Thursday, July 31, 2008

Is Barack Obama Playing the “Race” Card?

I think using the "race" card cuts both ways. America is increasingly becoming more intolerant of this kind of divisiveness and polarization of candidates running for elected office and in other arenas; which has traditionally been wielded by a White guy. So, it would clearly not be to John McCain's advantage to use it, although he would probably like to. Of course, it can be argued that John McCain did play the “race” card by his campaign releasing a political Ad on Senator Obama with two of the paparazzi’s favorite “blonde” party girl’s, Brittany Spears and Paris Hilton in the background. Conversely, these two women can be viewed as portraying Obama as elitist, a celebrity, a flake (Politically naïve), and someone who should not be taken seriously for the nation’s highest elected office. If McCain really wanted to use the “race” card, he could imply that Obama has a ‘thing’ for White women (revamping YouTube’s “Obama Girl” video), or associate him as identifying with some of the ‘thug life’ Gansta’ Rappers, or a sure SELL for White America [and many Black Americans, too] is another “WILLIE HORTON” political Ad.

Barack Obama on the other hand, is in the unique position to sort of use the “race” card indiscreetly and in some cases not so indiscreetly because no person of color has ever been in this place before; certainly not at the level that he is. It is almost an oxymoron, that is, a Black candidate using the "race" card against himself; who ever heard of that? It is interesting that Senator Obama would mention that he doesn't look like previous individuals who addressed the people of Germany or his features aren’t like those whose faces are on currency (all White men), so it is quite innocuous or very, very, clever. Why state the obvious when it is so apparent unless by the mere mention of his ‘Blackness,’ it psychologically disarms (beats them to the punch) those who might want to use it to discredit him from becoming President of the United States.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 31, 2008

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Miley Cyrus is not Hannah Montana

Perhaps one of the biggest disadvantages to being a Mega recording-Star, teen idol, role model, and for Walt Disney productions, a marketing franchise, is that people forget that you are in some respects just an ordinary teenager. Sure, not many teenagers can say that they are the daughter of “Achey Breaky Heart” legend Billy Ray Cyrus, but nevertheless, being a teenager comes with the same issues as with everyone else. No doubt she faces enormous pressure to be the little Miss Perfect “tween” with Christian values and Miley has to be careful who she has as friends, what she says to the ever-curious media, the image she portrays to the public, and even what she does in her private moments with her most trusted confidants and family members. It certainly would not come as much of a surprise that even at this stage in her young life and career Miley might indeed have, ‘the best of both worlds.’

Sometimes it seems as though you aren’t ever allowed the luxury of ever growing up, but growing up is part of living. Even making mistakes or exercising poor judgment in certain social situations as in the case of Jamie Lynne Spears’ pregnancy at 15 years of age; which is quite an unexpected turn of events for one “Zoe,” of NICKOLODEON fame. Be that as it may, it doesn’t seem a this point that it was the end of the world for her and even if she doesn’t walk back into that character role or another one at Disney, hopefully other opportunities will be offered to her in the future.

The same can be said for Miley Cyrus; that no matter what she might chose to do in the coming years, and some of her performances or public behavior or the way she dresses might raise some eyebrows, possibly causing her to be cast into the same group of paparazzi favorites as Brittany Spears, Amy Winehouse, Lindsay Lohan, and others, remember that she has the right to make her mistakes; just like everybody else.

However, no doubt there are odds makers in Las Vegas taking bets on when the cutesy little innocent-looking virginal Princess will grow up, take control of her life, career and finances; turn into a vixen, and start wearing a sexy black leather dominatrix outfit, singing, “I’m Not That Innocent” (remember Brittany's song??). For Miley, the thing she has to cope with is to know that there are big differences between your alter-ego character and the ‘real’ you. The only lesson that Miley has to learn is to be true to who she really is and not try to live her life to please others or to live up to other’s expectations because that is the surest way to live a very unhappy life, indeed.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 30, 2008

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Barack Obama’s Rise from Political Obscurity

It is hard to believe that a first-term Junior Senator from the State of Illinois is only one political Convention and four months away from being elected as the forty-fourth President of the United States. There aren’t enough superlatives and accolades to describe this historic ascent, not only in terms of the racial significance but perhaps just as importantly, in terms of fundraising. Barack Obama beat out one of the most influential power-couple in modern political memory and ‘Super Stars’ of the Democratic Party, Bill and Hillary Rodham-Clinton. What it took the Clinton’s over 35 years of public service to accomplish, first as then Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas and two terms of President, and Hillary as First Lady of Arkansas and First Lady of the United States in addition to both the Clinton’s advocacy in behalf of Civil Rights, Women’s Rights, HealthCare (Hillary), etc., Senator Obama all but eclipsed and made to look as also-rans by raising more money during the Primaries and Caucuses.

