Monday, December 26, 2011

Is Mitt Romney really the best the GOP has to offer?

President Barack Obama and the political gods of the Democrats must be secretly smiling, quite amused as the GOP struggles to find its soul because right now they look like the blind leading the blind, stumbling all over each other. First there was Romney, then Bachmann, Perry, Cain and even Gingrich seems more like Humpty Dumpty falling off the wall, and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men won’t be able to put him back together again. So, it seems that all of this invariably leads back to Mitt Romney, who is probably the biggest vacillator or flip-flopper since Senator John Kerry. This is apparently the best that the Republican Party can produce from within their ranks to run for this country’s highest elected office; which is a sad tragedy in and of itself. Romney is not the unOBAMA or noBAMA but rather he is nothing but ObamaLITE. The most noticeable distinction between the two is that Barack start singing a different tune after he got elected and Mitt is telegraphing all his political “rope-a-dope” moves to the electorate and somehow thinks he is going to fake us out, trying dazzle us with his fancy footwork, float like a butterfly and sucker punch us into voting him into the Oval Office; but we can see all this coming a mile away and it’s the same old song.

Mitt has had to reinvent himself several times on the campaign trail, even contradicting earlier positions as well as in some instances excerpts from his book, “No Apology: The Case for American Greatness.” Romney spent 25 million dollars of his own money and lost to John McCain for the Republican nomination for president in 2008, so why would Republicans want him to lead the party into the 2012 Presidential campaign, now; what has changed to make them want to? Mitt Romney likes to try and relate to the average American but he co-founded Bain Capital, a venture capitalist firm, which is just what those people in OCCUPY WALL STREET are demonstrating about. Sure, Romney can boast about the businesses and jobs he helped create but talks very little about the hundred of millions that he is worth or what he does with all his wealth-outside giving a tenth to the Mormon Church. No, Mitt, like John Kerry, was in favor of it before he was against it-or rather before he decided to run for President and as the old saying goes, “Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.”

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
December 26, 2011

Saturday, December 24, 2011

X Factor’s first season grand finale was xcellent

X Factor got it right because Melanie Amaro was better than Josh Krajcik, but just barely. Josh reminded me of a cross between Joe Cocker and Otis Redding and perhaps if he were younger or looked a little different he may very well have been the winner. Chris Rene certainly had mad skills (rapper/singer, songwriter, dancer and musician) like Justin Timberlake and Ne-Yo, and his commitment to kick his drug habit certainly made him the emotional favorite. Nevertheless, fans voted for who they thought was the best and I think the telephone voting wasn't rigged like on “American Idol” season 1, when Tamyra Gray was a better singer than Kelly Clarkson and all the judges, including Simon Cowell, were surprised that she was eliminated so early in the final competition.

Ironically, Melanie was booted off the show earlier by the very Simon Cowell, who later felt in his heart that he had made the wrong decision and asked her to come back, and it seems that he made the right choice after-all; considering that he had put himself on the spot by the prediction that she would win the competition at the finale on Thursday, December 22nd before the votes were cast. The only thing that perhaps changed the tone of the evening was the booty-shaking and gyrating dancers on stage during the montage by Fifty-Cent and other rappers which almost made X Factor seem like XXX-rated factor, instead.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
December 23, 2011

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Peace on Earth and goodwill toward men?

Col. Robert Thieme of Barachah Church in Houston, TX penned this unforgettable quote decades ago in one of his many books, which was: “Ritual without reality is meaningless,” and considering the state of things, especially in America, this statement could not be truer. If those hopeful words in the gospel of Luke are to have any real meaning then what it requires of us is to look at the world in which we live through radically different lenses. The intervention of transcendent God into humanity as a fleshly being called Jesus Christ was so much more than teaching superior moral values or starting a new religion, but rather to inaugurate or herald the coming Kingdom [government] of God to the earth.

This divine theocracy will supplant all human political, social and economic institutions which are now under the power or dominion of Satan and sin, however, under the new celestial administration with the eternal Father and Jesus [Yeshua] at His right hand on the throne of power, the earth will be a place where righteousness dwells and God will wipe away all our tears, and there will be no more pain or sorrow and no more death because the former things will have all passed away. All the bickering and controversy over displaying overly religious and for that matter, non-religious holiday symbols in public buildings or private homes misses the point entirely because all these things will be destroyed anyway. The thing that will endure is what we have done with our lives in the time God has allotted to us, and what we have done by emulating Jesus in love to unselfishly or unconditionally make a stranger’s life better and as a result of our good deeds and works our name will be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
December 22, 2011

Navy’s “First Kiss” tradition a non-event?

The article by Associated Press reporter Brock Vergakis which appeared in the Thursday edition, December 22, 2011, of the Tacoma News Tribune about the Navy allowing a sailor to share a ‘kiss’ on the pier with a significant other after returning from 80 days active duty at sea. Ordinarily this would be a true non-event but with a repeal of former President Clinton’s “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” policy regarding gays/lesbians serving in the military, this practice may be reevaluated. Petty Officer 2nd Class Marissa Gaeta of the USS Oak Hill amphibious landing ship hugged and kissed her partner, also a Navy sailor, Petty Officer 3rd Class Citlalic Snell upon disembarking from the craft. According to the commanding officer David Bauer, said the crew’s reaction to who was selected for the coveted privilege was ‘positive’ but that could be just putting on a particular game face just to cover up the surprise or embarrassment. Was Commander Bauer and his crew unaware of Officer Gaeta’s sexual orientation as well as other sailors who might be GLBT, too? And secondly, if all of this was known, were there any attempts to discourage or disqualify any and all non-straight sailors or officers from participating in this lottery/selection process? These particular women are probably attractive but what if it were two men kissing, or maybe a couple who are the stereotypical “dike-looking” or short-haired, masculine-looking female (“Butch”) who was participating in this storied kiss?

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
December 22, 2011

Friday, December 16, 2011

Was the Iraq War worth the cost?

President George W. Bush declared “The War in Iraq is over” aboard an aircraft carrier six weeks after his pre-emptive invasion of the country when superior U.S. airpower decimated Saddam Hussein’s Army and Republican Guard and American troops entered Baghdad unopposed by insurgent fighting forces and were greeted with cheers by Iraqi citizens. That was nine years ago so this declaration by President Barack Obama must be the “official” end of America’s combat role as military forces leave the country. Of course, there is still a large diplomatic corps of 16,000 personnel and 4,000 security contractors; not to mention the largest embassy in the world that is operational and located right in Baghdad. The thing is, there is no closure in the deaths of 4,500 soldiers and 33,000 injured troops who have suffered traumatic injuries both physical and mental. One cannot help but reflect on the nonsense of it all because there were no WMD’S that posed a “CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER” to America’s national security, no ties existed between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida, no hijacker was linked to Iraq, and come to think of it, how far is Iraq from the United States; I mean, its not like Cuba 90 miles off the coast of Florida?

One cannot forget about Bush administration officials who dragged us into this ‘quagmire’ (un-winnable war) like George W. Bush, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Colin Powell and George Tenet. Osama bin-Laden was cornered in the mountains of Tora-Bora in Pakistan but instead of American forces going in to get him the Pakistani military was given that responsibility and somehow he was able to get away. Ironically, this is the same country where Osama bin-Laden was eventually killed by U.S. Special Forces nine years later, so Iraq wasn’t even necessary and the blood of thousands of our soldiers didn’t need to happen. Not only that, but a weaker Iraq divided among Sunni, Shiite and Kurds means a stronger Iran only emboldens the regime toward the development of an atomic bomb; which will not only be destabilizing to the Middle East but the uncertainty or unpredictability will also rattle financial markets worldwide.

So, what was or is the price of victory- Saddam Hussein and his sons are dead, Iraqi political elections (Democracy Middle East style/“Nation building”), access to Iraqi oil? America may have won the battle but the thing is when a War is over normally there is a formal declaration of surrender, so either one of two things must be true: The enemy is still continuing to fight or there was never any ‘real’ war in the first place. It is a painful thing to say, but it appears that those brave and patriotic soldiers who gave the fullest measure of devotion were just “cannon fodder” and incidental pieces or pawns on a chess board to fulfill the agenda of those ‘special interests’ who are powerful, influential and wealthy and who manipulate world economies and governments, and unfortunately the deaths of other people is just the cost of doing business.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
December 16, 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011

Send members of Congress into the unemployment lines

What a radical concept, that is, people can have a “voice” in the way that they are treated by their ruling authorities. Because the history of America is rooted in civilian government, this rules out Martial Law through the military or a police-state implemented through local jurisdictions. Barney Frank, House of Representatives member from Massachusetts made an interesting comment recently on McNeil-Lehrer News Hour on PBS that, “If Americans are dissatisfied with the performance of Congress, then we are the ones to blame because we are the ones who elect them.” His statement should be taken seriously because it is ‘right-on-the-money’ and instead of the benign and unfocused energy as well as the non-platform of OCCUPY WALLSTREET or even the Tea Party’s initial momentum, the answer to our grievances is right before our very eyes. All the 535 members of Congress will be up for reelection in 2012 and according to the latest Gallup and other opinion polls, members of Congress have a favorable rating in the single digits (9% or so). There should be slogans on tee-shirts with the caption of a broom, symbolizing making a clean sweep in Washington D.C. There could even be the picture of a mop, which depicts cleaning up all the mess in the nation’s capitol.

