Sunday, July 20, 2008

Barack Obama Acting Like the President Already

The Democratic and Republican Conventions haven’t convened yet nor has Barack’s name been placed before the Convention delegates and voted upon and approved by the majority uncommitted Super Delegates, but it doesn’t seem to matter anyhow. The outcome of the Convention must be a foregone conclusion, so President-Elect Barack Obama has decided to start his Presidential inaugural and the symbolic ‘first hundred days in office,’ a few months ahead of time. Perhaps Barack was on to something with his bestseller, “The Audacity of Hope,” and a follow-up sequel to that would be another book with the title, “The Audacity of Presumption.”

It is of course entirely proper for a U.S. Senator to go on a fact-finding mission as part of a Congressional delegation to Iraq, Afghanistan, Europe, or anywhere else in the world where the vital interests and military forces of America are involved. On this past weekend, Senator, Oops, President-Elect Barack Obama met with Hamid Karzai, President of Afghanistan to assure him of continued aid to the country and support for the government.

Next on the President-Elect’s Foreign policy mission is to meet with Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany as well as leaders of other European nations. The chair at the Oval Office won’t have a chance to cool off because Barack Obama is already keeping it warm, and in some way the transition team has already started to move in new furniture. The only thing left to do now is for Michelle to decide what kind of dinnerware the ‘First Family’ dines on, the special meals that a finicky Barack wants to have prepared, and the new type of drapes she wants hanging from the White House windows. Perhaps First Lady Laura Bush can give her a few suggestions on that last one.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 20, 2008

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