This is all the more amazing because in order to be that successful, you have to plan ahead for quite some time and have the grassroots support and teams of volunteers in place to do all the canvassing of neighborhoods, making telephone calls to voters, registering non-voters, planning the logistics of setting up campaign offices, hiring staff and volunteers, placing campaign ads, and of course, getting the money from donors. The phenomenal success of the Obama campaign makes one think that this decision to run for the Presidency was not made on a whim because it seems they hit the ground running and knew exactly what they were doing. Through use of the Internet, thousands of donors could make unlimited small donations, and one could ask how could someone who is quite literally from outside the “mainstream” of political, social, and economic power in modern America able to amass a campaign war chest of approximately three hundred million dollars?

There has to be more to it than Senator Obama surrounding himself with young, college-educated, tech-savvy, mostly White, millionaires. Surprisingly, there might be some old money behind this as well because no neophyte would have the ‘know how’ and young people could not have put this thing together so well; no matter how talented they might be. No, some experienced veterans were behind this thing from the very beginning and although it may not matter in the long run, it would be naïve to believe that Senator Obama’s meteoric rise to National and International recognition is the result of having written his groundbreaking best-selling book, “The Audacity of Hope.” What has gotten the Senator this far in his “Election Quest” just might be by ‘the same old nasty’; which he has managed to finesse and clean up in such a way that it appears to have changed to look decent, honorable, and different.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 29, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Surge is Working; that is, for the Taliban

For the past several months, the news media has been reporting on the resurgence of almost Blitzkrieg attacks, mostly from deadly mortar fire upon the U.S. troops in Afghanistan, and it seems like the “surge” is working; at least for the Taliban. The American military Commanders in Afghanistan will need more troops and Presidential contenders Barack Obama and John McCain have mentioned about supporting the Pentagon request as well as by Commanders on the ground inside Afghanistan by backing the request to authorize up to two or three additional brigades to support the already 23, 000 soldiers presently there. Senator McCain likes to talk a lot about how much the “surge” is working and keeping the troops in Iraq as long as is necessary, and how he supported ‘George Bush’s War’ from the beginning, but it seems that no one was keeping their eyes on Afghanistan; that is, until recently.

As far as Iraq is concerned, ‘improvement’ is a far cry from ‘success,’ and rumors of raising the champagne glasses for a victory toast are a bit premature. It must be remembered that the issue of having an adequate troop level in Iraq persisted almost from “DAY ONE;” with Gen. Eric Shinseki (2003), L. Paul Bremmer, civilian head of the U.S.-led Coalitional Provisional Authority (2003), and more recently, by Lt. General Ricardo Sanchez (2007). The opposition to the increase to make Baghdad and the other provinces of Iraq more secure was Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense (2001), the Pentagon, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Vice-President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and lastly, by President George W. Bush.

What might appear to be apparent is not necessarily the reality because one of the important strategies is warfare is to ‘feint’ a retreat/defeat while you muster your forces for an unexpected massive assault or to redeploy your forces to attack the enemy at a weak spot when it least expects it or is not equipped to counterattack. It must be remembered that President Bush single-handedly declared a War on Global Terrorists, meaning, not just in Iraq but everywhere. If al-Qaida cannot exert its will to bring about a ‘Caliphate’ Iraq, it doesn’t matter that much because Iraq was more or less a secular society under Saddam Hussein and the Baathist political party; although the country was largely comprised of Sunni, Shiite, and Kurdish religious and ethnic groups.

It seems that al-Qaida and the Taliban are much better at playing chess than the Pentagon, State Department, and all the members of the prestigious think tanks in the West who specialize in Middle Eastern affairs because these Arabian Knights may have jumped across the military chess board to the nearest square in Afghanistan, where their Knight may have put the King [Bush] in check (jeopardy; politically speaking), and it my be checkmate for our brave and patriotic troops.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 27, 2008

Friday, July 25, 2008

NAACP Alleges Racial Bias in Trial of Middle School Principal

In the Tacoma News Tribune SOUTHSOUND, section B, FrontPage article on Friday, July 25, 2008, “The NAACP alleges racial bias” from the office of Pierce County, WA Prosecutors case against Harold Wright Jr. The case was brought about by a then, 19 year old White female student at Spanaway High School back in 2004, whom she accuses of rape. The jury convicted Mr. Wright and a co-defendant, Richy Carter, both of whom are African-Americans, of third-degree rape in July 2007. According to RCW 9A.44.060,
Rape in the third degree.

(1) A person is guilty of rape in the third degree when, under circumstances not constituting rape in the first or second degrees, such person engages in sexual intercourse with another person, not married to the perpetrator: (a) Where the victim did not consent as defined in RCW 9A.44.010(7), to sexual intercourse with the perpetrator and such lack of consent was clearly expressed by the victim's words or conduct, or (b) Where there is threat of substantial unlawful harm to property rights of the victim.
Even rape in the second degree requires a legally stringent test as evidenced by RCW 9A.44.050

Rape in the second degree.