Americans have been held hostage far too long amid all the legislative gridlock and partisan politics and “enough is enough!” In reading the inspirational reasoning preserved in the words contained in THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, several key phrases seem to leap from the page, namely: “We hold these truths to be self-evident . . all men [they] are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness- to that end Governments [branches of government] are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed [people]; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive [ineffectual] of these ends, it is the “right” of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government [or political representation], laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them [which] shall seem most likely to effect [secure] their safety and happiness.” Although this treatise sounded the clarion call to rebel against the abuses of power by King George of England and Parliament as well as the military superiority of British Royal Navy on the high seas, nonetheless, the principal is that when the legitimate needs and expectations of a free people are unfilled or ignored by their government, The PEOPLE have the right, due to legal precedent, cultural experience, social values and history, to effect “CHANGE” in the way they [the majority] deem that suits their needs to insure domestic tranquility; which at this stage is anything but that with all the protests and high unemployment.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
December 2, 2011

Mother of fifteen children is now homeless

Just when you think things couldn’t get any weirder in America, another event happens to come along, unexpectedly, from somewhere out-of-the-blue. Although this is an old story that reporter Keith Morelli, The Tampa Tribune, broke way back in April 21, 2010, still, it has reignited the contentious debate regarding family planning and the responsibility of social services agencies. The woman is an African-American, 37 years old, unemployed mother of fifteen children, and a longtime Florida resident. Her fiancĆ© is currently serving a prison term on unspecified charges and he is the father of ten of the children. Three of the children are emancipated adults, or “aged out,” meaning they are past eighteen years old and living on their own. Angel Adams did have an $800-a-month, two-bedroom apartment that was paid for by Hillsborough Kids, but she was evicted last week. Ms. Adams, who doesn’t work, believes that her “work” is to have babies, which she says are ‘gifts’ from God. While no one can hold that sentiment against her, it doesn’t seem rational to think an All-Wise God and Creator would place the sole responsibility upon one woman to have more children than she can reasonably and adequately provide for their needs. But as she boasts, “I can have as many as I want to” what is even more outrageous is when she also asserts that somebody owes her. She goes on to say, “Somebody needs to pay for All My Children, somebody needs to be held accountable. . .” The only “ALL MY Children” that comes to mind is a soap opera that is almost as old as she is, and Angel and her family failed to make the casting director’s cut.

It is believed that Ms. Adams has at least three baby daddies out there who have fathered these children and it appears from her living situation that Child Support is not received at all or very little; and who knows, these men may be incarcerated also? The youngest is a 6 month old baby and the family now stays at the Economy Inn on East Busch Boulevard, in Tampa, FL. There is a microwave and mini refrigerator. No stove. One sink, one toilet, one shower. Everyone's barefoot, walking on a dirty, stained green carpet. The living quarters also consist of two beds where the girls sleep on one bed and the boys sleep on the other; and Angel sleeps on the floor. A relative paid for the hotel room for a week, but beyond that point, who knows what will happen. Hillsborough Kids, which manages child welfare in the county, through spokesman Elaine Olszewski, said they are working with Metropolitan Ministries to arrange a place to stay for Adams and should have one ready by next week. The children were taken away by sheriff's deputies two years ago, but were reunited with Adams six months ago, when she was set up in an apartment off North Boulevard near of Columbus Drive. A home-study report was completed to the satisfaction of everyone involved, she says.

Olszewiski goes on to say, “All the children of school age are enrolled and going to school, although Adams says they have not gone to school since she took up residence in the hotel. She says she can't get them to school. Typically, single moms in similar situations have frequent visits by case workers, who work with charities in the community and coordinate grant money to pay for services. "It's on a case-by-case basis," she says. "It's not that we would financially support them, but we are connected to community partners that provide assistance." The goal when children are removed from the home is to get them back with biological parents, she said, and caseworkers try to work to that end, she says.

"Children always are better with their biological parents," she says. If, according to Ms. Olszewiski, social workers and the make sure all the requirements of a safe and wholesome environment exist for the children, then this present situation is untenable and the court will have to intervene and a judge may have to sign an order to remove the children temporarily until a more suitable arrangement can be made. There is another issue that needs to be addressed, namely, what to do about the mother? Should Angel Adams be allowed to continue having children just because she in biologically fertile and able to do so, even when she cannot financially provide for them and sees herself on a mission from God to replenish the Earth? In China, “one” child is the limit and any woman having more than that number is forcibly sterilized by officials of the government. Of course in China’s case, they have a population of nearly 2 billion people, too.

So, what should be the role of the local social service agencies, federal government, community outreach sources, churches and the taxpayers in providing assistance and public resources without any strings attached? The country was shocked a couple of years ago when Nadya “Octomom” Suleiman had all those multiple births from fertility treatments but in her case she became sort of a celebrity and was the flavor-of-the-week; at least for awhile. Now that Nadya has almost faded from memory Angel has risen to take her place in the talk around the water cooler. It is doubtful that Ms. Adams will or has received the attention that Nadya has because with her it was more surprise and fascination and a slight resemblance to actress Angela Jolie, of whom she was a fan, only helped feed the mystique. In Ms. Adams case it just may well be the old racial stereotype of a promiscuous or sexually-active, Black welfare mom having all these babies with different men and the tab is being paid on the taxpayer’s [mainly White] dime.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
December 2, 2011

An Economic Recovery may still be years away

Despite the recent Department of Labor statistics regarding an increase in output from factories and the manufacturing as well as the latest drop in the unemployment rate from 9.0% to 8.6%, one shouldn’t start celebrating just yet. President Obama is touting the latest news that his economic agenda is working and for Americans not to give up but keep persevering and making personal sacrifices. Of course, president Obama will take credit for any good news about the economy, even if it is just a slight bump in the positive column. Now, he and former President Bill Clinton are encouraging the creation of well over a hundred thousand “Green” Construction jobs that involve painting roofs white on all residential houses and public buildings to make them more energy efficient. What bolsters this ambitious plan are perhaps those surprisingly lower unemployment statistics as well as better-than-expected “Black Friday” sales figures, but numbers can be misleading. For one thing, the “real” unemployment rate is much closer to between 12% and 15% because individuals who have been fired, quit their jobs or their UI claim is in dispute are not included in the data; as well as the people who have already exhausted their benefits and the many who have just simply given up looking for work altogether. Also, it is believed that the 315,000 reduction in the workforce is probably due to retirement; as opposed to any other significant factor.

Now, as far as the early holiday gift on “Black Friday” to the nation’s retailers from consumers who spent more money in 2011 than in the past two years, merchants shouldn’t uncork the bottles of champagne just yet. Lackluster or slumping sales has forced many merchants and stores to offer deep discounts by slashing prices 50% or more, resulting in lower margins, usually below their cost, on average, just to make a sale. When all the accounting is done it will show that a few of the more well known stores actually made a profit because they lowered their target for the year-end quarter, but the majority of others will do poorly and lose a substantial amount of money. President Obama wants Congress to not let the Bush tax cuts expire because, once again, the ‘detached-from-reality’ political thinking is that this is the same thing as a rebate, of sorts, and people will spend this extra money on big ticket items to stimulate the economy. The thing is though, the Congressional Budget Office or some other governmental agency should conduct a study in conjunction with the IRS and issue a report on how much the average American taxpayer or family will save because in an economic downturn because most individuals who are struggling to keep a job and hang on to their homes will use any and all discretionary income to pay for necessities like utility bills, groceries and medicine and not on other non-essential goods or services. And to wrap this up with a final point, it is like the old adage, “A recession is when everybody else is out of work, and a depression is when you are out of work.”

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
December 2, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sears stores past the point of no return?

In a recent Wall Street Journal article by reporter Miguel Bastille, the former Sears-Roebuck catalog store is slowly becoming the equivalent of a retailing ghost-town, as more and more customers decide to spend their money elsewhere. There have been very few improvements and modernization in its aging fleet of 2,200 full-line stores, and it has already closed 171 since merging with K-Mart under the new name of the flagship Sears Holdings Company in 2005. Interestingly enough though, K-Mart stores entered Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings before joining Sears but the same management team runs the operational activities of both companies. Unlike some of their competitors, Sears has been quite skimpy on spending money for renovation and capital expenditures whereas most of the larger retail chains spend $6-$8 per square footage but Sears spends less than $2 per square footage.

It is believed that hedge-fund billionaire Edward S. Lambert, who is majority stockholder, will eventually sell all the Sears stores for the real estate value. Sears has been steadily losing ground to competitors like Macy’s, Target, JC Penny’s and Wal-Mart and the Hoffman Estates IL company incurred losses exceeding 300 million dollars for the first half of 2011. The latest strategy for the struggling retail giant is to sell some of its most recognizable brands at the locations of its rivals. The thing is though; this is just speeding up the eventual demise of Sears because if consumers can buy these products at another store then why should they continue shopping at Sears? Ironically, K-Mart is known for offering the “Blue Light Special” on merchandise for Sale but as it pertains to Sears, “Will the last employee to leave please turn out the light?”

