Thursday, July 31, 2008

Is Barack Obama Playing the “Race” Card?

I think using the "race" card cuts both ways. America is increasingly becoming more intolerant of this kind of divisiveness and polarization of candidates running for elected office and in other arenas; which has traditionally been wielded by a White guy. So, it would clearly not be to John McCain's advantage to use it, although he would probably like to. Of course, it can be argued that John McCain did play the “race” card by his campaign releasing a political Ad on Senator Obama with two of the paparazzi’s favorite “blonde” party girl’s, Brittany Spears and Paris Hilton in the background. Conversely, these two women can be viewed as portraying Obama as elitist, a celebrity, a flake (Politically naïve), and someone who should not be taken seriously for the nation’s highest elected office. If McCain really wanted to use the “race” card, he could imply that Obama has a ‘thing’ for White women (revamping YouTube’s “Obama Girl” video), or associate him as identifying with some of the ‘thug life’ Gansta’ Rappers, or a sure SELL for White America [and many Black Americans, too] is another “WILLIE HORTON” political Ad.

Barack Obama on the other hand, is in the unique position to sort of use the “race” card indiscreetly and in some cases not so indiscreetly because no person of color has ever been in this place before; certainly not at the level that he is. It is almost an oxymoron, that is, a Black candidate using the "race" card against himself; who ever heard of that? It is interesting that Senator Obama would mention that he doesn't look like previous individuals who addressed the people of Germany or his features aren’t like those whose faces are on currency (all White men), so it is quite innocuous or very, very, clever. Why state the obvious when it is so apparent unless by the mere mention of his ‘Blackness,’ it psychologically disarms (beats them to the punch) those who might want to use it to discredit him from becoming President of the United States.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 31, 2008