(1) A person is guilty of rape in the second degree when, under circumstances not constituting rape in the first degree, the person engages in sexual intercourse with another person: (a) By forcible compulsion; (b) When the victim is incapable of consent by reason of being physically helpless or mentally incapacitated;

In order to meet this criterion the Prosecution would have to prove, “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt” that the victim did not consent to the sexual encounter, and that the victim’s lack of consent [and intention] was ‘clearly’ expressed by her words and actions that would be apparent to her assailants. Also, the DNA tests would have revealed not only the presence of bodily fluids matching one or more of her assailants (as with Mr. Carter), but there would also be forensic evidence of forcible vaginal penetration. Some other troubling facts to the case is that the victim and her friends were at a bar partying and drinking when they met some Black men and one of them invited either all of the girls together or the lone victim to accompany them to an unidentified man’s townhouse.

The female victim doesn’t recall all the details and cannot say with certainty that she had forcible sex with one man or two, whereupon she was raped in an unlit bathroom that was too dark for her to clearly identify who violated her. There was however, DNA evidence matching those of Wright’s on the woman’s body to which he said was brought about by her brushing up against him while dancing with nothing on but a bra and jeans. Perhaps the bigger question for Wright is one of moral responsibility and common sense because why would a married father of 3 daughters and a Vice-principal (at that time) exercise such poor judgment being in that situation?

Another thing which doesn’t add up is the Plaintiff’s assertion about having a fear of Black men, which seems to run counter to her behavior on the night in question 4 years ago. Also, it is curious that the Prosecution would exclude the only Black juror (“male”) and appoint an alternate who had no power to deliberate. Mr. Wright, of course, is still not out of the woods yet because even if he did not participate in criminal behavior but rather observed one taking place and did not attempt to prevent it from occurring or if he did nor inform the police as soon as possible, then he is just a “guilty” as the actual perpetrators. When the appeal for a “Writ of certiorari” is granted and ‘Justice’ is finally satisfied after a new trial and judicial review, perhaps Mr. Wright will have learned a valuable lesson; something that is not taught in school. It is better to keep your zipper up and to keep it at home where it belongs.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 25, 2008

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

John McCain Can’t Get No Respect

In what is beginning to sound like a broken record, Republican Presidential nominee John McCain accuses the media of favoritism towards Barack Obama. What is emerging from the McCain campaign sound more like whining and sour grapes than presenting the best case before the American voting public why his policies are in their best interests and not those which are advocated by Barack Obama. John McCain is beginning to seem more like the late comedian Rodney Dangerfield, “I Don’t Get No Respect,” than as a serious contender for the Oval Office.

The latest political Ad to be released from his camp is a parody of news correspondents and anchors swooning over Senator Obama and in the backdrop, Frankie Vali’s, “I Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You.” Frankie Vali? How many people, except those around McCain’s age even know who Frankie Vali is, let alone get the seriousness, if any, of the parody? The only thing the montage might have shown is that McCain is out-of-touch and ‘Old School,’ a relic out of some remote past, and people are forward-thinking and looking to a brighter tomorrow in the future.

John McCain is reminiscent of Bobby Ewing from the old “DALLAS” television series of the 1970’s. In one episode, Bobby Ewing complained to his dad, Jock Ewing (CEO, EWING OIL Company) about how his brother J.R. Ewing got control of the company by outmaneuvering him. Instead of being sympathetic and supportive, this rough and tough, former Texas wildcatter told Bobby, “Nobody gives you power, you seize it.” Instead of John McCain crying in his beer as it were, he needs to have a really good plan that will help restore the economy, shore up the mortgage crisis and sub prime lending practices, have a universal health insurance plan, talk more about immigration, make the case for global warming legislation, and come up with a better plan for solving the energy crisis as well as bringing the troops home. If John McCain does some more homework and comes up with a realistic solution, not just a different one from Barack Obama’s, the media will inform the public; until then, McCain should just relax, sit back and have a few cold ones.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 23, 2008

Monday, July 21, 2008

Does Barack Obama Have “the Right Stuff” to be President?

America is a nation which is founded upon grand ideals and the overriding greatness of this country is that it is a land of boundless opportunities and limitless potential. It is a place where a person can dream big and achieve whatever your mind can conceive. America loves the underdog, the long shot, the million-to-one odds; and it lavishes abundant praise and honor upon the winner. There is also one other important factor which perhaps outweighs all other considerations, and that is, Americans have a keen sense of destiny; as in the case-in-point regarding Democratic Presidential nominee, Senator Barack Obama. For the first time in the founding of this Republic, a non-White male is on the verge of securing this nation’s highest elected office and will be Commander-in-Chief of the greatest military SUPER-POWER in world history.