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
November 22, 2011

Letter of Apology to Hillary R. Clinton

Dear Hillary:
We are sorry for choosing Barack over you but don't make us eat crow for this grievous political blunder as 17 million women, mostly White have been proven to have not been wrong after-all; and they weren't. The way things are going, your country need you, despite the fact that you mentioned about not seeking political office. Perhaps you want to be head of the World Bank but right now you can still become the first female President of the United States, which you deserve. Barack, along with our own duplicity, stole it from you so let us make it up to you by electing you as President of the United States. During the 2008 Democratic presidential debates you pointed out that Barack Obama was good at making speeches and we turned a deaf ear to your warnings because we were so caught up in the moment; being on the threshold of history in electing a person of color to the presidency that we could not be dissuaded from our course. Barack's exceptional oratory left us mesmerized and blinded by the light which gradually dispelled the darkness of the Bush era with the "hope" for CHANGE; but alas, it was only an illusion. One thing that has been so obvious that even Stevie Wonder can see it, is that "EXPERIENCE MATTERS."

I have read several online comments about a potential presidential run and quite a few Republicans mentioned that even they would vote for you. This is a critical time in America's history and a real leader needs to step up to the plate because sometimes in the course of human affairs you don't seem to have a choice because circumstances choose you, not the other way around. If after reading this impassioned plea from one of the many contrite and repentant voters, then let it be upon your conscience when this great country called America spirals down into an economic, social, political, moral, cultural and even spiritual abyss with no rescue, when you could have helped save this nation. So, if this is your final answer, then thank you very much for being such a hater and a coward!

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
November 22, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Occupy Wall St. demonstrators ignore the real villains

Those protestors who exercise their First Amendment Right of Free Speech to seek a redress of grievances need to rent a copy of the movie, “Distinguished Gentleman” starring Eddie Murphy. While it is true that there are abuses of wealth and power at the financial center of the world and leader of a Free Market Economy and Capitalism, still, the blame should not rest solely on the shoulders of the titans of industry. According to the latest figures from “The Center for Responsive Politics” by Staff Reporter Rob Hotakainen of the Tacoma News Tribune, November 16, 2011, of the 535 members of Congress [100 Senators/435 House of Representatives], 249 of them are millionaires; roughly 47% while only about 1% of American citizens are millionaires. Can someone who is a wealthy Congressman really understand the needs and concerns of struggling, low-income wage earners who have to juggle family responsibilities, work two or more jobs, pay for childcare and have very little or no medical/dental insurance, and on top of that, to decide on whether to pay for medicine or groceries with the little money left over from paying bills? Sure, we can vent our rage against the CEO’s of Fortune 100 and 500 Companies, AIG, Chase Bank, The Big 3 Automakers, and so on, but ignore the fact that it is the members of Congress that need to be chastised, who enact laws that allow for favorable corporate tax loopholes in exchange for generous contributions to their PAC’s and other perks.

Even some members of Congress are board members of large companies or become a Lobbyist for some industry after retiring from the Senate or House of Representatives. Reform on Wall St. won’t take place as long as the status-quo runs things the same old way as they always have in the nation’s capital. I mean, even to run for elected office today requires big money and if you don’t have access to it your message will never get heard. So, all these disillusioned demonstrators are just making news headlines for the moment and getting arrested, but as a social protest juggernaut and grassroots movement that will sweep across the country and bring down the citadels of greed, corruption, capitalism and excessive executive compensation; I think not! Instead of using all that unfocused or misdirected energy without a central or core message beyond the obvious, why don’t the organizers, whoever they are, go to their Legislators in Washington D.C., to the very place where they should have in the first place, and ask Congress to repeal the tax code which benefit the rich and make it “OCCUPY CAPITOL HILL” instead?

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
November 16, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Political fodder for the week ending November 12, 2011

President Barack Obama is hosting a dinner party for world leaders at the Asian Pacific Economic Summit [“APES”]; there is a joke in this somewhere.

Three reasons why Sarah Palin didn’t run for president-#1 is Katie Couric; #2 is Tina Fey; and heck, I forget the third reason just like Texas Governor Rick Perry. Representative Ron Paul has five reasons.

Herman Cain plagiarizes again. The first time it was using Clarence Thomas’ “electronic lynching in the media” and now it is George ‘Dubya’ Bush’s, “I talk to My Heavenly Father and He told me to run for President.”

Texas Governor Rick Perry appears on “Late Night with David Letterman” to make fun of his ‘brain fart’ at the recent GOP presidential debate in Iowa.

Herman Cain appears on the “Jimmie Kimmel Show” to let the public know that he is just a regular guy like them and that all his White female accusers are lying; just trying to keep the Black Man down [Oops, will he decide to use this statement next, too?].

Mitt Romney appears in front of a bathroom mirror, taking his hand and slicking back his perfectly cropped hair, listening to ‘I’m too sexy for my shirt’ while asking, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most handsome, richest and ‘flyest’ top GOP presidential frontrunner of them all?”

Michelle Bachmann appears in front of any camera, even one mounted in a cell phone and says, “I still love and obey my husband-or would you rather have Gloria Allred running for president?”

Newt Gingrich appears in front of the camera and says, “Hurry up and ‘nuke’ Iran before my campaign goes nuclear again in another meltdown.”

John Huntsman appears in front of a camera and says, “I’m really a fun-loving, rugged and daredevil type of individual at heart, like a young Steve McQueen, Marlon Brando or James Dean; although I may look as macho as Michael Dukakis.

The ‘Birthers’ and Donald Trump are half-right about President Barack Obama. It seems although he was born in Hawaii he is really a citizen of an American colony on Mars; according to Dr. Andrew D. Basiago of ‘DARPA’ and Project Pegasus [The U.S. time-space study]. Barry or “Klatuu” as he is affectionately known back home on Mars, forgot to file his alien registration papers before running for President.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
November 12, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Christmas just doesn’t seem so special anymore

Houses will be decorated with Christmas lights, wreaths, mistletoe, yuletide characters and winter motifs that places a strain on some local utility companies from the over consumption of electrical power, but it seems the “real’ meaning of the holiday just seems to get lost in all the commercialization, advertising and marketing strategies from America’s largest retailers. There may not be the scene from a Charles Dickens’s classic in most cities with, “chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose, tiny tots with their hearts all aglow will find it hard to sleep tonight. . .” as embodied in the lyrics sung by the legendary and incomparable Nat King Cole. No, the anticipation which used to accompany this most celebrated of holidays is just an empty shadow of itself despite all the ornaments and Hallmark cards.

In fact, thanks to the internet you can go to a number of websites and browse through a preselected category of holiday scenes or create your own and email the card of your choice to a family member or friend for free, anytime. Funny, stores almost stat pulling out Christmas goods right after Halloween and one of the biggest shopping days of the year is the day after Thanksgiving Day, called interestingly, “Black Friday.” Perhaps this is ironically what the Retail Merchants Association hope that the ‘day’ will represent, the beginning of a reversal in the direction that their members have been going in where they will show a growth in their margins and return to a level of profitability by being in the ‘black’. It is estimated that the commercialization of Christmas accounts for over 40% of the biggest retailers annual revenue by generating around $40 billion into the national economy; more than the GNP of many countries on the entire planet.

This is seeing the Nativity of a young Jewish couple superimposed with Anglo-European features with a young holy babe, the Christ-child and Son of God whose birth into this world was heralded in song by a choir of angels from the very Heaven of God and the Annunciation was “Peace on Earth and good will toward man.” The stargazers who traveled eastward following a ‘special’ light in the sky that seemed to be guiding them to a small, insignificant village in Galilee named Bethlehem where they, beheld Him who is King of the Jews [and Savior of the world] was wrapped in raggedy cloths and laying in a feeding trough for animals, came bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Today’s celebration is traveling to the early 5AM sales and camping out all night and waiting in long lines to honor the Prince of Peace by offering to the merchant cashier in the checkout line- cash, check or credit card [mostly the latter]. People will even trample over each other and fight among themselves just to get that bargain item to wrap as a present, only for the recipient to forget all about it a week after the holiday ends. Yes, this is how we celebrate Christmas, and it is about as empty as store shelves a few days before December 25th.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
November 12, 2011

Joe Paterno: scapegoat or scoundrel?

In the biggest and most recent scandal in collegiate sports, Penn State legendary football coach was fired over allegations that he failed to alert the police after assistant coach Mike McQueary said that he saw former Defensive Coordinator Jerry Sandusky having sex with a ten year old boy in the shower at Penn State’s football facility. This incident regarding Sandusky happened in 2002, the Attorney General indicted two university officials and Penn State Board fired school president Graham Spanier as well as Paterno. Jerry Sandusky has already been arrested on sexual abuse charges which he perpetrated against at least 8 boys over a 15 year period, according to McClatchy News Services. Be that as it may, an anonymous reporter has mentioned that he thinks this is just part of a larger, more sordid practice where young boys were pimped out to rich Penn State benefactors. If true, this is more unsettling than anyone could possibly imagine for a college that has a billion dollar endowment and those who are involved in this conspiracy of silence will very likely face criminal prosecution.

