Monday, December 21, 2009

Dear President Obama: It's about Time to either Put up or Shut Up!

One thing that President Barack Obama is finding out with increasing certitude is that it is far easier to criticize someone than to walk a mile in their shoes; or in this case, the few steps from the Rose Garden to the Oval Office. Notwithstanding the disagreements with Moderate [Reagan] and some Liberal Democrats, Republicans, and Independents within both the House of Representatives and Senate regarding legislation over Health Care, the Economy, and dozens of other domestic as well as foreign policy issues, Barack Obama is looking more like a “lame duck” [legislatively ineffectual] already than a newly elected President.

With nearly a year into his presidency, Barack Obama has achieved very little in the way of steering a sure and steady course toward any coherent, meaningful, and realistic agenda for moving the country forward. Outside of the occasional rhetorical flourishes, he has not shown the very thing that people expect, namely, “leadership.” It is about time that something tangible and sustainable emerges from the president other than him trying to do everything all-at-once, thereby accomplishing very little in the way of achieving ‘real’ results.

During the Presidential campaign, candidate Barack Obama promised accountability, transparency, doing things right that make sense, reaching out to members across the [political] aisle (bi-partisanship), being deliberate and thoughtful, and bringing economic relief to those Americans on Main Street and not Wall Street. So far, none of this has happened and the printing presses at the US Treasury Department have issued nearly a trillion dollars to keep Insurance companies, US Automakers, and major Banking Institutions from bankruptcy. The average unemployed worker has received an extension of UI benefit checks but none of the optimistically forecasted new "Green Energy" jobs.

Even Federal and State Pell Grant or Worker Retraining funding to go to a College University or Technical School is dwindling and may be unavailable for those who most need it. President Obama is reminiscent of the Nursery School tale of the Little Dutch Boy who tried to plug a hole in the dike with his little finger to stop a leak. When he did that, another leak sprung somewhere else; you get the picture. Just like the little lad in the story, President Obama doesn't know how to "fix" the problem. And in the story, was it that the little boy didn't have enough fingers to plug each leak that formed in the wall of the dike, or was the dike constructed of cheap materials and of such poor quality to hold back the swelling waters, or was it instead, the mounting water pressure on the other side of the dike's protective wall which threatened its eventual collapse?

President Obama’s numbers are plummeting, edging below 50% according to the latest MSNBC poll for the first time since he took office, and is likely to drop even more until the “CHANGE” that candidate Obama promised the electorate truly comes to pass. Internationally, outside of the few mostly positive remarks from Western European countries and their leaders who sing his praises publicly, it is uncertain whether Barack Obama conveys the same kind of confidence and support in private diplomatic negotiations and discussions.

If the United States governmental officials and politicians are at odds with him on the domestic agenda, what chance does Barack have to persuade an International assembly of disparate and separate political entities, ethnic, religious, and economic ideologies, each with their own particular self-interests and priorities? Political representatives and citizens of countries in Central and South America, Eastern Europe, The Middle East, and the Far East as well as in parts of Africa are waiting to see what President Obama is going to do; as they have yet to swoon over the eloquence of Barack’s oratory because as the old saying goes, “Talk is cheap but it takes money to buy land,” or as the slogan in an unforgettable former fast foods commercial asks, “Where’s the Beef?”

Years ago, former President George W. Bush mentioned to a reporter during questioning after one of his press conferences that, "It's a hard job [being President]," and based upon what Barack Obama is dealing with behind-closed-doors and out of the glare of the media spotlight, he would undoubtedly say, "Amen, Brother!" Of course, President Obama is not one who lacks a high estimation of himself, as told to Oprah recently when she asked him to rate his performance in office, and not surprisingly, he gave himself a "B+" grade. That overrating must be for "style" points because it sure is not based on "substance;" and come to think of it, isn't this the very thing that Hillary Clinton pointed out during the Presidential Caucuses and debates? And if this is how Barack does now, what will he do in a real national emergency or International crisis in the future when that "red phone" in the Oval Office actually does ring at 3AM?

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
December 18, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Slain Police Officers shock Washington residents

The State of Washington has for the third time this year made national news, and once again, not in a positive light. A few days ago, four Lakewood, WA police officers were gunned down, or rather assassinated at a local coffee shop by Maurice Clemons near the town of Parkland, WA. On Halloween night of October 31st, Seattle police officer Timothy Brenton was slain by John Monfort, and back in June of this year, Kurt Husted, a 16 year veteran of Loomis armored cars, was killed by Calvin Finley at a Wal-Mart store in Lakewood, WA. This is all the more distressing because the assailants were Black men and this will undoubtedly not be a positive step towards healings the feeling of animosity, tension and distrust that typically exists between Law Enforcement and the African-American community. It is anyone’s guess as to whether these isolated incidents will increase the scrutiny and racial profiling towards Black males that come into the proximity and attention of White police officers who, despite their extensive professional training, may feel the sting, anger, and frustration of a Criminal Justice system that they feel does not protect the public adequately from criminal activity, and who may feel potentially threatened and act instinctively to protect themselves by what they may perceive as a ‘War’ on Law Enforcement.

Ironically, this latest victim of the fallout and collateral damage from Maurice Clemons apparently unprovoked murderous vendetta is former Arkansas Governor and Republican Presidential candidate, Mike Huckabee. Huckabee approved the recommendations from the Arkansas Parole Board to commute Clemons 108 year prison sentence to 47 years in 2000, making him eligible for parole; which he made. Maurice Clemons was 16 years old when he was sentenced to the exorbitant and excessive prison time for robbery and theft, a sentence that even the most vicious of criminals would not have been subjected to. For Mike Huckabee, this is like former Massachusetts Governor and Democratic Presidential candidate Michael Dukakis’ “Willie Horton” moment when he as a first term Governor, furloughed convicted murder Willie Horton who later committed rape and assault in Maryland after his release. So, where do we lay the blame; on the Courts, State Legislatures Criminal Law Codes, Parole Boards, Governor’s Executive authority to pardon, family environment of the criminals, or society as a whole?

Is the disparity that exists in American society which cuts across all educational, economic, and racial sectors to blame for these deadly outbursts; and if so, what is the solution before-the-fact; not after-the-fact? Unfortunately, we do not have the benefit of the aquatic telepaths in the science-fiction movie, “Minority Report,” who predict criminal acts of the perpetrator before they happen. No, we are not so fortunate and the laws as they are presently written do not penalize someone for a crime that is about to performed in the future. The slippery slope on which that leads to would be the eventual outlawing of “thought crimes.” No, there is no simple answer and the anecdotes or recriminations are not helpful as they only tend to focus on the problem but offer little in the way of a solution. The thing is that recidivism among those released from incarceration is at 90% or more, and rehabilitation of inmates is quite rare and minimal at best.