There is an old saying that goes like this: “With great power there comes even greater responsibility.” It is one thing to want to sit in the Oval Office and quite another thing to actually experience it. It is easy to hurl political stones at an incumbent officeholder, but when you are in that chair, you become the target for everyone and unlike it is with SPORTSMEN looking for game, the HUNTING SEASON, politically speaking is every day, year round; and anyone who wants to take a potshot at the new target of their frustrations, uncertainties, and anxieties don’t have to wait and renew their license. Senator Obama once made a remark about Americans being bitter and relying on their religion, guns, and crying in their beer; well, these are the very same people that he is going to have to serve as President.

Also, what came out during the Primaries and Caucuses, up to the present time is that Barack Obama doesn’t like criticism and gets a little testy when it is leveled against him or his wife, Michelle. In all due respects to the Senator, the print and broadcast media have been surprisingly lenient and the LATE NITE comedians have certainly refused to use the kind of fodder that has been leveled against George Bush or Hillary Clinton. The only shows to do any meaningful comedy skits about Barack were “SNL” and “MADD TV;” but that was months ago. It is as though everyone is afraid of the backlash which will ensue for picking on a Black man, and it will be seen as ‘racist.’ The question is when an African-American or racial minority comedian, activist, commentator, educator, politician, or rapper says unflattering things about Barack, is that racist, too? It is time for everyone to start taking off the ‘kid’ gloves with this candidate and hammer away. If Barack can’t stand the heat, then he needs to get the “HELL” out of the kitchen.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 20, 2008

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Barack Obama Acting Like the President Already

The Democratic and Republican Conventions haven’t convened yet nor has Barack’s name been placed before the Convention delegates and voted upon and approved by the majority uncommitted Super Delegates, but it doesn’t seem to matter anyhow. The outcome of the Convention must be a foregone conclusion, so President-Elect Barack Obama has decided to start his Presidential inaugural and the symbolic ‘first hundred days in office,’ a few months ahead of time. Perhaps Barack was on to something with his bestseller, “The Audacity of Hope,” and a follow-up sequel to that would be another book with the title, “The Audacity of Presumption.”

It is of course entirely proper for a U.S. Senator to go on a fact-finding mission as part of a Congressional delegation to Iraq, Afghanistan, Europe, or anywhere else in the world where the vital interests and military forces of America are involved. On this past weekend, Senator, Oops, President-Elect Barack Obama met with Hamid Karzai, President of Afghanistan to assure him of continued aid to the country and support for the government.

Next on the President-Elect’s Foreign policy mission is to meet with Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany as well as leaders of other European nations. The chair at the Oval Office won’t have a chance to cool off because Barack Obama is already keeping it warm, and in some way the transition team has already started to move in new furniture. The only thing left to do now is for Michelle to decide what kind of dinnerware the ‘First Family’ dines on, the special meals that a finicky Barack wants to have prepared, and the new type of drapes she wants hanging from the White House windows. Perhaps First Lady Laura Bush can give her a few suggestions on that last one.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 20, 2008

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The MLK Burden: Moving Beyond the Dream

It is extremely difficult to write anything new about Dr. Martin Luther King jr. because quite frankly, everything has already been written about him. The task is daunting; comparable to writing about Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and for some, it is just as sacred. Nevertheless, when one considers all the annual celebrations in his memory along with the honor of being the only African-American to have a National holiday, it is almost unthinkable. Elementary School children as well as U.S. Presidents past and present, quote Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream,” speech with awe and reverence for this remarkable man; and yet, is this really the way that MLK would want to be remembered?

So often, we hear the speeches and read the words of Martin Luther King jr. but without understanding the man that he was. If we want to understand MLK, then we have to go beyond the “I Have a Dream” speech and the march on Washington D.C., into viewing old newsreel footage, personal interviews, letters, excerpts of his doctoral thesis and other writings; which reveal a surprisingly complex man full of contradictions, doubts, fears, resolve, and extraordinary courage; and one who wasn’t always so sure that “Non-violence was the Answer.”

Martyrdom does make one into a ‘saint,’ and one wonders in retrospect, if MLK had not been assassinated, would he be as revered as he is today? Is the symbol greater than the man? In death, Dr. Martin Luther King jr. was ‘perfected’ and he cannot ever be anything other than what we would like to remember that he was in our hearts; even if he never wanted to be elevated to such a “celebrity.” Martin Luther King jr. didn’t make history, but rather it made him. He merely continued in the footsteps of Sojourner Truth, Pastor Vernon Johns, Emmett Till, Rosa Parks, Medgar Evers, and other citizens who fought for justice, equality, dignity, and respect.

There were other voices in the Black community who were more restless with being mistreated by Whites in the America of MLK’s times, and “Turning the Other Cheek” was not their response to being beaten up by the police; and subjected to acts of brutality and lawlessness, especially by those who were supposed to be upholding the Law. Not only that, but the vision of MLK, who saw himself, as “the conscious voice,” of those socially, educationally, and economically insignificant, oppressed, and marginalized Negro people, who the United States government failed to guarantee the rights of full citizenship according to the Constitution. His ‘Dream’ was that others would take up the Civil Rights banner and continue to march on until victory is won; not just simply talk about the things that he did some four decades later.