While not wanting to completely exonerate coach Paterno, he did at least notify the Athletic Director and doubtless expected appropriate action to be taken. Paterno once epitomized the idea of a man with moral integrity, family values, and was a father-figure to his players and elder statesman of the campus, who, when you hear the name Penn State, you automatically think, “Joe Paterno.” Now, that image is forever tarnished and one could question whether Joe Paterno is involved in a broader cover-up and for the sake of the college and to protect the identities of its pedophile and sodomizing, deep-pocket contributors. Although coach Paterno has hired an attorney but is this an attempt to protect him from possible criminal charges and prosecution, or instead, is he willing to fall on his sword to save Penn State further embarrassment and further legal action by the State Attorney General as well as additional indictments by the Grand Jury.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
November 11, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Message from a Black Democrat

As an American who typically votes for Democratic candidates, although I have voted for Republicans on occasion because I thought their message was better than their political opponents, it is way past the time to seriously challenge and question the unfailing loyalty of Blacks toward the Democratic Party. How can any person with a brain not be offended by the comment of radio host Tom Joyner a few weeks ago who encourages his listening audience to reelect President Barack Obama, keeping a Democrat in the White House and worry about the issues later? Now, he is not the first person to ever encourage a particular constituency, demographic and ethnic group to vote strictly along party lines but the problem lies in the fact that political loyalty, not substantive, critical examination and rigorous debate on pertinent issues, is the most important thing. I mean, to coin a phrase from Janet Jackson, “Democrats, what have you done for us lately?” Are African-Americans really “Uncle Tom’s” or “Aunt Jemima’s” if they march to another drumbeat and choose to think for themselves; or must we only listen to the voices of Black America’s self-appointed political, religious and social Messiahs where some receive unreported financial donations or contributions from White men with fat wallets?

Maybe such devotion is based upon the collective memories from the past, like the exploits of heroes JFK (John Kennedy) and RFK (Bobby Kennedy) who stood so firmly against racial injustice in the 1960’s, but that was more about political expediency [Black votes] and if they could have avoided involvement in this social time-bomb at the time, they would have. Originally, the majority of White Southern Democrats vehemently opposed the Civil Rights Movement. What about LBJ (Lyndon Johnson) who signed into Law the Civil Rights Bill, while at the same time repudiated MLK by calling him a “Nigger preacher” when he criticized America’s involvement in the Vietnam War? On another note, maybe our love should extend all the way back to Abraham Lincoln, who after all, signed the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves [who were considered 3/5 of a person, by the way]; although his driving motive was more about “preserving the union” than any other reason. Oh, by the way, Lincoln was a Republican and as the old saying goes, “Lincoln freed the slaves but he didn’t give us jobs.”

Herman Cain, the GOP presidential contender who is African-American, and despite the troublesome controversy surrounding allegations of improper sexual conduct, has received surprising support from a political party that hasn’t been known to be as welcoming to minorities in the past, especially one who has such a high profile candidacy. Talk Radio hosts Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity as well as other prominent figures within the GOP, including FOX News Bill O’Reilly or Ann Coulter circling the wagons around their ‘Man of the Hour’ must mean that Armageddon is near.
Michael Steele, former head of the RNC, was the last African-American who held any significant position of power within the party a few years ago, yet there were numerous complaints about him not being competent and effective in his position. The thing is, though, now is the time for the Republican Party and the Tea Party to nurture relationships outside the so-called enemy’s camp and honestly reach out to those whom in the past they would ignore because the Democrats had a ‘lock’ on our hearts and votes; but that is simply not true.

The real problem is that the Republicans have not made their case convincingly enough. It must go beyond just opposing President and the Democrats [because some of us don’t agree with his policies and have noticed a failure to fulfill campaign promises] or use labels but lay out concrete steps in clear and concise language how your plan is better for All Americans; hopefully what you propose can be verified by non-partisan Fact Checker and the CBO (Congressional Budget Office). Blacks also need to realize that historically, we are a ‘conservative’ people in our moral values, social experience, family relationships, religion, work ethic, pursuit of higher education, upward mobility [social class] when it pertains to the attainment of wealth and power, etc. Even some of our oldest and most revered social institutions would be deemed conservative, such as the Black Church, Black Colleges, NAACP, Urban League, Johnson Publishing [Ebony, Jet, Essence, and Black Enterprise magazines], etc. Let’s not ignore the voice of Francis Rice, president of NBR [National Black Republicans], Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice and other Black Republicans; famous and not so famous.

The Republican Party should not be stereotyped and characterized by those segregationists and racists from the ‘Old Days’ like KKK Grand Wizard David Duke, Jessie Helms or Strom Thurmond and we should look upon the “Neo-Republicans” like the ‘Arab Spring’ that is happening in the Middle East where a younger, more tech-savvy and open generation is rising up and breaking the shackles of ignorance, intolerance, bigotry, suppression and control of their thoughts and right to choose their own path. Perhaps this is more like “political Darwinism” where either you change and adapt to the new environment or you cease to exist or become irrelevant, redundant and ineffective. We, as African-Americans have to be willing to listen, to meet the other side half way and we just might find out that that we have a whole lot more in common than at first thought. We can’t do this through political proxies and “talking heads” but we have to meet each other face-to-face, sit down together and have dialogue where we respect each other and accept the fact that we can still disagree without being disagreeable. This is America at her best that allows for the free flowing of ideas guaranteed by our First Amendment Rights under the Constitution and where each person is valued and has the opportunity to enjoy Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
November 9, 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011

Herman Cain needs to throw in the towel

Well, the handwriting is on the wall and the handlers in Hermann Cain's corner need to throw in the towel because he has just been blindsided with a TKO in the form of Sharon Bialek, a White woman from Chicago, who became the fourth woman to allege sexual harassment by the GOP presidential contender. She provides details that are disturbing and it goes a lot further than just inappropriate language, a leering or lustful glance, or even patting someone on the butt. What Sharon describes is a man who has an insatiable sexual appetite who used his position of power to force himself upon women when his advances were not solicited or welcomed. This is even more shocking than the previous complaints against a man who is married with two children and serves as an associate minister at Antioch Baptist Church North in Atlanta, GA.

It is interesting that wife Gloria has not come to his defense as some other spouses have done when their husbands have been involved in lewd behavior or extra-marital affairs. The Democrats should not laugh too loudly because Mr. Cain's moral turpitude and attempted ascendancy to the Oval Office could bring back memories of former President Bill Clinton who had some baggage that he brought along to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.; namely Jennifer Flowers and Paula Jones. And as president, "Slick Willie" had a tryst with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. So, For Hermann Cain, his "999" Plan probably looks more like "666" and for most of us, that's not something that we want to be associated with; religious or not.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St.
Tacoma, WA 98402
November 7, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

America is just as "race-sensitive" as ever

Herman Cain played the “race” card recently to deflect some of the ever-increasing scrutiny about allegations of sexual harassment from at least three different women; which happened over twelve years ago. He was quoted earlier as saying, “I don’t believe racism in this country holds anybody back in a big way.” Now Herman Cain has used the line made famous by Supreme Court Clarence Justice at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judicial Committee, “This is nothing more than high-tech ‘lynching’. . .” And there you have it, using “White Guilt” for political points and using the liberal media as slave master to put in check another ‘uppity’ Negro who has forgotten or doesn’t know his place in the society. President Obama used the ‘race’ card continually throughout his campaign through playing up the part about his white mother from Kansas as well as her parents [his grandparents]. He even made the comparison to not looking like one of the faces [White] on the dollar bill. Heck, it wasn’t until he was practically elected President that he introduced his Indonesian step-sister. There have been other elected offices throughout the country where one of the candidates, namely a white person, had injected the issue of “race” time and time again to gain victory. Even the redistricting and gentrification of certain neighborhoods and regions in various cities or urban areas across America have more to do with race than social class or creating economic empowerment zones. To be sure, Herman Cain’s problems are those of his own making but it will be interesting to gauge the fallout when one of the victims to whom he has alleged to have engaged in “conduct unbecoming” happens to be a White female? If such turns out to be true, his supporters will disappear faster than rats fleeing out of a burning barn.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
November 5, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Herman Cain’s sexual harassment dilemma

Just when the public opinion polls were indicating Hermann Cain might just be the next leading candidate and frontrunner for the GOP presidential nomination, he runs into a media firestorm regarding investigations into complaints filed by two former female employees concerning allegations of sexual misconduct over twelve years ago. The pizza mogul’s explanation recently at the National Press Club is not entirely plausible because his answer to this question is inconsistent at best and vacillating in the least. Of course, TALK Radio has circled the wagons around their “Man of the Hour” by the support of on-air commentators Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. The thing is, though, why would the General Counsel of the National Restaurant Association, while Hermann Cain was CEO of Godfathers Pizza have the one Plaintiff, who was also a Lobbyist, through advice from her attorney sign a ‘Confidentiality Agreement’ to make all of this go away, in exchange for some unspecified financial settlement or agreement if the allegation was totally without merit?

Also, Hermann Cain maintains that he did not sexually harass the two women, or at least, that’s the way he sees it; so accordingly, ‘Sexual Harassment’ is like the description of beauty: “It’s all in the eye of the beholder.” The thing is, though, since the Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill spectacle, the laws regarding inappropriate workplace behavior have been very clear, enforceable and not subject to ambiguity; as he would like to make people think. The legal definition of sexual harassment is [any] “Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that tends to create a hostile or offensive work environment.” Sexual harassment may be physical, such as kissing, hugging, pinching, patting, grabbing, blocking the victim's path, leering or staring, or standing very close to the victim. It may also be verbal, which may be oral or written.

A ‘hostile’ workplace is when a female employee is sexually “objectified” in the workplace, especially from a superior, by an unwelcome or unsolicited statement about her appearance, clothing, perfume, shape (even if it is a compliment), etc, that suggests some kind of favoritism, special treatment, bias or attention that is distinctly made known or expressed separate and apart from others, and which tends to undermine the work environment. It could also be extended to a wanton or lustful look or non-verbal gesture that is degrading, disrespectful, devalues a person or their sexual orientation and gender. So, it may very well be that the only way Hermann Cain can get out the “stain” of this political embarrassment is if he buys a very large box of TIDE [the stain remover].