Not only that, but the first penal system brought over to the North American Continent from Europe by those beloved God-fearing Quakers is ineffective with regards to reintegrating people back into society nor does it serve as an ideally effective deterrent to antisocial behaviors resulting in criminality. Instead of the dismal failure of civil remedies, perhaps a spiritual solution should be given more serious consideration because the teaching of the holy Koran and Islam seems to have promising results to those African-American prisoners who testify to having a greater sense of peace and less violent tendencies. Also, there are numerous prison ministries among the Christian Church with varying degrees of success also, so why not support these outreaches with more of our prayers and other resources for healing the wounds, pain, anxiety and hurting that is prevalent in American society; besides, what do we have to lose but very much to gain?

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
December 2, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

Dear Tyra: Let’s get fiercesome real here, OK!

Earlier this week, former “SUPERMODEL,” ‘Victoria Secret’ spokesperson and Executive Producer of AMERICA’S NEXT TOP MODEL, Tyra Banks, did a segment on her show ‘TYRA’ about the negative discrimination facing women suffering from obesity. Tyra donned a fat suit that her professional makeup artists and staff equipped her with in order to go undercover to expose the harsh treatment, ridicule, and insults that overweight women face in American society. This is not however, the first time that Ms. Banks dealt with this particular issue. In fact, she addressed the same subject about last month in October on her show. Tyra was made to look like a 350 pound woman and was set up on a series of anonymous blind dates to check her potential suitor’s reaction to an unexpectedly plus size female dining guest. The exposé was disingenuous to women because Tyra was in fact, acting out a scene or script; playing a role just for the sake of gathering information.

Tyra broke down a little in front of her guests and studio audience because of the way she was treated and the pain she felt as she emulated the lives of the women she wanted to profile. One of Tyra’s guests was quite astute when she had second thoughts and was reluctant about even appearing on the show because she asked herself why Tyra was doing this in the first place. She did get some conciliation from Tyra’s ordeal and her bravery to at least bring this treatment of women to the attention of the public; but here again, this is not new and there weren’t any greater insights into the issue of obesity or a commitment to treat people differently because of their physical shape or size.

At the end of the day, Tyra can take off her fat suit and go about her business as usual lifestyle, but there are countless women who have to live every day of their lives the way Ms. Banks was pretending to do for a few hours, so how can what she experienced be of any real benefit to these women who have to suffer with not only the verbal and mental abuse, guilt, and shame, but the serious medical health issues as well? To be honest, Ms. Banks might not be the best choice because she is not the girl-next-door and is not representative of the average woman, nor can the average female relate to her anyway. Even Tyra admitted that she discriminates and have said some unflattering statements against women who are like the one she portrayed, but she vowed that she would never do it again.

One can only wonder if she came to that conclusion based upon what she experienced or because she knows that it is wrong, and how many of Tyra’s close friends, and not just a casual acquaintances are large-and-in-charge, are in her inner circle; or are the spaces reserved only for those svelte, waif-like nymphs who are nimbly able to slip through in their famous fashion designer Haute Couture clothing and accessories. As a side note: Talk about an irony of contrasts; just within a day or two after the airing of that show, two of the most beautiful women in the world, Halle Berry and Beyonce Knowles were Tyra’s guests, and of course, Ms. Banks just had to show out a little with the “GIRLFRIENDS,” “Miss THANG,” and the ‘Diva’ conversation going on. When Beyonce was on the show, Tyra talked with such pride about being considered as part of the Knowles’ family, like a play big sister and all of that, but would she also be as enthusiastic to be adopted into the family of someone like Gabourey Sidibe starring as Claireece Jones in the movie, “PRECIOUS?” You be the judge.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
November 13, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

African-American females and the controversy surrounding having ‘Good Hair’

On the ‘TYRA’ show, airing Monday, October 26, 2009, KSTW/CW11 from Seattle, WA was an hour-long segment of what is considered “good hair” in the Black community. This is actually an ongoing dilemma and source of discomfort as well as embarrassment among African-Americans, but it is usually not played out before a national audience as it was on today. Without going into all the viewpoints that were discussed by the invited guests and Tyra’s culturally referenced explanation based on her experiences as a person-of-color to her White audience members who, for the most part, really didn’t get it or understand what all the fuss is about. Even comedian Chris Rock did a two-year documentary on this very subject after his young daughter asked him why she didn’t have ‘good’ hair. It is not easy to explain something that even the most distinguished Social Scientists, Historians, and Mental Health experts are not in total agreement as to the cause of this perspective.

One could attribute it to psychological enslavement, imperialism, or economic exploitation by the dominant culture, because that might just be a little bit too simplistic and shortsighted. It is more than a young, little Black girl identifying with “HANNAH MONTANA” some “WALT DISNEY” character or even among adults with the mantra, long-haired “Blondes Have More Fun,” but rather it is about having good role models, self-esteem and a positive body image that you can relate to instead of embracing substitutes. It is about a historical narrative that probably reaches back into prehistoric Egypt, among other places of antiquity. Styling hair is a custom that has been around for eons as well as grooming techniques, implements, and oils and pomades, etc. Beauty standards, social status, and access to political or economic power are doubtless contingent to a certain extent on physical appearance. What makes this so difficult for Blacks is not just the experience during “chattel slavery” in America or under-representation in popular mainstream broadcast and print media, but, as it may be a surprise to some, in interracial or mixed race marriages.

One reason that many Black men impregnate and marry White females (mostly) is not necessarily because they are more supportive, understanding, sexually adventurous, less demanding, less retaliatory when they are abused, or more attractive than a Black female, but simply that the child(ren) of the couple will have physical characteristics (esp. lighter skin complexion, hair texture) that appear to evoke a sense of satisfaction or pride based upon these criteria as ‘better’ and more valued than generally what is usually the case accompanying a child whose parents are both African-American. It is of course not unusual even when both parents are persons of color to have a child or children whose features are closer to the accepted standard of White, but this may be attributable to either miscegenation during slavery where the slave master impregnated some of his African female slaves, or it could be DNA and genetic mutations passed down throughout millennia from the migrations out of Africa into Europe as early as 20,000 to 100,000 years ago, or more; according to Anthropologists and Geneticists.