Yes, for Martin Luther King jr. it was just a “Dream” but for us, we need to wake up and stop ‘dreaming,’ quit re-living the past, and let’s stop dishonoring Dr. King because the more we continually celebrate his accomplishments year after year without doing anything ourselves, we make him into nothing more than a mere ‘symbol.’ A symbol is not a ‘real’ thing in the world and what we need now is something more tangible and concrete, emerging from the shadows of myth, imagination and memory to make a change that is morally imperative, spiritually viable, socially acceptable and sustainable to such an extent that a ‘dream’ is no longer necessary.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
January 21, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Jesse Jackson’s Egregious Comment Against Barack Obama

Jesse Jackson, the heir-apparent to the MLK legacy and standard bearer for the glory days of the Civil Rights Movement in this country, may well be remembered for the disparaging and unthinkable comment he made against Democratic Presidential candidate, Senator Barack Obama; as opposed to the fight for equality for women, human rights, and social justice for people of color as well as poor Whites. Jesse should have known better, since he lived through those turbulent years in America of racial hatred, miscegenation and Jim Crow Laws, voter disenfranchisement and poll taxes for Blacks; not to mention discrimination at lunch counters, and signs displaying the word “COLORED” or “NO COLORED ALLOWED” in public places such as in parks, swimming pools, public transportation, playgrounds, water fountains, theatres, restrooms, etc.

Jesse Jackson is an astute student of history and knows full well the psychological impact of the word “castrate” on the Black male. In the almost forgotten memories of the past, resurgent images of Black bodies flayed with the whip, stripped bare and bloodied, dangling from a noose attached to the sturdy branch of a tree; stripped bare, naked, impotent, trembling, emasculated, robbed of humanity, spirit, dignity, while painful screams fall upon deaf and uncaring ears, and the final and shameful blow, the cutting, tearing and ripping away of that precious symbol of masculinity and manhood, the ‘genitals.’

There can be no excuse for any Black man to be so careless in using the word ‘castrate’ and there is no equivalent nor can any apology assuage this socially blasphemous deed. Jesse may have had a little ‘capital’ before this incident but it is all used up now. In fact, Jesse is bankrupt and bereft of any moral or spiritual leadership and authority whatsoever. Rosa Parks, who was formerly referred to as the “Mother of the Civil Rights Movement” by refusing to get up give up her seat to a White man on a Birmingham, Alabama transit Bus, thereby allowing all of us to stand; Jesse Jackson needs to sit down now because it seems that he has been standing way too long.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 14, 2008

Was Hillary Right About Obama?

Senator Hillary Clinton pointed out during the Presidential Primaries that Senator Barack Obama has shifted positions on a number of key issues not only during their debates, but this information can be verified and is also part of the Congressional record, it seems. Senator Obama voted in favor of the Bush-Cheney 2005 Energy Bill; he voted against the 1996 Federal Legislation for Welfare reform; his position on Nuclear Energy is unclear; he endorses Hillary’s Clinton individual mandated Health Care Coverage, at least in principle, but opposes it publicly; Senator was against legislation offering immunity to telecommunication companies which conduct electronic surveillance on American citizens (FISA) but now supports compromise legislation offering retroactive immunity to these companies, reversing his prior threat of a filibuster to block passage of the ‘bill’ on the Senate floor.

Now the latest about face or adjustment to unforeseen circumstances is in consideration of the resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan. Senator Obama made the pledge earlier in his campaign about bringing the troops home, and while he still intends to do that, the troops may have a short stay-over in Afghanistan; possibly only a few months or years, who knows? As the Convention and General Election looms before the electorate, candidate Obama is found leaning more to the Center or the Right, politically speaking, than that of the “Tower of Pisa,” in Italy and his words are beginning to sound more like the proverbial Used Car Salesman, “Flim-Flam Man,” or even the charming “Snake Oil Salesman,” selling cures for all kinds of ailments; when in fact, all he seems to be peddling is a bottle of plain old water and some tea leaves.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 14, 2008

Barack Obama’s Religion and the Oval Office

It seems that every other week there is a renewed interest and alarming concern over whether Democratic Presidential nominee, Senator Barack Obama is a “Muslim” or not. This scrutiny is so unnecessary, if not for the sheer idiocy and fickleness of the American public’s insatiable curiosity and irrationality when it comes to religion and politics. This nation was conceived with the establishment of religious freedom as the basic core of its principles and foundation, and yet, it seems as though this very cornerstone is used to disqualify noble aspirants to the highest elected public office in the land. Over forty years ago, another man, a decorated naval officer and war hero, almost didn’t get elected because of concerns over his ‘Catholic’ faith, who coincidentally, became one of the greatest presidents our country ever had; that man was none other than John F. Kennedy.