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
November 1, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Now that the War in Iraq is finally over

President Barack Obama announced that all U.S. combat forces will leave Iraq by the end of the year, thus marking a milestone and turning the page on military conflict that has lasted nearly a decade, cost a billion dollars a month and over 4,400 deaths of American soldiers killed in fighting militant Islamic insurgents. This deadline comes with the approval of the Iraqi Provisional government headed by the interim Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. For the returning veterans it will be receiving a heroes welcome initially, military debriefing and then integration back into a society that in economically anemic with no booster shot in sight to stimulate a struggling and stagnant economic machine.

The forty thousand or so former combatants will have a host of problems, and perhaps the most prevalent will be post-traumatic stress deficiency syndrome (PTSD), nightmares, and what do you do with your life now when for the last few years all you have been used to is killing people and blowing up things? This is not to say that our troops have not been exceptional in doing constructive things in Iraq such as help rebuild the infrastructure [roads, bridges, schools, hospitals] and restoring electrical, sewer/water and sanitation services, but with an unemployment around ten percent nationally, what skills can these soldiers offer in a very competitive marketplace that can’t even provide adequate employment opportunities to the most recent college graduates with technical and advanced degrees?

Another thing that hasn’t been discussed is the future role of the U.S. military and its mission to protect America domestically and abroad. Warfare as it has been waged in the past is gone forever and a new kind of fighting has been shaping up. The enemy wears no particular uniform and doesn’t meet you out in the open on a vast battlefield; it isn’t a jungle trail in Southeast Asia with overgrowth covering a ditch booby-trapped with sharpened bamboo poles at the bottom, or other deadly projectiles, or landmines; nor do troops storm a sandy beachhead from amphibious boats to breach razor wire and destroy large guns firing exploding 100mm howitzer shells from a concrete bunker. It is urban guerilla warfare using innocent civilians as human shields with explosives strapped to their bodies. It is using technology in the way of disposable cell phones to detonate IED’s [improved explosive devices], cyber warfare and computer viruses to make vital systems malfunction and inoperative, and it is creating a meltdown in financial markets throughout the world. It is WMD’s (weapons of mass destruction) in the form of chemical, radiological, or bacterial that can produce casualties on a massive scale; almost like a global pandemic.

So, the conventional deployment of thousands of troops and having to bivouac and support them with all the logistics and equipment will give way to the more elite, quick strike force teams like Navy Seals, Green Berets, Army Rangers, and Special Forces. There will be more of an emphasis on intelligence gathering in collaboration with the CIA, Navy Intelligence, Homeland Security and increased use of GIS/GPS systems as well as unmanned predator drone surveillance [and attacks, if necessary]. It must also be remembered that before the War on Terror officially started in 2001, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was going around the country and closing some military bases. This practice will resume because America cannot any longer continue to afford paying for the operation of Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine military installations in the United States and around the world because it is now just too cost prohibitive. There will of course be consolidation of some bases to reduce redundancy of operations and personnel but the remaining ones will be closed permanently. It is painful and unpopular but hard choices have to be made so while all Americans celebrate the return of our men and women in uniform from Iraq, some of these same ones will be competing with the rest of us for the few and scarce jobs that are available.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
October 22, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Republican’s early holiday gift to Barack Obama

Call it an early Christmas present but the GOP candidates for the nation’s highest elected office is a house divided. Instead of engaging in robust discussions regarding some of our most daunting challenges as a nation the political theatre has mainly produced a two-act play pitting two main actors against each other in a real-life dramatization about who is an “authentic” Christian. For Mitt Romney, who is Mormon, this is dĆ©jĆ  vu or like the movie “Groundhog Day” where he relives his past over and over again. He is slick and polished, and honest-looking, like a used car salesman but as the Latin phrase goes, “caveat emptor.” Rick Perry is an Evangelical Christian whose religious dialogue with God and faith experience is uncannily similar to that of his gubernatorial predecessor and former President of the United States, George “Dubya” Bush. Michelle Bachmann was “Cinderella” until the clock finally struck midnight and one minute later she has been as relevant as a ‘Raggedy Ann’ doll.

Newt Gingrich imploded from the start like an errant WMD whose target was itself. Ron Paul, the darling of the Lyndon LaRouche crowd is like a lone tree falling in the forest that if nobody is there, who hears the sound that it makes? And then there is John Huntsman who is the perfect gentleman, but he has about as much charisma as former Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis. Not to forget about Governor Chris Christie, who initially received a little sympathy support to throw his hat into the ring but decided against it; perhaps he looked less like the usual politician and more like a contestant on “The Biggest Loser.” Hermann Cain, the former Godfather Pizza magnate (Mr. 9-9-9) was asked to comment about whether he thought ‘Mormonism’ was a cult on CNN’s “State of the Union” last Sunday and said that he was not going to compare Mormonism vs. Christianity, but by the mere fact that he mentioned it in that way means he had already considered it as a “cult” and not Christian. Even Sarah Palin has decided not to campaign for President but thinks that she can better serve the American people by being our voice and championing our concerns by holding the Washington D.C. politicians feet to the fire on the hot button issues. For President Barack Obama, it seems that his only “real” opponents to a second term in office are THE ECONOMY, House Majority Leader, Representative John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
October 13, 2011

Friday, August 19, 2011

Texas Governor decides to run for President

Texas Governor Rick Perry has finally entered the race as the Republican Party’s nominee for president of the United States, after months of speculation by political pundits. The one thing which can be said about Mr. Perry is his rather non-apologetic entry into the national spotlight and take-no-prisoners attitude. The one thing that may eventually turn off some of the electorate is the swagger of this gun-totin’ shoot-from-the-hip Chief Executive of the great State of Texas is that southern bravado and blunt talk, which he does with great abandon. Perhaps this should be expected from Governor because he is just following in the footsteps of other Texans who have had quite a few notable quotes of their own. Former Houston Mayor Louie Welch was once asked the question by a reporter in 1987, “What are you going to do about the gays?” He said, “I don’t know, I guess take them out somewhere and shoot them.” In 1990, Texas oilman Clayton Williams in his gubernatorial bid was once quoted as saying, “What can you do about the weather, it just like being raped; it’s inevitable [there’s nothing you can do about it] so you might as well just sit back and enjoy it.”

Now Rick Perry has added his quotes to the political lexicon with statements like Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernacke should be tried for treason and if he were in Texas the people there would really do a job on him; you know, “Don’t Mess with Texas.” In the common vernacular, ‘they would treat him like a stepchild that stole something.’ And who can’t forget the now famous Perry ‘dis’ to a reporter: “Adios MoFo.” The only person who probably has more of those down home Texas sayings is former CBS News anchor Dan Rather; although Sam Donaldson, of ABC News, another Texan, doubtless has some witty repartee also. Don't be too surprised if NBC’s “SNL” has an upcoming skit in the works but this is not a laughing matter, with America’s economic future and way of life at stake. It is not known when the Texas Governor will either shoot himself in the foot or insert his foot into his mouth to end his presidential bid, but it will come; and it just may very well be when the political dust settles that Michelle Bachmann will be the “Last Man Standing.”

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 18, 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Spanking as a form of discipline had its merit

There is an old African proverb which goes something like this: “It takes a village to raise a child” and it is so true. One of the things that probably contributes the most to juvenile delinquency is a lack of discipline; starting in the home. This is the environment where a child is first introduced to the values and conduct which will make him a productive and law-abiding member of society. If a child was seen doing anything wrong ‘back in the day’ then any adult, especially a neighbor or friend of the family would grab their belt and call the child over to them and give them a whipping [spanking]. Not only that, but word would get back to the parents who would beat the child; and maybe the aunt, uncle, or even the grandparents, might choose to administer their dose of discipline, too. There was no such thing as the child cussing out anyone, threatening them or even fighting back because nearly everyone [in the Black community, especially] has heard, “I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it, as well.” And just about every boy has feared his dad growing up, who was usually meaner-looking and a lot bigger and someone that you didn’t want to get on his bad side.

The one cardinal family or house rule that was almost sacred was “respect for your elders” or any adult person; regardless as to whether you knew or even liked them or not. This attitude was especially important in the schools when it came to interaction with teachers. Just like Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, discipline in the form of swatting an unruly student’s butt was school policy, and the long walk down the hall to the principal’s office was a much dreaded affair and effective deterrent in most cases. This method of enforcement seemed to keep at a minimum schoolyard violence, expulsions and delinquency. Then one day a few Social Scientists and Mental Health Professionals in addition to a growing number of White parents began to allege that this treatment traumatizes the students [their children] and it was deemed as “abusive.” Since it later became “Law” that a teacher could no longer discipline a child in this manner, afterwards, this law was extended to include the home, also. Now with all the legal protections in place a child could virtually do what he or she wanted with impunity because after-all, no one could lay a hand on them; at least, no one except the police.

So, what is the legacy today from people like Dr. Benjamin Spock and other proponents of letting the child sit on “time out” or take away some of their privileges [like watching television and other favorites] or, if they want something then just let them have it? Well, there are more school dropouts and students failing to graduate, increases in teenage alcohol and drug use, pregnancy, gang affiliation and criminality leading to incarceration in jail or prison. Obviously, there are other socio-economic factors at work here and the blame cannot be placed entirely upon the shoulders of a few medical experts, lawmakers, and parents [many of them single-parents] and it just may be too late to reverse course because the genie is already out of the bottle. It does make one wonder, however, if there wasn’t something right and good about “spare the rod and spoil the child?”