Be that as it may, the issue is deeper than just the ‘hair’ but inclusive of a range of other sociological or psychological factors. Noted Black Psychiatrist Dr. Alvin Poussaint and Drs. Nathan & Julia Hare sounded the alarm over thirty years ago about the internal damage done to Black children without the proper cultural images, and the negative social scripts they tend to act out is perhaps indicative of some type of mental disorientation, impairment or disease. The emphasis on hair is a symptom of what is hidden, repressed or suppressed, and the root is not located on the scalp but it is found in the very core of a person’s being, spirit, or self that is in pain, hurting, and crying out for help; but the victim is in a self-deluding state of denial. This is why the White shock Jock Don Imus’ tongue-in-cheek comment about the Rutgers Girls Basketball team were a bunch of “nappy-headed ho’s” received such blistering condemnation and outrage is because it hit a ‘nerve’ by bringing to the surface what many Black girls are taught to hide, namely, pride in who they are; especially those who are dark-skinned, with full lips, big butts, small ankles, skinny (chicken) legs, pigeon-toed, knock-kneed, and whose skin is not creamy smooth, and whose noses are not small, and their pupils are not blue or green, and instead of having straight, long and flowing hair, the hair is short or doesn’t usually flow along the shoulders and down the back to the waist, and doesn’t blow in the wind, but is curly, coiffed, kinky, frizzy, or nappy.

Even Daytime talk show hosts Tyra Banks, Wendy Williams, and the Queen of Confessionals, Oprah Winfrey like to flaunt their professionally-styled and chemically-treated hair or wearing wigs which do not represent what they are culturally or ethnically. As a matter of fact, when was the last time any person of color really publicly defied the status quo to assimilate; but then again, that person would not be seen in any kind of privately-owned and corporate-sponsored media source (TV, magazine, movie, etc.). Even President of the United States, Barack Obama is not immune to this problem and doubtless he is considered by quite a few of those in the Black community as having a ‘good’ grade of hair. It is more than teaching little girls of color not to play with Barbie dolls, or about any or all dolls because none of them are accurately and culturally representative; even including ‘Barbie’ herself because no White woman has those physical proportions.

Author Toni Morrison’s first bestseller, “The Bluest Eye” is a very honest portrayal of the ugliness one internalizes in favor of the beauty that one sees through the eyes of someone wanting to be other than the race of which they were born. As long as the dominant culture in America and Western Europe as well is predicated upon a particular set of values and physical norms which inundate us at almost every turn, and even Black sit-coms like “The Game,” “Half and Half,” “Everybody Hates Chris,” “Desperate Housewives of Atlanta,” and a few others do not draw the same kind of interest, viewer responses and demographics of “One Tree Hill,” “Melrose Place,” “90210,” “Gossip Girl,” “Laguna Beach,” “Smallville” and the more recent “Vampire Diaries.”

In the 1960’s, along with the “Black is Beautiful” and “Black Power Movement” it seems that young people of color were finally breaking the shackles of their forbearers who were categorized as COLORED and NEGROES, and rebelled by wearing their hair (Afros) and clothing style (Dashikis, apparel made from ‘Kinte’ cloth) in such a way as to attest proudly and give witness to their pride in establishing their own norms of beauty and acceptance; but it didn’t last but a generation. Black females started to wear green or blue contact lenses in addition to wearing straight hair wigs which were longer than their normal hair length in some instances as well as getting the blonde streaks in their hair or even having their hair chemically-tinted to Auburn, Redhead, or Brunette at the local Black Beauty Salon. Of course there is nothing wrong with wanting to be a ‘Fashionista’ or appeasing the ‘Glam Squad’ because nearly everyone wants to be contemporary and in style or vogue, but not at the price and nonsense of trying to escape from the reality of your race. There are people, when they are asked as to what ethnicity they are either refuse to answer, evasive or say they are a mixed race (two or more) and will even go as far as to recount as many as five; when it is simply, what is your father and what is your mother? In truth, if one can go unnoticed as being a member of the Black race or African-American, one will do so as long as possible until discovered because to identify with this group is to be vicariously imbued with all the distorted and misrepresented negative stereotypes within the Black community when the successes, good works and triumphs are barely mentioned or known.

So, the answer then is to find who and what you are, in spite of what your parents, friends, co-workers, and what society tells you or tries to impose upon you. You have to be strong, courageous, defiant, and unwilling to let others define you. It does mean overcoming your fears and self-loathing and being open to improving yourself as well as learning from positive people with some real knowledge to impart; and it also means avoiding as much as possible those who are negative, the drama queens, provocateurs, the haters, social parasites, and those who are phony and are just playing games. It means accepting who you are naturally and loving your beautiful Black self, and not needing anyone to approve or validate who you are or to complete you because you are a whole person as you are; just like the Creator made you and as we all know, God doesn’t make a mistake.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
October 26, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Should School Districts lower Graduation requirements?

The Seattle School District is the latest one in an alarming national trend to consider lowering the standard “C” to a “D” grade to boost the number of students graduating from High School. As if eliminating the WASL (Washington Assessment of Student Learning) or SAT scores as it is administered in other states isn’t enough, now is the latest salvo to further ‘dumb’ down the Public Education System. Ironically, although America is one of the best places in the world to get a first class education, yet ranks somewhere around the lower percentile among Industrialized Nations when it comes to academic test scores and student performance. In many countries there is a much greater emphasis on learning Foreign Languages as well as developing more of an interest in Science and Math courses.

With global competition and the increasing advancement of technology and computers mandate learning an even more rigorous curriculum so why are some School Districts lowering the bar to raise the number of graduates just to have them unable to meet the minimum admissions standards for college? Not only that, but with the economy being where it is now with the loss of 15 million jobs, employers are seeking only the very brightest and best applicants to fill the few scare jobs that exist and someone with a mediocre and poor academic record will be at a significant if not insurmountable disadvantage. Schools should provide all the available and necessary resources to equip students with real-world skills that prepare them to either continue learning until achieving scholastic mastery in college of some specified discipline or for the few entering the work force after High School, to be able to offer their employer a diverse knowledge base that will make them an excellent employee and a valuable asset to the company operations.