When Republican Mitt Romney ran for President, results from various pollsters showed that over 25% of Americans indicated they would not support a “Mormon” candidate and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee received support almost exclusively from “Evangelical Christian” supporters in a number of Southern states. It can also be said without equivocation that a candidate who is Jehovah Witness, Seventh-Day Adventist, Church of Christ Scientist, Theosophist, Bahai’, Hindu, Buddhist, Catholic, Jewish, and other religions too numerous to mention would not be elected as President; no matter how fine their moral and spiritual qualities as well as faith are.

And now, Barack Obama has to divert from his important message of “CHANGE” to try and put to rest the rumors of his religious faith, so here is a realistic possibility. Barack Obama’s father practiced the religion of Islam and when Barack stayed with him for a brief time in Kenya, like any devout Muslim, the senior Obama would send his son to religious training at a ‘Madrasa’ as well as teach him at home. No doubt, a young Barack learned the basics of the Koran, dressed in traditional Muslim clothing and prayed five times a day toward Mecca. When Barack returned to stay with his mother and grandparents who were Christians, he was taught the Bible and the basic Christian principles. Barack’s mother also exposed him to other religions but it wasn’t until his mid-twenties that he made the decision to confess Christ as his personal Savior.

The nonsense over whether a young, impressionable Barack received indoctrination at a ‘Madrasa’ into a terrorist or jihadist mentality or even his rather unusual name is so asinine as to not merit further comment. The real issue is, why a particular religious litmus test is the barometer which measures the electability of a candidate, and more importantly, who makes that determination. Does the largest Protestant Christian organization determine who should be the President of the United States when the majority of American citizens do not belong to that religious group? And what about those who believe in God or the Creator but do not attend any religious services on a regular basis. To borrow from Susan Powter’s former book title, it’s time to “Stop the Insanity” and get about the real important work of restoring this country back to its former greatness instead of worrying over trivial things.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 13, 2008

“Cognitive Dissonance”

The Primaries and Caucuses are over with for both Democratic and Republican Presidential candidates, and yet, both Senators Barack Obama and John McCain are still referred to as 'presumptive' nominee for their respective political parties. It seems that journalists and their editors, political pundits, network news commentators and their station managers, rarely consult "Webster's Dictionary." The word "presumptive," is derived from "presumption," 3; a legal inference as to the existence or truth of a fact not certainly known that is drawn from the known or proved existence of some other fact.

The General Election is in operation and with just about four months until November, the American people sure had better find out before the National Conventions of both Republicans and Democrats, who their candidate is, right now. Politics being the way it is, Senator Obama shifts to the 'Center' and McCain shifts in 'Neutral,' so in retrospect, maybe it is prudent to say "presumptive," after all, because in this race anything can happen before McCain or Obama reaches the 'finish line.'

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 6, 2008

Barack Obama’s Father’s Day Speech

Over Father’s Day weekend, culminating on June 15th, Democratic Presidential nominee, Senator Barack Obama decided to give a speech about Absent Black Father’s; chiding them in his address for not living up to their responsibilities. Ironic isn’t it, because a few years ago comedian Bill Cosby gave this very talk to which he was met with consternation, jeers, and criticism. However, candidate Barack Obama, while preaching to a packed crowd of parishioners from the pulpit of The Apostolic Church of God on Chicago’s Southside, was met with enthusiastic applause, a standing ovation, and cheers. It would seem that the Black Community is sending out mixed signals.

On the one hand a particular message is condemned and at another venue the same message is praised. The term, “Don’t shoot the messenger,” doesn’t apply in this case because it just depends on who the messenger is. Besides all that, wasn’t the Harvard-educated Law School graduate concerned about these same issues previously when he was a community organizer on Chicago’s Southside about twenty years ago?

The acceptance of Barack Obama is reminiscent of John Kerry and the “Swift Boat” Ads in a strange sort of way. Barack Obama wasn’t one of us, but now he is one of us before he became one of us; it’s just that confusing. Does Senator Barack Obama bend in whichever direction the political winds carry him, and what was that poignant speech supposed to accomplish anyway? Will the many Black AWOL and MIA fathers suddenly return home and become a part of their children’s lives, emotionally, socially, financially, and mentally?

However, it was convenient to have the most publicly recognizable Black man in America, and throughout most of the world, to speak on such a sensitive topic that very few others could with such candor and respectability. The Reagan Democrats, Independents, Moderate Republicans, AWFC (“Angry White Female Clintonites”), and the rest of White America are all watching Senator Obama very closely to see whether he is for ‘real,’ or is he just a mirage that will disappear in the cool spring water of the oasis of political reality.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 15, 2008

Popular Movie Miscasts Teenage Pregnancy and Adoption

The article appearing in the Sunday edition, July 6, 2008, "Tacoma News Tribune" COMMENTARY (B7) page by Guest Columnist Maggie McGuire missed the point of the movie, "JUNO," completely. The points brought out by Maggie were excellent but the problem with all of the analysis is that it paralyzed her objectivity. The entire premise of the movie is totally fictitious and as such is purely 'entertainment.'