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 15, 2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Mortgage crisis is an evolution of collective greed

It is sad to see empty driveways, streets littered with trash and debris and abandoned houses in a neighborhood resembling a “ghost town” but this is also the “new” norm in America. The question can be asked as to what has happened to that golden ‘American Dream’ of owning your own home? Well, the answer is a lot simpler than most people think and it can be answered in one word, “greed”? You see, there was a time long ago in this country when one of the main goals in life was to purchase a home and live in it to raise your family; which usually meant until your children graduated from college, got married and had the grandchildren come visit until their teen years, or so.

It wasn’t too unusual for three generations to have lived in the same house at some point in time. A home was thought of as a kind of a permanent symbol so you won’t be a forgotten memory and you can bequeath a lasting legacy for future generations. In a way it is like the Native Americans connection to the ‘land’, it is your own sacred place on the earth. Generally, the times when a house was sold occurred when an occupant died or an elderly or infirm occupant was relocated to a Nursing Home, or as property settlement in a divorce proceeding. Mortgages were usually held on the property for twenty years but sometime during the late 1970’s there was a strategy being circulated where you could pay off your house sooner. Instead of the standard twelve monthly installments per annum [year] the homeowner could remit three extra payments to be applied toward the principal amount of the loan and not have it sent into the escrow account. This usually resulted in mortgages being paid off in thirteen years or so. It may not have a big deal if only a few homeowners did this but when thousands of people began using this technique, then obviously the holder of the note began to be a little concerned.

After this practice went on for some time, penalties were assessed for paying off the loan early and in some instances, loans were not granted unless the applicant agreed to make payments for the duration of the loan. The Banks and S&L’s who financed mortgages for twenty years made most of their money off the interest payments in those first seven years or more and then the homeowner started to chip away at the principal amount. When it was all said and done the homeowner usually ended up paying at least twice the original loan amount over the two decades. Next what came on the real estate market radar were those adorable and appealing ARM’s (Adjustable Rate Mortgages), whereby you can move into a home and make affordable payments and then a few years later your mortgage payments will increase gradually. The thinking was that if a person was still employed then they would probably be getting a raise during the time and should be able to afford the note. Even with a merit and COLA (Cost-of-Living-Adjustment) increase, it was not enough to pay that balloon payment which increased the payments by 50% and sometimes double what the premiums were previously.

In theory, the ARM’s were supposedly adjusted to interest rates, the yield on T-Bills, the rate of inflation or long-term corporate bonds. It seems rather, that this was more like those companies that offer interest-free financing for five years, which is great, but if you are late or miss making one payment, you are charged all the accumulated interest for those five years. This was really the handwriting on the wall because people started defaulting on their mortgage loan payments because of the ARM’s but despite the alarm bells and red flashing lights, financial institutions were heavily leveraged in residential mortgage securities and loans, with backing and approval by the federal government.

Now here is where it really gets interesting: During this time also there were books written by multi-millionaires who acquired their wealth in real estate and seminars sprang up in cities throughout America teaching people on ‘Main Street’ how to make money like the fat cats on ‘Wall Street’ and that is through a technique known as “flipping.” What is was basically is someone buys a house [not for the purpose of a homestead] and hold onto it for a short while and then puts it up for sale when the value of it appreciates beyond what his loan obligation is; usually to the tune of several thousands of dollars. This is, in my opinion, what sounded the death knell in the Real Estate market; and for this simple reason: A house or residential property appreciates in value over time based upon equity and escrow balance. Of course, the federal government through the IRS fed this frenzy through its tax law which stipulated that proceeds resulting from the sale of a primary domicile [residence] was not taxed as ordinary income.

In a typical mortgage payment there is PITI [principal, insurance, taxes {escrow} and interest] and all of this is tied into what is called the “Time value of money.” If a home loan is renegotiated after a couple of years due to the county tax assessors property appraisal there is no real increase in appreciable ‘equity’ or value in the house as well as very little escrow beyond what is sufficient to pay property taxes and prevent the mortgage payment from increasing. The thousands of homeowners who did this over the decades ‘”only” exacerbated an already growing problem [mortgage foreclosures and bankruptcies] along with complicity from: banks, S&L’s, credit unions, and the federal government, including Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginny Mae.

So, what can be done about it? Perhaps the first thing is to start depositing money back into savings accounts instead of allocating most or all of our discretionary income [cash minus bills] into a 401-k plan or an IRA for retirement. One of the two main reasons that banks don’t like to loan money is because the average American has a zero balance in their savings account and banks loan money based upon a ration of deposits [cash and cash equivalents] that they have on hand. Although the housing market for residential real estate is in a slump, commercial property investiture has been steadily rising year after year. The reason that banks are more apt to fund a merchant account is because the particular business has deposited money into its account or offered some form of collateral that can be converted into cash that the bank uses to make a profit.

If the average commercial account was like the average individual depositor with a zero balance and nothing of monetary value as collateral, then no business loans would be made. The other thing is major credit cards belong to a bank and when someone is delinquent on their payment obligations and files bankruptcy, then guess who has to absorb that loss-the same bank that you go to and apply for a mortgage loan. Thousands of Americans can’t just conveniently treat credit cards like its “free money” and then turn around and just wash your hands of any further financial responsibility just because you can’t afford to pay on your account anymore, because one thing affects another and the crisis we are in is just “the chickens coming home to roost.”

Lastly, before even considering buying a house, take inventory of your personal motivation for buying a house in the first place-is it as a ‘homestead’ or are you in it for “profit?” The next thing, which is probably the most important, is for the federal government to get out of the mortgage business by insuring or guaranteeing residential loans. The government is not a business or company that manufactures, produces, or sells goods and services, but rather all it has the authority to do is tax and print money.

The financial lending institutions should use “common sense” when it pertains to establishing guidelines for loan applicants. No person or family should be approved for a home loan if it exceeds twice their annual income and the down payment on a house should not exceed 5% of the loan amount. In the present climate of a depreciated real estate residential marketplace and weak economy this should spur more home-buying and free up money sitting idle in the bank vaults or at the Federal Reserve. The thinking here is that it is better to get a person into a house that they can afford with as little financial stress as possible, because they just might stay in it long enough without defaulting on their obligations for the holder of the lien or title to make their money back with interest during the first 7 to 10 years on a 20 year mortgage loan. The one stipulation though, is that the homeowner has to promise to stay [homestead] in it for the duration of the loan unless some unexpected circumstances intervene. In this way it would seem to be a “WIN-WIN” situation for everyone involved.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 3, 2011

The Federal debt-limit compromise is a "deal to nowhere"

As former President George W. Bush would say, “sounds to me like fuzzy math” because as reported in The Tacoma News Tribune and Associated Press on Tuesday August 2, 2011, the agreement between President Barack Obama and Congress to avoid defaulting on its fiduciary obligations to pay on its debt, averted, at least for the moment, a government shutdown and sending America further into a steeper economic recession, as well as panicking financial markets worldwide. The thing is though, was this really good and responsible legislation or just another case of passing the buck or kicking the can down the road for the next administration?

The government “debt-reduction” Plan:

1. To raise the current $14.3 trillion ceiling by an additional $900 billion, then between $1.2 trillion to $1.5 trillion.

2. A special joint congressional committee is to come up with “new” deficit-reduction measures by Thanksgiving and Congress [The Senate] must vote on by year’s end. They are required to write a bill for reducing deficits [government spending] over the next ten years by another $1.5 trillion, but how does that make any sense when government spending exceeds $3.6 trillion every year [#4b]? The committee could change entitlement programs as Medicare, Social Security, and amend the existing tax code. If they did want to make such changes, that would seem to go against previous statements by the president to protect Social Security and Medicare.

3. The combined [$14.3T + $2.4T] $16.7 trillion increase should be enough to fund government operations and pay its debt through the 2012 election without the President and Congress needing to go through this process again.

4. According to the Congressional Budget Office [CBO] the $900 billion in cuts to federal agency budgets will be phased in over a ten year period, while for the next year alone the cuts would “only” amount to $21 billion, and how is that going to make a difference when government spending will exceed $3.6 trillion [FORMULA: $3.6T-$21.0B/$3.6T=5.84%]?

5. There were no “specifics” on which non-defense programs will be spared besides SSI, low income [HUD and others??] and Medicare.

6. The government is cutting funding in infrastructure projects [parks, roads, bridges, highways]; the very areas that President Obama said would generate thousands of jobs for Americans. There have also been cuts to educational programs [Pell Grants and loans], which again, President Obama guaranteed that every American student who wanted a college education and could not afford one would get one, as it would make us more competitive globally; especially funding areas in such courses as Science, Math and Engineering.

7. The one sticky point is President Obama wants to tax corporations and wealthy individuals while Republicans don’t want this to be part of any tax reform.

If one looks at the numbers it seems that this so-called “New Deal” is nothing more than an “old” cop-out and at least three things it is in reality tailored to do: (1) appease nervous [jittery] major foreign government investors not to start dumping trillions of dollars in T-Bills, (2) pass the buck to another ‘special’ congressional panel to come up with a ‘real’ solution because nobody else has or can, (3) and to postpone any significant legislation until after the 2012 Election, when possibly a new administration will have all of this mess to deal with that is leftover from “OBAMAMERICA.”