In consideration of the foregoing statements, it is unconscionable that any rational-minded person would even remotely consider relaxing standards that would only further handicap our children with unsound policies that ransom their future, placing them at the mercy of a technological mandate, which, if they are unable to meet, will leave them forgotten, discarded, left behind, homeless and living in the streets, eating the scraps of food that people throw away; or even worse.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 16, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Elizabeth Edwards: Don't feel sorry for me

It’s like that old school Heinz ketchup commercial, “Anticipation is making me wait;” Well, the same thing can be said for this latest modern-day Shakespearean tragedy, about a beautiful American family and a talented, charming, and handsome young former North Carolina Senator whose personal life became a political and moral train wreck. Now, according to unsubstantiated reports by the National Enquirer, John Edwards is preparing to announce the baby that former Mistress Reille Hunter gave birth to is in fact his. Maybe this should not come as too much of a surprise because he denied the affair, too. Not only that, but he has said, “the baby is not mine as far as I know and I would be willing to take a paternity test to prove it.” Of course on one level, his defense in this latest embarrassment is understandable, even if it is disgraceful.

Of course, the victim in all of this is Elizabeth Edwards and doubtless the book she authored, called “Resilience” is her way of coping with this betrayal of trust, but also in her battle against incurable breast cancer. It does seem quite appropriate for the crucible of suffering and pain that she is going through but in a sense this entire ongoing struggle has made her strong internally; forged to a very fine degree of mental and spiritual toughness like iron or steel. There is no doubt that Elizabeth has forgiven John in “Love,” which can only come from the grace of God. Perhaps Elizabeth even punishes herself a little bit for John’s indiscretion by blaming it on her health condition which prevented her from being the kind of wife, lover, and partner that she wanted to be and which in her mind at least, John very desperately wanted and needed her to be for him.

Perhaps a lesson can be learned from the famous Mexican painter Frieda Kahlo’s marriage to Diego Rivera, who although her husband was a “Lothario,” nevertheless, in Kahlo’s words, “he was loyal.” It isn’t always about whether someone loves us or is in love with us, but rather, will that person be there when someone needs them. There is no question that in spite of all the sex, lies, and thankfully, no videotape, this imperfect and flawed man can provide the comfort, devotion, and yes, ‘Love’ to Elizabeth that is true, sincere, and constant. When Elizabeth appeared on “OPRAH” several months ago in her first publicly televised interview since John withdrew his name as a Vice-Presidential candidate as well as later revealing the affair with Ms. Hunter, she told Oprah, “No one has left the house yet.” No, and it seems that neither one of them is in a hurry to pack up their suitcases and in-spite of “baby mama” or baby girl, no one is going to be heading out the door anytime soon. John and Elizabeth have something truly special and irrespective what others think or feel about what should be done or who should leave, it seems to work for them; and this is all that matters.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 20, 2009

Usain Bolt: Faster than a speeding. . .

Usain is just insanely fast; like a lightning bolt, if you excuse the pun. It does of course arouse suspicion of PED's when an athlete continues to shatter his own world records in a sport that continues to be tainted by the use of illegal substances. Hey, maybe someone should check his shoes because they might be constructed of materials that have been engineered to give him a competitive edge by almost eliminating surface tension or friction on the track, or reduces stress level and torque in his ankles and knees, etc. Better still, make him submit a sample of his blood to check for microscopic nanobytes; you never know, he could be part "Borg" or one of those human-looking Cylon duplicates from "BATTLESTAR GALLATICA." Anyway, I don't know about you but whether Queen Elizabeth of England confers Knighthood upon Usain or not as he jokingly mused about, but as far as 'Track and Field' goes, "He's still the King."

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 20, 2009

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Dear Professor Gates: You may need to read Matthew 12: 37

Although this controversy is behind us for the most part, there still remains the matter of the esteemed Harvard Professor’s reputation, professionally and as a notable African-American educator, scholar, and distinguished citizen. It was he who raised the issue of “racial profiling” by the Cambridge Police department and Sgt. James Crowley. Is the charge justified or is “Skip” Gates a provocateur who saw an opportunity to play the “race” card in pursuit of his own personal agenda which has even embroiled the President of the United States, his friend and fellow Harvard Alum, Barrack Obama. A lot has been made about the different versions of what really happened on that meeting between Henry Gates and James Crowley, but the professor appeared as a guest on the Gayle King OPRAH Radio Show. Before the interview even got started, Professor Gates laid out his major points of grievance with the Cambridge Police; which are: (1) Racial profiling, and (2) arbitrary capricious acts by rogue police officers. Excerpts from his on-air comments will be weighed against his allegations to determine if there is any validity or merit to what he asserts in the following transcript conversation.

First, it might be prudent to include Sgt. Crowley’s brief account of what occurred on that day. After receiving a 911 call from a neighbor about a break in and burglary at a residence in “Harvard Square” the officers proceed to the address where a Black man was seen in “Plain View.” Sgt. Crowley asks the suspect [Gates] to step outside. The suspect [Gates] refused and asks, “Why; is it because I am a Black man in America…?”

Now, this is Professor Gates’ words: “I refused the officer’s command because I knew that as soon as I stepped outside I knew I could be arrested for breaking and entering. “I knew that without a warrant he [Crowley] or the police couldn’t arrest you inside your house. COMMENT: Why was Gates concerned about being arrested if he didn’t do anything wrong? This seems paranoid and irrational. Gates says that he was offended by Crowley’s bluntness by asking him [so tersely] to step outside, instead of asking him politely and respectfully. COMMENT: Why would “Skip” expect such deferential or special treatment since the police were there to investigate a felony criminal complaint and he was the prime ‘suspect’? He said that he felt that Sgt. Crowley should have addressed him as Professor Gates. COMMENT: Sgt. Crowley didn’t know who he was initially because he hadn’t been identified as of yet; even if the address on his report indicated who the homeowner was. It would seem that the professor was presumptuous, arrogant, and, did I mention irrational?

It seems that “Skip” tripped because Crowley didn’t ask if he was ‘ok,’ or if anybody was holding him hostage, but rather that Crowley just looked at him and told him, “To step outside.” Professor Gates told Sgt. Crowley, “No.” Gayle asked him why he did that and he reiterated his concern that he knew he could be arrested [if he stepped outside], and said that Crowley was “hostile.” Gates said that he could see it (the hostility) in Crowley’s face and hear it in his voice. COMMENT: If a police officer issues a legitimate command and you refuse, it is only reasonable that the officer would be peeved off. Then Gates goes on to say that he was on the phone in the kitchen talking to a lady from Harvard Real Estate about the problem with the lock on the door when he saw the police (Sgt. Crowley??) initially come up to the front door. Gates, recounting again, the command from Sgt. Crowley to step outside, and he says, “All of a sudden I knew that I was in danger.” COMMENT: Why did the Professor harbor such antipathy or is it pathology regarding mistreatment from the police, especially since he hadn’t done anything wrong?