As far as her concerns over the messages that teenage girls will get, this one movie will doubtless have very little impact on the decisions that many young teenage girls make about their sexual behavior and the consequences. In fact, considering the more powerful appeal of messages and content from music videos, the Internet, and peer pressure, "Juno" would likely be ranked as juvenile by comparison.

Ms McGuire's concerns are certainly appreciated and respected, but one must not mistake confusing a fictional character for the 'real' thing; like the former Republican Senator Dan Quayle did regarding the character of "Murphy Brown," played by actress Candace Bergen.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 6, 2008

Dr. James Dobson Unfairly Criticizes Barack Obama

The Christian group “Focus On The Family” is scheduled to release previously recorded segment of a radio telecast in which their founder, Dr. James Dobson expresses sharp disagreement with Democratic Presidential nominee, Senator Barack Obama. What fueled this controversy is an excerpt from a speech Senator Obama made two years ago when he referenced Dr. Dobson in using the Bible to guide public policy. Dr. Dobson feels that Barack Obama is lacking in understanding of the biblical texts and is “deliberately distorting traditional (Cp. Matthew 15: 2, 6??) theology to fit his own worldview;” in other words, Senator Barack Obama’s interpretation is that of a ‘fruitcake, ’especially when it comes to the Constitution. Perhaps Dr. Dobson should reread Matthew 18: 7: “Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to the man by whom the offense comes!

Anyway, it seems that the good doctor has missed the entire point of the Senator’s message, and whether Dobson’s name was used or Franklin Graham, Robert Schuler, Pat Robertson, Joel Osteen, Pope Benedict XVI, Rick Warren, or T.D. Jakes; the meaning is nonetheless, all one in the same. Religious authority cannot be and should not be the basis in formulation of civil laws, in violation of The Constitution and upheld by the judicial authority of the Supreme Court of the United States. Barack Obama is right in pointing out the inherent weakness in the use of biblical textural guidelines because of the lack of agreement among those of different Christian churches as to which interpretation is the ‘right’ one.

There were some who believed that Black people bore the ‘mark’ of Cain (Cp. Genesis 4: 15b) and who were destined to be slaves (Cp. Genesis 9: 18, 22, 24-27). Not only that, but a few passages in the New Testament seem to uphold the institution of slavery (Cp. Ephesians 6: 5; I Timothy 6: 1-2). In the letter to PHILEMON, the apostle Paul converts a runaway slave he met named Onesimus and encourages him to return and faithfully serve his master (Cp. Philemon 10-16). Dr. Dobson scoffs at Barack Obama’s use of the book of LEVITICUS as an example regarding those who would use it to observe Jewish dietary laws, but there are devout Christians as well as Jews who solemnly adhere to this ordinance as well as observance of the “Sabbath.” According to so-called traditional interpretations of the Bible, women should honor, love, and obey their husbands; and be barefoot, pregnant and doing chores all day instead of out in the workforce or engaged in other activities outside of the home (Cp. Ephesians 5: 24; Titus 2: 4-5).

No, Dr. Dobson, Barack Obama is not “Wacko-Jacko,” but is speaking words of sober political, moral, and civil reality. Do yourself a favor and take the prescription found in Luke 4: 23a . . . “Physician, heal yourself!”. . .

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 24, 2008

“Don Imus At It Again”

Just when you think we’ve all heard the last race-related commentary from elderly shock jock Don Imus, it’s like one of Brittany’s old hits, “Oops, I did it again.” This time, White America’s whipping boy for racial insensitivity has made yet another politically-insensitive statement about African-Americans; this time about NFL player Adam “Pacman” Jones. Imus made an off the cuff remark about Jones arrest history on his radio show mentioning that Jones is ‘Black’; implying, Now let that be the reason. Of course, Mr. Imus doesn’t get the benefit of the doubt from African-Americans and quite a number of White people based upon his previous commentary about the starting players on the Rutgers Girls Basketball team being, “Nappy-headed Ho’s.”

In this case, it is not quite sure what his intended meaning is because a disproportionate number of Africa-American males between their mid-teens and possibly late thirties are incarcerated. Blacks make up less than 15% of the general population in America and yet over 50% of jails and prisons are persons of color. Be that as it may, certain self-appointed guardians of the Black race will be offended in behalf of all Black people, voice their grievances in public before the eagerly anticipating news cameras and microphones, while at the same time securing private, back door, and secretive financial donation fruits-of-contrition from the offending party. Anyway, what Imus said, then and previously, although one could vigorously denounce it, nevertheless it is “protected speech” under the First Amendment of The Constitution of the United States.

