Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Miley Cyrus is not Hannah Montana

Perhaps one of the biggest disadvantages to being a Mega recording-Star, teen idol, role model, and for Walt Disney productions, a marketing franchise, is that people forget that you are in some respects just an ordinary teenager. Sure, not many teenagers can say that they are the daughter of “Achey Breaky Heart” legend Billy Ray Cyrus, but nevertheless, being a teenager comes with the same issues as with everyone else. No doubt she faces enormous pressure to be the little Miss Perfect “tween” with Christian values and Miley has to be careful who she has as friends, what she says to the ever-curious media, the image she portrays to the public, and even what she does in her private moments with her most trusted confidants and family members. It certainly would not come as much of a surprise that even at this stage in her young life and career Miley might indeed have, ‘the best of both worlds.’

Sometimes it seems as though you aren’t ever allowed the luxury of ever growing up, but growing up is part of living. Even making mistakes or exercising poor judgment in certain social situations as in the case of Jamie Lynne Spears’ pregnancy at 15 years of age; which is quite an unexpected turn of events for one “Zoe,” of NICKOLODEON fame. Be that as it may, it doesn’t seem a this point that it was the end of the world for her and even if she doesn’t walk back into that character role or another one at Disney, hopefully other opportunities will be offered to her in the future.

The same can be said for Miley Cyrus; that no matter what she might chose to do in the coming years, and some of her performances or public behavior or the way she dresses might raise some eyebrows, possibly causing her to be cast into the same group of paparazzi favorites as Brittany Spears, Amy Winehouse, Lindsay Lohan, and others, remember that she has the right to make her mistakes; just like everybody else.

However, no doubt there are odds makers in Las Vegas taking bets on when the cutesy little innocent-looking virginal Princess will grow up, take control of her life, career and finances; turn into a vixen, and start wearing a sexy black leather dominatrix outfit, singing, “I’m Not That Innocent” (remember Brittany's song??). For Miley, the thing she has to cope with is to know that there are big differences between your alter-ego character and the ‘real’ you. The only lesson that Miley has to learn is to be true to who she really is and not try to live her life to please others or to live up to other’s expectations because that is the surest way to live a very unhappy life, indeed.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 30, 2008