Gates [upon seeing the police at the front door], says, “May I help you?” He mentions that the police told him that they are investigating a 911 Breaking and Entering call, to which he tells them, “That’s alright; “I’m Professor Gates and I live here and I am a Harvard Professor.” COMMENT: Was it necessary to volunteer this information that he was a Harvard Professor? Gayle asked him, and rightly so, if he didn’t get hostile with the police since he says they got hostile with him, Gayle said that she just couldn’t see him just calmly talking to the officers [Sgt. Crowley] since they were acting in the way Gates described. The professor said, “No,” and that he didn’t get “firm” with the police [Sgt. Crowley??] until later on. Gates said that he ‘never’ got hostile with the officers, but that he did get very, very firm. COMMENT: Does this sound like Slick Willie’s play on words? I didn’t get “hostile” but I got loud, belligerent, angry, and my body language suggested that I was pissed off and ready to take a swing at Sgt. Crowley??

Now Gates says that Sgt. Crowley asked him if he could prove that he was a Harvard Professor, but he didn’t ask Gates if he could prove that he lived at there. Gates said that he said ‘yes’ to the question about proving he worked at Harvard. Gates walks away from the front door to retrieve his wallet with his driver’s license and Harvard ID on the kitchen island and Sgt. Crowley enters the house behind him. Gates mentions that Crowley is inside the house and didn’t ask his permission. Gates says that he handed Sgt. Crowley both pieces of ID and notices a certain expression on the officer’s face, and says that he is trying to “unpack a narrative” [in his mind??]. Professor goes on to tell Gayle, “This is where ‘racial profiling’ comes in because Crowley was so sure he had a “catch” and that all of a sudden, he (Crowley) [because of his disappointment to find that Gates was who he said he was??] had to “unwrap” that story. As Sgt. Crowley starts to ask gates another (??) question, Gates interrupts him with, “Enough!” Gayle asked Gates what Sgt. Crowley was asking, but he said that Crowley started to ask about… but that he interrupted him and said, “That’s enough! “This is my house, you have my ID’s, and I want your name and your badge number.”

Professor Gates said, “This is when everything turned.” He said to Sgt. Crowley, “I am filing a complaint and I want your name and your badge number.” Gayle asked him why he was filing a complaint-why did he say that he wanted Crowley’s name and badge number. She added, “There had to be something between the two of you.” Gates said, “It all started on that front porch.” Gates said that he shouldn’t have been treated that way; and what about his security? Professor Gates goes on to say, “If he (Sgt. Crowley) is investigating a 911 call, I am the innocent person and he needed to greet me with ‘respect;’ not presume that I am a “Perp” as they say on television. “And I wanted to file a report so that their police instructions (Investigative Procedures) would be “transformed.” He continues, “Just because a Black man answers the door and you [the police] are responding to a 911 call or charge, treat him or her, in the case of an African-American woman, with respect; don’t go presuming anything else- “Protect me!” Gayle asked him, “You would say that you were not treated with respect in that moment?” Gates said, “Not at all.” Then he said, “It got worse.” He continues, “I kept saying, ‘Sir, I want your name and badge number; saying it over and over again.’” Gates said that Crowley just stared or rather glared at me; and mentioned that Sgt. Crowley turned his back and just walked out of the house. Gates, following after him, said, “Are you not answering me because I am a Black man and you are a White police officer?”

After listening to this confessional dialogue by Professor Henry Louis Gates jr., Sgt. Crowley and the Cambridge Police department just might not be the villains they have been initially portrayed to have been. Indeed, Jesus said in Matthew 12: 37, “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned [“judged”]. Although President Obama has called this incident a “teachable” moment, it appears that what is revealed is not consistent with the facts as first reported. For one thing, Professor Gates is not a Psychologist, Criminal Law Professor, nor is he knowledgeable in Criminal Investigative procedures. It seems that a “reasonable” person might conclude that the professor’s expectations and unfounded fear of arrest was predicated upon presumptions that are not rational because lacking any other criteria, he was a suspect in a Burglary and Criminal Trespass investigation and the police were legally authorized to be there. His complaint about police misconduct is, under the circumstances, not based upon any “Rule of Law” and is without merit. It is unlikely that he remained calm with the police but instead became belligerent with Sgt. Crowley that his verbal tirade escalated to such an extent to nearly incite some sort of potential physical altercation or confrontation with the police on the front porch; all in full view of the public. This disturbance and unwarranted misconduct complaint threat against police officers could indeed, at least in the technical sense, lead to a “Disorderly Conduct” charge and arrest.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 8, 2009

Friday, August 7, 2009

What does the “Second Amendment” really mean anyway?

There probably isn’t a more contentious issue in America than that of gun ownership; and for many, it is almost a “sacred” right. Due to the ‘cowboy’ attitude from territorial days when the original thirteen colonies and European settlers were located across the rugged terrain of the American frontier, there arose a need to arm oneself, protecting property and family from marauding bands of hostile Native tribes, invading foreign armies or acts of war and from other Whites as well. It was a time when the only organized law enforcement officials might be too far away to be of any real benefit in an emergency or during impending danger; so a person had to learn to defend themselves.

When the document that has become known as the Constitution of the United States was finally ratified in 1788, superceding the former Articles of Confederation of 1781, certain provisions had to be included to ensure that people would be safe, secure, and protected in their dwellings and personal effects from that which would not deprive them of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Nonetheless, it is interesting to hear the NRA, members of Congress, gun advocates and others quoting part of the Second Amendment, but they do so by not considering the fullest context of the document or its real meaning.

First of all, a careful reading of ARTICLE 1, SECTION 8 of the U.S. Constitution should precede the Second Amendment; which reads as follows: [THE CONGRESS SHALL HAVE POWER] To provide for (1) organizing, (2) arming, and (3) disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, {reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress}. Now, continuing with the SECOND AMENDMENT: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

One of the important things that have to be considered is the definition of a “Militia,” which by definition is: a military force composed of ordinary citizens to provide defense, emergency law enforcement, or paramilitary service, in times of emergency without being paid a regular salary or committed to a fixed term of service. In modern terminology, this would be analogous to an official Militia, composed of citizen soldiers such as the Army Reserve or National Guard. So, the next time someone yells about violating their Second Amendment rights by attempting to confiscate their guns and leave them at the mercy of criminals, although a reasonably valid concern, still it has nothing to do with this Constitutional issue but rather, better police enforcement, Criminal Law legislation, the Court System, and better societal values.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 7, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009

President Obama: Why won't you set the record straight?

