security, The Budget Deficit, FISA, the Mortgage Crisis, The Global War on Terror, Israel and the Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Syria), Nuclear Weapon proliferation, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Global Warming, North Korea, Russia, India, China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and many other such complex issues.

To Barack Obama’s credit, at least he has had to endure a grueling and brutal eighteen month Primary, not to mention engaging in around 20 televised public debates as well as being the subject numerous relentless interviews, investigations, etc. Sarah Palin has criticized Barack Obama as being essentially nothing but all “flash” but without any real substance or in the politically-correct jargon, “he doesn’t have any realistic solutions.” Well, Sarah, the challenge for you is like the question that Hillary Clinton posed regarding Barack Obama during the Presidential Primaries, and that is, “Can he take a punch [to the chin]?” So Sarah, when the attack dogs are unleashed on you and start ripping away, don’t whine and complain about the biased Liberal Media or try to play the ‘victim’ or the equivalent of a political feminizing White Hockey Mom/White-working Women-with-a-Family against the Male-dominated World card because it won’t work.

Already there is a small and perhaps insignificant Ethics investigation amid questions as to whether Sarah Palin as Governor of Alaska used undue influence to fire the Public Safety Commissioner because he refused to terminate a State Trooper who was married to Sarah Palin’s sister while they were going through a bitter and nasty divorce. This is just the beginning of woes and although Sarah’s Star is shining very brightly in the Republican Heaven for the moment; however, in an instant all of this could change and suddenly her political future can be dashed down to ‘Hell’ faster than you can blink an eye.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 4, 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bristol Palin’s Pregnancy Reveal Republican Party Hypocrisy

On the third year Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina inundating the city of New Orleans, LA, and in the wake of Hurricane Gustav again pummeling the Gulf Coast states, including Louisiana, the Republican Party Convention had another storm to weather; namely, the pregnancy of Bristol Palin, the seventeen year old daughter of Alaska Governor and Republican Vice-Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin. The issue is not the pregnancy of a seventeen year old or Sarah and her husband’s parenting skills but rather John McCain’s judgment and hurried determination at the eleventh hour to nominate someone who wasn’t even remotely considered as a potential running mate.

Supposedly, the McCain camp had thoroughly investigated Sarah Palin’s background and was aware of the pregnancy; at least this is what is being told to the media. There is even an unsubstantiated rumor that Sarah Palin’s youngest child, the one with “DOWN SYNDROME” is not really her’s, but that the baby is really Bristol’s also, and Sarah is just covering up for her daughter. Be that as it may, it is troubling that Sarah Palin would put her political ambitions ahead of her daughter’s privacy because she has been in the game long enough and could not have been so naïve as to believe that this would not have surfaced and not only that, why did she not disclose all of this information from the beginning instead of it being circulated on Internet blogsites.

It is interesting that the Republican Delegates who were interviewed by television news reporters were supportive and stated that at least Bristol Palin was going to keep the baby and not get an abortion. In fact, many of the wagons of the GOP are surrounding the Palin family with their unqualified support during this very difficult as well as embarrassing time. The byline in most reports on this surprise announcement defend Sarah Palin and note that it is her politics and not her success as a parent which is the issue. While that may be true it must also be remembered that your family situation is an example to the nation as a role model and what kind of example you set and your family decisions and experiences which go on behind closed doors and later to come out in full view of the public does have some impact on the lives of other Americans and perhaps even Internationally among those who look up to the Presidential and Vice-Presidential nominees as exemplary examples of contemporary American family life.

Although Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama has defended the Palin family and stated unequivocally not only his support for Sarah Palin, but that family should be off limits in political discourse. This is quite gracious of the Illinois Senator and no one should want to gain political points from the poor decision of a young teenage girl but it is yet another wake up call to the political party who prides itself on being the staunch moral guardian of American family values, abstinence is the best policy, Evangelical Christianity, and social conservatism. On a side note, even Vice-President Dick and Lynn Cheney who are so strong in their opposition to Gay/Lesbian relationships lovingly embrace their adult daughter who is openly ‘Gay.’

However, many of the partisan responses to this situation does mask the uncomfortable tone of ‘race’ in America and particularly this Presidential election as evidenced by the question that Tavis Smiley asked former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich on The Tavis Smiley Show on Monday night, September 1, 2008, which was, “What if instead of a White girl named Bristol Palin it was Sasha or Malika Obama who got pregnant as a teenager, what would be the reaction?” During the entire segment of the telecast Mr. Gingrich failed to answer the question and was evasive because he knew the truth and was unwilling to publicly admit it. Teenage Black unwed mothers who are on welfare are the fodder of White-controlled media and the bane of White tax payers who are the first to decry the failings of Black families but are not so vocal when it comes to one of their own; especially one who is in the preeminent political spotlight. Rarely, if ever, is the virtue extolled of a Black female teenager who chooses to keep to keep her child as opposed to getting an abortion. Instead the girl’s promiscuity, how soon she became sexually active, or how many lovers she has had seem to be more carefully scrutinized than having compassion or giving her support she needs during this difficult time.

In fact, so little is the value placed upon the offspring of Black teenage unwed mothers that Bill Bennett, who this very month three years ago, addressing a caller's suggestion that the "lost revenue from the people who have been aborted in the last 30 years" would be enough to preserve Social Security's solvency, radio host for “Morning in America” and former Reagan administration Secretary of Education dismissed such "far-reaching, extensive extrapolations" by declaring that if "you wanted to reduce crime ... if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down." Bennett conceded that aborting all African-American babies "would be an impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do," then added again, "but the crime rate would go down."

And poor Bristol Palin is going to be pressured into marrying her eighteen year old baby’s father when both of them are probably not mature enough to handle the responsibility of parenthood. And what about Sarah Palin, the very attractive, political maverick-in-her-own-right, and charming ‘CINDERELLA’ who seems to have come out of nowhere to attend the Republican National Political Ball wearing glass slippers and designer glasses may come to realize it is 12:00 midnight and that beautiful political carriage that she rode into town on and magically enchanted us all, may quickly turn into a giant pumpkin.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 2, 2008