Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Was Hillary Right About Obama?

Senator Hillary Clinton pointed out during the Presidential Primaries that Senator Barack Obama has shifted positions on a number of key issues not only during their debates, but this information can be verified and is also part of the Congressional record, it seems. Senator Obama voted in favor of the Bush-Cheney 2005 Energy Bill; he voted against the 1996 Federal Legislation for Welfare reform; his position on Nuclear Energy is unclear; he endorses Hillary’s Clinton individual mandated Health Care Coverage, at least in principle, but opposes it publicly; Senator was against legislation offering immunity to telecommunication companies which conduct electronic surveillance on American citizens (FISA) but now supports compromise legislation offering retroactive immunity to these companies, reversing his prior threat of a filibuster to block passage of the ‘bill’ on the Senate floor.

Now the latest about face or adjustment to unforeseen circumstances is in consideration of the resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan. Senator Obama made the pledge earlier in his campaign about bringing the troops home, and while he still intends to do that, the troops may have a short stay-over in Afghanistan; possibly only a few months or years, who knows? As the Convention and General Election looms before the electorate, candidate Obama is found leaning more to the Center or the Right, politically speaking, than that of the “Tower of Pisa,” in Italy and his words are beginning to sound more like the proverbial Used Car Salesman, “Flim-Flam Man,” or even the charming “Snake Oil Salesman,” selling cures for all kinds of ailments; when in fact, all he seems to be peddling is a bottle of plain old water and some tea leaves.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 14, 2008

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