It seems that minor controversies continue to nip at the heels of the 44th President of the United States. There have been accusations of shady character acquaintances such as millionaire slumlord Tony Rezko, ‘domestic terrorist’ William Ayers of the “Underground Weathermen,” religious firebrand Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the organization ACORN, and several Presidential Cabinet appointees who were revealed to having had tax troubles, conflicts-of-interest or other issues which disqualified them from being an officeholder. The one recurring interest which resonates with some Americans and is being kept alive by the “birthers” is Barack Obama’s citizenship; and this goes right to the heart of his legitimacy to be occupying the Oval Office at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

This is a serious issue that one should not take lightly or dismiss outright because it has to do with that cherished document and bedrock of our Democracy as a representative Republic, namely the Constitution of the United States. According to Article II, Section 1, it states: NO PERSON EXCEPT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN, OR A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES, AT THE TIME OF THE ADOPTION OF THIS CONSTITUTION, SHALL BE ELIGIBLE TO THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT. . . The funny thing is that no copy of Barack Obama’s ‘original’ birth certificate has been made available nor facsimile thereof. Although under the Freedom of Information Act anyone can request to have a copy of this document, it doesn’t guarantee that the petitioner will be granted what they seek.

Hawaii State Law forbids the release of an original birth certificate to anyone without a “tangible interest” in obtaining this personal information from the State Department of Health and Director Dr. Chiyone Fukino has resisted all attempts and pleadings to produce a copy of Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate; thereby averting a violation of State Law. The thing is though, it is not a matter of curiosity but rather whether there has been an abrogation of the Constitution. It does not satisfy the requirement of Law to merely post a so-called “official-looking” copy of President Obama’s Birth Certificate with critical information that is missing and saying that it is proof positive that he is a natural citizen and born on American soil.

It is surprising that no one has brought a lawsuit in behalf of the American people against the Hawaii Department of Health (Vital Records Department) and Dr. Fukino for a copy of the “original” birth certificate of Barack Hussein Obama because it is in the “vested interest” of all Americans and to neglect this duty tends to undermine the Constitution, and if this is not done we might be living under the leadership of an “illegitimate” President (Imposter-in-Chief”). Also, the Legislative Branch in Congress as well as the Supreme Court should be involved in this matter, too; especially the Supreme Court because it is the Chief Justice who swears in the President by administering the Oath of Office.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 1, 2009

Friday, July 31, 2009

President Obama’s Alcohol Stimulus Plan

The kiss-and-makeup racial misunderstanding “mini-mee[ting]” between Sgt. Crowley and Professor Henry Louis Gates jr. seemed more like a Mexican Standoff than anything else. It doesn’t appear that any substantiate issues on race relations were discussed or resolved and neither Mr. Gates nor Sergeant Crowley offered an apology for their respective behaviors that gained national attention nearly two weeks ago; so what was the point of them coming together except as a photo opportunity to take some of the political heat off the president. It was truly damage control for the Imbiber-in-Chief who inadvertently was drawn into this local Cambridge Massachusetts police matter by a reporter’s surprise question. The President had a COORS LITE, Sgt. Crowley a BLUE MOON, and Professor Gates had SAM ADAMS. Vice-President Joe Biden was there and had something non-alcoholic for his “Non-Role” in the matter.

After the meeting, Sgt. Crowley said that although he may respect Mr. Gates but they will just have to “agree to disagree;” which means that things didn’t go over so well and both of them are still deeply entrenched in their belief of the rightness and legal standing of their actions. Perhaps the problem is that President Obama didn’t know the right kind of drink to serve his guests because if everybody had downed a 40 ounce (“OLDE ENGLISH 100”), then the conversation would have gotten a lot livelier but then again on the other hand, Gates and Crowley would have started brawlin’ afterwards for real. So, after another Presidential Stimulus Plan offered by President Obama, “beer” in this case, the lasting result of this allocated resource helped two people get their ‘buzz’ on for about an hour but nothing productive or lasting has come out of it nor has anything changed; and for a presidential Candidate who ran on a platform that was all about “CHANGE,” it may very well be that the American people may come to find out in the final analysis that they have been SHORTCHANGED instead.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 31, 2009

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The honeymoon with President Barack Obama is likely over

Well, it has taken a little over six months for the love affair between the American people and President Barack Obama to finally “hit the rocks.” According to the latest MSNBC opinion poll, the president’s approval rating has dropped to around
40%; so what is the cause? Is it because of the high unemployment rate, slumping housing market, the “War on Terror,” Immigration, Global Warming, the National Debt, or how the Federal Stimulus money is being spent? Perhaps it has more to do with the question posed by reporter Lynn Sweet of the Chicago-Sun Times newspaper during President Obama’s July 22, 2009, Press Conference on Healthcare reform, when unexpectedly she asked regarding the arrest of Henry Louis Gates jr., "What does that incident say to you? And what does it say about race relations in America?" That poignantly explosive question as well as the response to it had ramifications which still reverberate since then and continue to be an issue of conversation at the office water cooler.

Is this a watershed moment when people get a dose of ‘reality’ and finally start to “smell the coffee?” President Obama did not volunteer the information and would not have weighed into the matter at all but like those great moments of historic irony; one simple, seemingly innocent, harmless or awkward moment can change everything. It seems that way too much has been made out of the President’s spontaneous and unscripted comment, but what of the reporter? Why did she ask this question and frame it in the particular way that she did; what was her purpose and motivation? In some way all of us got ‘punkd,’ because as a result of this mess, the contentious issue of “racial polarization,” not so much racial ‘profiling’ is front and center in American political and civic discourse. One can only wonder if this is the effect that Ms. Sweet wanted to achieve because like it or not it is here to stay and it isn’t going to go away that easily. Thanks a lot for bursting our bubble.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 30, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Was Henry Louis Gates jr. “Disorderly Conduct” Arrest Legal?

This matter has gone on far too long and it seems that Mr. Gates and Sgt. Crowley have decided to take President Obama up on his offer to have a few cold ones at the White House on his dime; or rather, on the tax payers. Be that as it may, there are quite a few detractors of Professor Gates who feel that he should have been more respectful, deferential, and cooperative with the Cambridge Police; especially to racial profiling expert, Sgt. James Crowley. It just goes to prove that textbook scenarios and real-life situations and interventions are not the same. Outside of the obvious racial implications, very little has been mentioned about the all-important “FIRST AMENDMENT” right of ‘Free Speech’ Constitutional Protections against the abuse of power by the State or Federal Government toward private citizens and their habitations; there should be a great outcry about this more than anything else. Even far back into English Common Law, a person’s domicile, house, residence, or castle was considered almost ‘sacred’ and any violation against this most precious [‘Divine’??] right was deemed as tantamount to sacrilege. Below is an excerpt by Massachusetts Attorney Michael Sullivan of the very Model Penal Code and Appellate Court decision that the Cambridge Police as supposed to be familiar with and uphold.