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 2, 2011

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Shooting death of Tacoma city worker very sad

Tacoma News Tribune staff writer Adam Lynn reported on Thursday July 14, 2011 about the accidental shooting death of Code Enforcement Officer Lisa Melancon. This is another one of those inexplicable freak occurrences where a firearm is discharged and the person who is killed was not the apparent target. What started out as an argument and the exchange of nasty text messages between two teenage females spiraled out of control and involved male acquaintances of both of them wherein a fight ensued between the guys [Jordan Kudla and Manny Castillo], which was next door to Melacon. Olujimi Blakeney, a friend of Castillo’s fired a round in the air to break up the fight, after previously pointing it at Kudla’s mother [who was hitting her son and Castillo with a baseball bat to get them to stop fighting] and allegedly threatened to kill her, fled from the scene of the altercation in Herman Jackson’s car and pointed his revolver outside the passenger-side window and fired blindly as he was making his getaway.

The bullet struck Melancon in the head, who had gone outside on the front porch of their house to call her husband back inside because he had gone out to see what was going on. City of Tacoma Deputy Prosecutor Jerry Costello wants to charge Olujimi Blakeney with First Degree Murder because he says the perpetrator [Blakeney] showed an extreme “indifference” to human life. In order to satisfy the legal requirement for “Murder in the First” the Prosecution must prove: (1) A person is guilty of murder in the first degree when: (a) With premeditated intent to cause the death of another person, he or she causes the death of such person or of a third person; or (b) Under circumstances manifesting an extreme “indifference” to human life, he or she engages in {conduct which creates a grave risk of death} to any person, and thereby causes the death of the person [RCW 9A.32.030]. Most likely, the Deputy PA will seek to prove part (b).

There is however, another provision in the Criminal Law Code of Washington State which could also meet the requirement for unlawful conduct, namely, Murder in the Second Degree: (1) A person is guilty of murder in the second degree when: (a) With intent to cause the death of another person but without premeditation, he or she causes the death of such person or of a third person; or (b) He or she commits or attempts to commit any felony, including assault, other than those enumerated in RCW 9A.32.030(1)(c), and, in furtherance of such crime or in immediate flight therefrom, he or she, or another participant, causes the death of a person “other than” one of the participants; except that in any prosecution under this subdivision (1)(b) in which the defendant was not the only participant in the underlying crime, if established by the defendant by a preponderance of the evidence, it is a defense that the defendant. . . [RCW 9A.32.050]

Mr. Costello may have his work cut out for him to prove the higher threshold of Murder in the First because he has to provide evidence which shows that Blakeney engaged in “conduct which creates a grave risk of death” and explain what the legal definition of that phrase means. On the other hand, it would seem that based upon the information that has come out so far and not having access to the Charging Documents, the crime of Second Degree Murder is a much stronger case because Blakeney was (1) involved in the commission of a felony [assault]; (2) he took immediate flight from the scene [extending or furthering the crime]; (3) and his discharge of a firearm caused the death [accidental] of someone [Lisa Melancon] who was not involved in the original assault [allegedly threatening Mrs. Kudla]. Even the possession of a revolver by Olujimi Blakeney is most likely a felony because he may have had a prior felony conviction on some other charge. Be that as it may, it is so sad and such a tragedy when something like this happens because it is sudden, unexpected and is forever; live for all the families involved in this tragic event will never be the same.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 15, 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011

America's economic trouble requires a "We the People" solution, not a political one

The one thing that is becoming increasingly clearer by now is that our elected officials don’t have the answers to solving our problems. They tell us what we want to hear and blame the other political party for being obstructionist and partisan, and yet, aren’t they equally as biased towards serving their own particular constituency and supporters? Politicians cannot fix what’s broken [I guess it’s above their pay grade] and when they show “Humpty Dumpty” to the public, he is a legislative patchwork of duct tape or held together with rubber bands and paper clips. It’s funny, but the Tea Party as a grassroots movement initially had the right idea, and that was to reform the way things were done in the Beltway by wanting to limit the power of Big Government [Federal] and the influence of corporate lobbyists [special interest groups], thereby preserving to the “People” the power to control their own lives and make decisions that serve their best interests and the public welfare. It is under the U.S. Constitution’s Declaration of Independence that a free people can amend or abolish any form of government that deprives them of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness [without ‘Due Process’]; and of which does not promote the general welfare and domestic tranquility of its citizens.

It is time to realize that although we are a nation of many individuals from diverse backgrounds yet we are “all” in this rut together and it is going to take our ‘collective’ intellectual, technical, scientific, spiritual and creative energies [imagination] to save all of us. We can no longer pay attention to the divisive labeling and characterizations of Americans who are just as patriotic, God-fearing and who love this country just as much as anybody else. It isn’t about popularity, celebrity, or even hypocrisy, but rather who can come up with solutions. Sometimes we forget that we breathe the same air and if a butterfly flaps its wings, the effect can be felt somewhere on the planet. None of us is an island unto himself so why not put aside all of the nonsense, bickering, finger-pointing and roll up our sleeves, get to work and try to figure out our way out of this fiscal nightmare and economic mess that even some of the experts haven’t been able to come up with the answers.

Perhaps the best way to go about this is to attack the problem from all sides, that is at the local level [community/town], city, county, state and then all the way up to the federal government. The first thing to acknowledge is that all problems cannot be solved at once and that each and every person is responsible to make sacrifices and contribute in some way, because there are no free lunches. For whatever reason, it seems people are so averse and adamant against being taxed, but yet they still want to benefit from the resources and services that those very unpopular taxes provide as revenue to these same agencies. Somehow, “taxation without representation” means, we pay too much in taxes already so we don’t want to pay more. This attitude forgets to take into account that more people than ever before are receiving payments from some government program today than at any other time in the nation’s history.

Of course, nobody wants to pay taxes, but more importantly than that, no one wants to pay more that their fair-share; there are a few, however, that don’t want to pay at all. Former hotel heiress Leona Helmsley was once quoted as saying, “only losers pay taxes.” The one thing that makes America one of the greatest countries on earth is the unrivaled spirit that people have when it comes to voluntary giving through philanthropy and private donations. Funding doesn’t always have to be the result of a bond, levy, bill, referendum or proposition. There are at least two avenues to pursue when it comes to solving the budget and financial crisis facing all business sectors [private, public, state, federal, etc.], namely, to promote and advertise through some non-for-profit organization or foundation the benefit of public support on a voluntary basis to keep certain programs viable and serving the community. The next idea, which is not new because some schools already use it to motivate academically poorer students to get better grades or higher SAT scores, and is performance-based. A similar approach could be used, which is an incentive program that rewards any great idea, whereby if it is used, the submitter will receive financial compensation or in this case a cash annuity like the lottery. If the person is a teenager, they can receive a full 4 year full-ride scholarship to any university in the country, along with the annuity if they qualify; which can be used to pay for living expenses if living off campus or for whatever.

This strategy means thinking out of the box and is a fundamental shift in the way that things are done but considering the dismal track record that exists now and how politicians seem more interested in Texting pictures of themselves wearing briefs or boxer underwear, this is a much better use of taxpayer money. This can be done at any government level and some age restrictions and other guidelines would apply but it shouldn’t be any different from entering a sweepstakes, game contest or even playing in the State Lottery. Perhaps something like this has been tried in the past and it was more trouble than it was worth to set everything up and administer it. Well, that may very well be but isn’t it worth a second look and remember that it was either Thomas Alva Edison or Alexander Graham Bell that failed in his experiments 99 times before he came upon the one that succeeded. Besides, the way things are going, what do we have to lose?

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 14, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

Miami Heat wilted in front of hometown fans

It looks like King James may just have to wait a little longer for his coronation because it seems that Dirk Nowitzski of the Dallas Mavericks is holding it, along with the NBA finals title of MVP. Miami Heat players LeBron James and Dwayne Wade mocked Dirk Nowitzski with gestures of choking up, but it seems that they were the ones who couldn’t come back in the final minutes of Game 6 to even the series at 3-3. In one of the most controversial trades in recent NBA history, the Cleveland Cavaliers sent LeBron James to the Miami Heat, joining a roster that included all-stars Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh. The “Dream Team” of professional basketball had all but been assured a championship ring with this level of talent, but it seems that their bubble was burst by an upstart Dallas Maverick’s team owned by colorful owner Mark Cuban. This improbable win will have sports analysts and fans of the game scratching their heads in disbelief for some time because statistically, this series should have been a clean sweep for the Miami. And besides, who would have thought that a White guy and B-ball player from Germany would steal the honors and glory from a home-grown legend-in-the-making? The city of Cleveland and Cavalier fans are doubtless very happy at this unexpected outcome, and for LeBron James, he is learning that it takes more than just exceptional skill to be a champion, and revenge is a dish best served cold, which is what he will be chewing on for awhile.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 12, 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011

Sarah Palin has her own "birther" issue to deal with

The controversy over President Obama’s place of birth has dogged him ever since his presidency amid allegations that he is not an American citizen and is derided by some of his detractors as the illegitimate president. He has been accused of being born in Indonesia or Kenya and then moving to Hawaii. When the president initially released the short form of his birth certificate it was received with suspicion because it lacked some of the more vital information that is contained in more authentic and official looking forms. It is only recently that President Obama sent his personal attorney to Hawaii and petitioned the State Health Director Department of Vital Statistics to release a copy of the long form birth certificate in order to finally silence his critics and put closure on this long overdue distraction that had began to undermine his policy agenda. The dust may have settled on this matter for the president, but when it comes to Sarah Palin, the issue of whether she is Trig Palin’s biological mother has been simmering on the back burner for some time now. Pictures of a supposed 7 month pregnant Sarah Palin as well as her unexpected and hasty return to Alaska while leaking amniotic fluid and suffering contractions, thereby canceling a previously scheduled appearance in Texas, although her condition was unbeknownst to anyone in her inner circle. Sarah has previously chided President Obama about his birth records, however, the former Governor of Alaska and political celebrity has been remiss in producing an official birth certificate of her youngest child, Trig.

