Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Barack Obama’s Religion and the Oval Office

It seems that every other week there is a renewed interest and alarming concern over whether Democratic Presidential nominee, Senator Barack Obama is a “Muslim” or not. This scrutiny is so unnecessary, if not for the sheer idiocy and fickleness of the American public’s insatiable curiosity and irrationality when it comes to religion and politics. This nation was conceived with the establishment of religious freedom as the basic core of its principles and foundation, and yet, it seems as though this very cornerstone is used to disqualify noble aspirants to the highest elected public office in the land. Over forty years ago, another man, a decorated naval officer and war hero, almost didn’t get elected because of concerns over his ‘Catholic’ faith, who coincidentally, became one of the greatest presidents our country ever had; that man was none other than John F. Kennedy.

When Republican Mitt Romney ran for President, results from various pollsters showed that over 25% of Americans indicated they would not support a “Mormon” candidate and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee received support almost exclusively from “Evangelical Christian” supporters in a number of Southern states. It can also be said without equivocation that a candidate who is Jehovah Witness, Seventh-Day Adventist, Church of Christ Scientist, Theosophist, Bahai’, Hindu, Buddhist, Catholic, Jewish, and other religions too numerous to mention would not be elected as President; no matter how fine their moral and spiritual qualities as well as faith are.

And now, Barack Obama has to divert from his important message of “CHANGE” to try and put to rest the rumors of his religious faith, so here is a realistic possibility. Barack Obama’s father practiced the religion of Islam and when Barack stayed with him for a brief time in Kenya, like any devout Muslim, the senior Obama would send his son to religious training at a ‘Madrasa’ as well as teach him at home. No doubt, a young Barack learned the basics of the Koran, dressed in traditional Muslim clothing and prayed five times a day toward Mecca. When Barack returned to stay with his mother and grandparents who were Christians, he was taught the Bible and the basic Christian principles. Barack’s mother also exposed him to other religions but it wasn’t until his mid-twenties that he made the decision to confess Christ as his personal Savior.

The nonsense over whether a young, impressionable Barack received indoctrination at a ‘Madrasa’ into a terrorist or jihadist mentality or even his rather unusual name is so asinine as to not merit further comment. The real issue is, why a particular religious litmus test is the barometer which measures the electability of a candidate, and more importantly, who makes that determination. Does the largest Protestant Christian organization determine who should be the President of the United States when the majority of American citizens do not belong to that religious group? And what about those who believe in God or the Creator but do not attend any religious services on a regular basis. To borrow from Susan Powter’s former book title, it’s time to “Stop the Insanity” and get about the real important work of restoring this country back to its former greatness instead of worrying over trivial things.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 13, 2008

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