If Blacks really want to deal with ‘racism,’ then the first thing to do is, “get real.” The culture that influences our youth to emulate the many images in rap videos has to change with more positive messages instead of misogyny, profanity, sexual situations, violence, and especially using the ‘N’ word. Rapper Ice-Cube once said that it doesn’t bother him if someone [probably not White] called him a “Niggah,” but don’t call him a ‘Bitch,’ or it’s “Goin’ Down.” So I guess it’s cool for all those White kids driving down the street blastin’ their loudspeakers and repeatedly using the ‘N’ word or even when they greet one another, some will say, “What’s Up My Niggah, or Niggaz.” The ‘racist’ White promoters, distributors, and industry power brokers make billions of dollars behind all of the CD’s, music videos, concerts, tours, MTV, VH-1, BET, I-pods, and yet, we are upset when a nobody like Don Imus says something that angered us or hurt our feelings.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 25, 2008


When the Japanese ‘Kamikaze’ pilots bombed Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, no one could decipher intelligence chatter within the Department of the Navy, the Pentagon, the NSA, CIA, Army Intelligence, FBI, and in Congress. The same can be said for the event of September 11th, nearly seven years ago. Since this is the case, why do the Bush Administration and the same bureaucracy think that a Democratic Iraq, consisting of Sunni, Shiite, and Kurdish factions will lead to a stable Middle East? The last time Iraq was a power in the Middle East, although under the brutal regime of Saddam Hussein, ‘SCUD’ missiles were launched into Kuwait and Haifa, Israel.

It is doubtful that the Israelis are as supportive of a stronger Iraq and the citizens of Kuwait should be wary of future attempts to annex the region to be included back within the ancient territory of Iraq. When Iraq finally does becomes a stable political and military entity, the American, European, and UN troops will not have any control over a self-governing nation; and under International Law the United States and her allies will be without legal authority to interfere in the internal disputes within the country as well as get involved in external ones outside the country. When Iraq finally exercises its national sovereignty, it might be at odds with U.S. policy or objectives and there is nothing outside the threat of economic sanctions that can be done about it.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 28, 2008

Presidential Candidates Miss the Mark on Health Insurance Debate

It all started with, then First Lady Hillary Clinton nearly twenty years ago. Critics and advocates alike have railed against the seemingly confusing policies to make available to American citizens the right to affordable health insurance. Other countries such as Canada, Germany, Sweden, Great Britain and others as those, have been successful in implementing some form of “socialized” medical treatment for their citizens. Since it is an election year, the promise of a universal John McCare, HillaryCare, or a BHO [Barack Health Organization] Plan doesn’t quite address the fundamental issue in all of this; and that is namely, ‘lifestyle choices.’

The prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of American Medical Association, the Centers for Disease Control, the American Mental Health Association, American Association for Applied Psychology and others have no doubt pointed out the alarming rise in mental health issues and obesity among Americans of all ages. In the industrialized world, America ranks among those of Third World Developing Nations in the overall health of its citizens, which is obscene and a shame. Sadly, the truth of the matter is that the average person isn’t concerned about their health until they become hospitalized and diagnosed with some sort of incurable disease. Even traditional Western Medicine is based on treatment through surgical procedures or radiation therapy and not on a more holistic approach through prevention.

Due to the abundance of food resources it is much easier to adopt an “Epicurean” or “Bacchic” approach to life; and that is to eat, drink, and be merry; to live life to the fullest and then tomorrow we shall die. Advertisers appeal to our insatiable appetites to eat whatever is in front of our eyes and even natures most perfect food, “milk,” might be good for a baby calf but I am not so sure that the same can be said for human consumption. Grocery store shelves are teeming with all sorts of packaged delights with colorful labels listing the ingredients of nutrient-deficient high caloric foods in small print containing artificial colors, flavors, vegetable shortening, sugar including high fructose corn syrup, emulsifiers, and chemical symbols or names that would be found in a Chemist’s laboratory; which tempt the buyer like the Serpent in the Garden of Eden.

Another culprit in this mess is the company benefits packages that almost all employers offer. Even some of the cafeteria style or menu selection for different levels of Health Insurance is so technical that it seems the policies were written by an attorney only to be understood by one. It is a matter of unintended consequences where the more coverage an employee receives there will be a greater use or abuse leading to more medical services and of course, soaring costs to the insurer as a result of payments to the hospitals and clinics for treatment on health-related claims. Treatments for Obstetrical and Pediatric, Dental, Gynecological services, and routine trips to the Emergency Room are among some of the highest cost in the entire medical system, outside of major surgical procedures for life-threatening disease or injury.

So then, the issue isn’t to pass sweeping legislative reforms to provide an insurance umbrella under which every American can walk under, but rather to change the way we view and approach the issue of ‘Health’ in this country. Medical Insurance is not an entitlement, that is, something that is automatically conferred upon a person just because he or she breathes air. An individual has to take more responsibility for their own personal well being and make the best choices possible to maintain their body in the best mental and physical condition possible. The business community and the Federal Government is a stakeholder in this and should be a partner through offering some sort of incentives and requiring medical prescreening services and checkups on an annual basis; but the ultimate choice is left up to the individual to choose to be healthy or not.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 15, 2008