When Sarah was John McCain’s Vice Presidential running mate, she appeared in public like a Norman Rockwell family portrait hugging a child with Down’s syndrome held lovingly in her arms. Nowadays, the mother of a disabled child can be found hamming it up in front of those same “liberal” media cameras that she has expressed such disdain for; whether she travels to India, Haiti, Washington D.C. or New York to meet with billionaire real estate mogul, Donald Trump, FOX NEWS special contributor, or house shopping for and buying a 1.6 million dollar house in Arizona while most Americans have foreclosed mortgages. Outside of riding on the back of a ‘Harley’ into the Nation’s Capital on Memorial Day or continuing to travel across the country on her self-promoting “ONE NATION” bus ride to show the rest of us Americans how to appreciate our Constitutional heritage; as though we need her guidance. The thing is, the woman who promotes family, faith and all of that, who is taking care of her special needs son? It seems that her husband Todd is part of her entourage and is seen almost as often as she is, so who is taking care of home, which is so important to this pit bull soccer mom and momma grizzly? It might be one thing if she actually was a candidate for political office, then one could support her sacrifice for the public good for time away from her family to take on some of the more challenging issues of talking about health care, the economy and jobs, the federal deficit, national security, pre-K through HS education, college tuition costs, prison overcrowding and crime, campaign finance reform, among other concerns. Be that as it may, the former Alaska Governor, author, reality TV star, and soon to be recipient of an undisclosed sum of money for the rights to make a made-for-television movie about her life, Sarah Palin knows how to pick her battles, the ones that she knows she can win.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 3, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Putting the brakes on producing Electric Cars?

The initial premise behind producing eco-friendly, lithium-ion battery powered electric motorized cars that you can recharge by plugging into a 220 volt outlet or charging station sounds like the dream-come-true answer to reduce America’s carbon footprint and addiction to foreign oil, but is it nothing more than an illusion? Electricity is being touted as clean energy, which it is in most respects, but there is one significant omission that proponents are forgetting to remind the public, namely, that the majority of America’s electrical appetite is being supplied by polluting hydrocarbons. According to a 2009 study, Coal accounts for over 45%, followed by Natural Gas at 23% and lastly, Petroleum by-products at 1%, for at total of at least 69% to supply our total energy needs.

Outside of these, the next largest industry is Nuclear, and considering the Fukishima, Japan Daiichi reactor meltdown of March 11, 2011 and the Chernobyl RBMK reactor Nuclear Power Plant disaster in April 26, 1986 in the Ukraine as well as Three Mile Island (TMI) in Harrisburg, PA partial meltdown of TMI-2 reactor core resulting in the release of radioactive Krypton-85 gas and Iodine -131 into the surrounding environment on March 28, 1979. Those people living downwind of the disaster reported lung cancer and leukemia rates 2 to 10 times normal as well as a spike in infant mortality rates two years after the event. Considering all of this concern over the safety of nuclear energy, it is very unlikely such unpredictable and potentially dangerous substances will be used as a reliable energy source provider in the present or near future.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
May 25, 2011

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Another End of the World prophesy fails to happen

Pastor Harold Camping’s prediction about the world ending at 6PM EST on May 21, 2011, seems to be the latest installment in a string of failed Doom’s Day prophecies stretching back as far as the middle of the First Century AD. The Jewish separatist religious sect called the Essenes might have believed the countdown to the final apocalyptic battle between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness occurred when the Roman legion under the command of Titus destroyed the Jewish Temple in 70 AD.
There have been many others, such as in the following from a GOOGLE search:

2nd Century
The Montanists believed that Christ would come again within their lifetimes and establish a new Jerusalem at Pepuza, in the land of Phrygia. Montanism was perhaps the first bona fide Christian doomsday cult.

Rome celebrated its thousandth anniversary this year. At the same time, the Roman government dramatically increased its persecution of Christians, so much so that many Christians believed that the End had arrived.

Hilary of Poitiers predicted the world would end in 365.

The Donatists, a North African Christian sect headed by Tyconius, looked forward to the world ending in 380.

Late 4th Century
St. Martin of Tours (ca. 316-397) wrote, "There is no doubt that the Antichrist has already been born. Firmly established already in his early years, he will, after reaching maturity, achieve supreme power."

Roman theologian Sextus Julius Africanus (ca. 160-240) claimed that the End would occur 6000 years after the Creation. He assumed that there were 5531 years between the Creation and the Resurrection, and thus expected the Second Coming to take place no later than 500 AD. (Kyle p.37, McIver #21)

Hippolytus (died ca. 236), believing that Christ would return 6000 years after the Creation, anticipated the Parousia in 500 AD. (Abanes p.283)

The theologian Irenaeus, influenced by Hippolytus's writings, also saw 500 as
the year of the Second Coming. (Abanes p.283, McIver #15)

Apr 6, 793
Elipandus, bishop of Toledo, described a brief bout of end-time panic that happened on Easter Eve, 793. According to Elipandus, the Spanish monk Beatus of LiƩbana prophesied the end of the world that day in the presence a crowd of people.

Mar 25, 970
Lotharingian computists foresaw the End on Friday, March 25, 970

Sep 23, 1186
John of Toledo, after calculating that a planetary alignment would occur in Libra on September 23, 1186 (Julian calendar), circulated a letter (known as the "Letter of Toledo") warning that the world was to going to be destroyed on this date, and that only a few people would survive.

Feb 14, 1420
Czech Doomsday prophet Martinek Hausha (Martin Huska) of the radical Taborite movement warned that the world would end in February 1420, February 14 at the latest. The Taborites were an offshoot of the Hussite movement of Bohemia.

Feb 1, 1524
The End would occur by a flood starting in London on February 1 (Julian), according to calculations some London astrologers made the previous June. Around 20,000 people abandoned their homes, and a clergyman stockpiled food and water in a fortress he built. As it happened, it didn't even rain in London on that date.

Feb 20, 1524
A planetary alignment in Pisces was seen as a sign of the Millennium by astrologer Johannes Stoeffler. The world was to be destroyed by a flood on this date (Julian), Pisces being a water sign.

May 27, 1528
Reformer Hans Hut predicted the end would occur on Pentecost.

Oct 19, 1533
Mathematician Michael Stifel calculated that the Day of Judgement would begin at 8:00am on this day.

Apr 5, 1534
Jan Matthys predicted that the Apocalypse would take place on Easter Day (April 5, Julian calendar).

Jul 22, 1556
In 1556, a rumor was circulating that the world would end on Magdalene's Day, as recorded by Swiss medical student Felix Platter.

Apr 28, 1583
The Second Coming of Christ would take place at noon, according to astrologer Richard Harvey. This was the date of a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, and numerous astrologers in London predicted the world would end then.

The Millerites [William Miller], a North American religious group [Seventh day Adventists], predicted that the Second Coming would take place in 1833, but when nothing happened they rescheduled the event for 1844.

Back in 1844 a preacher named Samuel Snow, based on a prophecy in the Book of Daniel, predicted the world would end on October 22.

In Chicago, a housewife named Dorothy Martin, said she came in contact with beings from the planet Clarion who told her the world would be destroyed on Dec. 21, 1954 by flood and that the faithful would be rescued at midnight by flying saucers. But there was no flood. No saucers.

Since 1970, Hal Lindsay, the Christian Science Monitor reports, has been predicting the end of the world. His book that year was titled “The Late, Great Planet Earth.” He wrote another book 26 years later titled “Planet Earth 2000 A.D.: Will Mankind Survive?” He said Christians should not make any plans after 2000.

Pat Robertson, the famed evangelist, said in 1980: “I guarantee you by the end of 1982 there is going to be a judgment on the world.”

COMMENTARY: Of course, one cannot forget the panic or anxiety regarding Y2K [the year 2000] and now we have, May 21, 2011. Some people might have thought that September 11, 2001 [911] as the Beginning of the End, but as it turns out it is rather a new normal for American national identity which seems to be a gradual erosion of First Amendment Rights and Privacy issues for the sake of National Security. Interestingly, Pastor Camping made an earlier prediction about the End Time or Rapture but it failed to come to pass, also. Camping uses what he says are the holy numbers 5, 10, and 17 to arrive at a countdown of 722, 500 days starting from 33 AD on April 1st [April Fool’s Day??]. The thing is, none of these secret numbers that he has supplied are considered sacred or special as mentioned in the Biblical canon like the numbers 7, 12, 4, or possibly even 3. Consider the words of Jesus in which He says:

Matthew 24: 11, 36 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.

Jeremiah 23: 18 Thus says the LORD of Hosts: Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you. They make you worthless; They speak a vision of their own heart, not from the mouth of the LORD.

Deuteronomy 18: 22 When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken; that prophet has spoken it presumptuously [falsely]; you shall not be afraid of him [give heed to him].

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
May 21, 2011