"Disorderly conduct" is an offense against the public peace, and it is difficult to fathom how it ever properly could be charged for one's behavior in one's own home.
In my decades of practice as a state prosecutor, I have never seen "disorderly conduct" charged for acts which did not originate and occur in a public setting. I cannot conceive of a case in which a prosecutor would pursue a charge of "disorderly conduct" occasioned by tone or speech in one's own home. Nor have I seen tone or content of speech as a basis for charging disorderly conduct even in a public place. At the risk of restating the obvious, "disorderly conduct" aims to penalize what it says: conduct. Disorderly conduct is something more than "disorderly speech." In my opinion, the criminal prohibition would be fatally and unconstitutionally overbroad were it to be deemed to apply to pure speech. What citizen then meaningfully would be on notice to what speech would be viewed as "disorderly" and risk criminal prosecution and penalties?

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court has stressed the public disruption element of "disorderly conduct" as ordinarily charged: the classic formulation of the offense and its enabling statute is found in its decision in Alegata v. Commonwealth, 353 Mass. 287, 303-304 (1967)(emphasis supplied), quoting from Model Penal Code § 250.2 (Proposed Official Draft 1962): "It is our opinion that "disorderly" sets forth an offence. . . designat[ing] behavior such as that singled out in Section 250.2 of the Model Penal Code (Proposed Official Draft): 'A person is guilty of disorderly conduct if, with purpose to cause "public" inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or recklessly creating a risk thereof, he: (a) engages in fighting or threatening, or in violent or tumultuous behavior; or (b) makes unreasonable noise or offensively coarse utterance, gesture or display, or addresses abusive language to any person present; or (c) creates a hazardous or physically offensive condition by any act which serves no legitimate purpose of the actor. `Public' means affecting or likely to affect persons in a place to which the public or a substantial group has access.'. . . .[T]he statute. . . aims at activities which intentionally tend to disturb the public tranquility," and penalizes one who "with purpose to cause public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or recklessly creating a risk thereof, . . . creates a hazardous or physically offensive condition by any act which serves no legitimate purpose of the actor."

So, if Mr. Gates was a little perturbed and belligerent with the Police coming to his front door on a legitimate investigative complaint by an observant neighbor, he is still entitled to be so under the Constitution; as long as his behavior does not pose a threat or risk to the officers and where the intent does not tend towards inducing or producing threat, harm, danger or a public disturbance etc. The statement that Sgt. Crowley made that he was “provoked” is not substantiated by the facts as they are known and is quite surprising from someone allegedly trained in de-escalation techniques, and who should have been able to take control of the situation where it should have resulted in a different outcome. Even so, the charges against Professor “Skip” Gates were summarily dismissed; as they should have been because they were without merit. Hopefully now, everyone can take a deep breath, ‘chill out,’ and focus on more important matters. The Washington Post had an amusing cartoon along with Columnist Gene Robinson’s article on Tuesday, July, 28, 2009. It showed President Obama, Henry Louis Gates jr., and Sgt. James Crowley sitting at the bar with beer mugs and the President sitting apart by himself while Mr. Gates and Sgt. Crowley argued over whether their respective beer was “LESS FILLING or TASTES GREAT.”

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 28, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

President Obama’s apology to Cambridge Police is no big surprise

Bowing to mounting pressure from the media and criticism from American citizens [apparently, mostly White], advisors of the President convinced him to schedule a hastily arranged meeting with the Presidential Press corps to quell this firestorm before it severely distracts from his effectiveness to govern. An off-hand remark roughly 72 hours ago about the arrest of his friend Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates jr. (“Skip”) by Cambridge police which he called “stupid” had begun to undermine his domestic agenda and threatens to polarize the country on the issue of “race” relations. According to the latest MSNBC opinion and other online polls as well as Internet chat rooms, nearly three-fourths of respondents disagreed with President Obama’s characterization of the police officers and feel that he should apologize to them and the arresting officer, Sgt. James Crowley.

The apology is a no-brainer because President Obama had no choice in this matter because irrespective of being the Chief Executive and Commander-in-Chief of the Military, he is still in the final analysis, just a “Black” man in America; in spite of his bi-racial roots. This is a ‘reality’ check for Barack Obama and America as well because throughout the Presidential Campaign there has been a careful attempt to avoid seeing Barack Obama as the "Black" President because of all the emphasis on his White heritage (mother, maternal grandparents, uncle, etc.). Even his unforgettable discussion on “race” after former pastor Jeremiah Wright’s inflammatory rhetoric has not healed the deep wounds that still exist in America regarding its history of chattel slavery, Jim Crow segregation, miscegenation, Civil Rights, lynching, voter disenfranchisement, housing and employment discrimination, gentrification, redistricting and racial hatred. Indeed, it must be remembered that it is the “power” of the Oval Office and ‘NOT’ necessarily the person who occupies it that matters; and it seems that Barack Obama has found this out very early in his presidency.

The misconduct of police towards racial minorities is nothing new because it happens all over the place, in cities too numerous to mention; especially those of large urban areas or in a few infamous towns or cities in the Southern United States. This incident with Professor Gates happened in the most liberal States and home Harvard, of one of the most prestigious colleges in the country and the alma mater of the President himself. So, as President Obama called this incident a “teachable” moment, it seems that he is the one who has been ‘schooled,’ and although he invited Sgt. Crowley and “Skip” Gates to come and join him for a ‘brewski’ at the White House, no one has sent their RSVP back as of yet.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 24, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Should Michael Vick be reinstated back into the NFL?

The name of the game is "MO MONEY" and if Vick is still quick and got the skillz to pay the billz, the NFL and the possible Dallas Cowboys will be thinking "KA-CHING," no matter what is thought about him personally. According to the latest opinion poll, 49% of respondents voted in favor of Michael Vick playing for an NFL team this season. Stop and think about it for a minute! How many NFL players as well as MLB and the NBA don't have some kind of criminal or thuggish behavior that is just swept under the rug because the person is a franchise or marquee player and all the physical contact and clowning satiates the appetites of us modern-day Romans; just like our ancestors sitting in the stands at the coliseum watching the entertainment of the day, and instead of the old thumbs down, it is thumbs up all the way to the bank.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 21, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Is the Government really serious about eliminating automobile pollution?

