Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dr. James Dobson Unfairly Criticizes Barack Obama

The Christian group “Focus On The Family” is scheduled to release previously recorded segment of a radio telecast in which their founder, Dr. James Dobson expresses sharp disagreement with Democratic Presidential nominee, Senator Barack Obama. What fueled this controversy is an excerpt from a speech Senator Obama made two years ago when he referenced Dr. Dobson in using the Bible to guide public policy. Dr. Dobson feels that Barack Obama is lacking in understanding of the biblical texts and is “deliberately distorting traditional (Cp. Matthew 15: 2, 6??) theology to fit his own worldview;” in other words, Senator Barack Obama’s interpretation is that of a ‘fruitcake, ’especially when it comes to the Constitution. Perhaps Dr. Dobson should reread Matthew 18: 7: “Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to the man by whom the offense comes!

Anyway, it seems that the good doctor has missed the entire point of the Senator’s message, and whether Dobson’s name was used or Franklin Graham, Robert Schuler, Pat Robertson, Joel Osteen, Pope Benedict XVI, Rick Warren, or T.D. Jakes; the meaning is nonetheless, all one in the same. Religious authority cannot be and should not be the basis in formulation of civil laws, in violation of The Constitution and upheld by the judicial authority of the Supreme Court of the United States. Barack Obama is right in pointing out the inherent weakness in the use of biblical textural guidelines because of the lack of agreement among those of different Christian churches as to which interpretation is the ‘right’ one.

There were some who believed that Black people bore the ‘mark’ of Cain (Cp. Genesis 4: 15b) and who were destined to be slaves (Cp. Genesis 9: 18, 22, 24-27). Not only that, but a few passages in the New Testament seem to uphold the institution of slavery (Cp. Ephesians 6: 5; I Timothy 6: 1-2). In the letter to PHILEMON, the apostle Paul converts a runaway slave he met named Onesimus and encourages him to return and faithfully serve his master (Cp. Philemon 10-16). Dr. Dobson scoffs at Barack Obama’s use of the book of LEVITICUS as an example regarding those who would use it to observe Jewish dietary laws, but there are devout Christians as well as Jews who solemnly adhere to this ordinance as well as observance of the “Sabbath.” According to so-called traditional interpretations of the Bible, women should honor, love, and obey their husbands; and be barefoot, pregnant and doing chores all day instead of out in the workforce or engaged in other activities outside of the home (Cp. Ephesians 5: 24; Titus 2: 4-5).

No, Dr. Dobson, Barack Obama is not “Wacko-Jacko,” but is speaking words of sober political, moral, and civil reality. Do yourself a favor and take the prescription found in Luke 4: 23a . . . “Physician, heal yourself!”. . .

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 24, 2008

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