It is interesting to hear the bemoaned wails from executives of the “Big 3” automakers seeking federal ‘Bailout’ money to keep their companies from going bankrupt, thereby severely impacting the already battered economy; not to mention the impact on the families of thousands of workers losing their jobs. The real story is more than slumping car sales, declining market share, and global competition. In the study of Economics there is the “Supply and Demand” rule where you either build a product and create the ‘demand;’ or, you wait for the public to demand something, or create a need and then ‘supply’ it to the consumer. There is way too much “double-talk” by the government concerning the reduction of ‘greenhouse’ gases by making a more fuel-efficient automobile; such as an electric hybrid, hydrogen-powered, and bio-diesel fueled vehicles.

In June 9, 2006, “NOW” by PBS had a program titled, Timeline: Life and Death of the Electric Car and on November 14, 2006 was a documentary titled, “Who Killed the Electric Car?” by Sony on DVD. These two accounts show that as far back as the early 1920’s or so, technology existed for a viable, commercially-available automobile that was not dependent on fossil fuels; so the obvious question is, what happened? In 1912, Charles Kettering invented the “electric starter,” making the cumbersome hand-cranked starter on the electric models obsolete, and of course, the availability of gasoline; doubtless supplied in abundance by “STANDARD OIL” and its subsidiaries or spin-off companies. Now, with the convenience of an automatic starter and the availability of gasoline stations throughout the United States providing unlimited mileage instead of the limited mileage and lack of power from driving the electric car, the addiction was on; not just domestic oil but it seems, to petroleum reserves in the Middle East as well. Although Victor Wonk built the first full-sized hybrid automobile in the United States, ironically a Buick Skylark supplied by G.M. in 1970, as part of the Federal Clean Car Incentive program, the EPA kills the program in 1976; why?

In 1988, Roger Smith, CEO at G.M. agrees to team up with AeroVironment of California to build a practical consumer car called the “EV1” (Electronic Vehicle). Between the years 1996-2000, a few thousand all-electric cars were manufactured by automakers, such as: Honda EV Plus; G.M. EV1; Ford Ranger pickup EV; Nissan Altra EV; Chevy S-10 EV; and Toyota RAV4 EV. There was just one little catch, though; none of the vehicles were for purchase, just for lease. By the early 2000’s “all” the major automakers production of all-electric cars were discontinued; why? G.M. announces that it will not renew leases on the EV1 models, saying, it can no longer supply the parts to repair the vehicles” and it plans to reclaim all the cars by the end of 2004. There are still a few pure electric cars and plug-in hybrids, such as the Toyota Prius, which was first manufactured in Japan in 1997; where it sold 18,000 cars in the first year in that country.

One of the criticisms of using plug-in hybrids is that to recharge the battery won’t solve the issue of reducing pollution because 55% of America’s electrical grid comes from coal production; and coal accounts for 83% of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) pollution in the United States. The thing is, most smog in the cities is not derived from coal-fired plants and utilities, but from automobile exhaust. Not only that, but G.M., Ford, and Daimler-Chrysler account for nearly 75% of all (CO2) emission in the U.S. On-road and off-road vehicles comprise 49% of Nitrous Oxide (NO2) emissions; Utilities 27% (NO2) emissions; and industrial, commercial, residential centers combined contribute 24% (NO2) emissions. So, the argument against electric cars is not only untenable, it is irrational as well. What Congress needs to do, if this country is serious about beating this addiction to gasoline is amend the Clean Air Act where within ten years, there will be a zero tolerance level of emissions from motor vehicles (autos, trucks, motorcycles, etc). There doesn’t need to be another moratorium, select Congressional committee, or summit meeting with political leaders and industry executives to study the problem; all it takes is the “will” to see it happen and not more impassioned and articulate rhetoric.

The so-called “Stimulus” money that was given to the U.S. automakers by President Obama and the Congress should have been on the condition that they use all their technological know-how to remanufacture affordable, commercially-viable, non-polluting electric cars; not merge with another automaker or eliminate some of the less popular gasoline or diesel-powered models. It should not be to burden the auto industry with more regulation or become a major stockholder but rather with funding and guidelines to let these companies do what they do best; and that is, given the right tools and support, the engineers, front-line managers, supervisors, and workers can make the best, most fuel-efficient cars in the world. It isn’t about improved mileage that should be the concern, but rather the significant reduction of pollution resulting from all the vehicles used in transportation, whether military or civilian, being powered by a non-polluting, electrical system than by a polluting hydrocarbon. Even now, research is being done to improve the performance of electric cars by using “lithium-battery” technology by ‘TESLA’ motors in Silicon Valley, CA; so if a small, independent entrepreneur can do this on his own, then what excuse does the federal government and the “Big Three” have?

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
July 9, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Society needs to take tougher stance on "Cheating" spouses

Mr. Pitts:

I think you have a good point about the excuses, or is it justifications that some prominent males in the news recently (mostly White) regarding cheating on their wives. Come to think of it, when was the last time that a Legislator's wife admitted to having an affair? I suppose such thoughts do cross some women's minds considering the popularity of such shows as “DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES;" to name a few. And of course, there are those female teachers who have sex with their underage male students; Washington's own Mary K. Letourneau started something like a virus [bi-polar disorder??] that has been spreading like contagion ever since. So, outside of the few exceptions, men overwhelming cheat, and the reasons may be simpler than you think. Although I am not an expert, but Sociology seems to point to stratification in society when there was a division of labor, men controlled the factors of production, and determined what the most valued things were. Men rose to power and subordinated and subjugated women to roles of lesser importance than themselves.

Men therefore, due to the differentiation of gender roles and social scripts take advantage of their inherited stats to violate "norms" as former President Bill Clinton said as a guest on OPRAH, when asked about the affair with Monica Lewinsky, "I did it because I knew I could." It isn't because of 'Testosterone' or because a man "just can't help it," but rather that as men in a patriarchal social system where the rules are favorable and excusable to certain rules of conduct and proclivities, a man can do just as 'Slick Willy' boasted. This double-standard exists despite the gains that women have achieved because a young girl is still raised to be, at least in theory, a sweet, chaste, virginal princess looking to fall in love and marry her handsome Prince Charming. Interestingly though, very few men if any are raised to be that 'Prince Charming,' and consequently, a female is chasing for something that doesn't exist, but is drawn to the illusion and fantasy; like in a Harlequin romance novel or fairy tale. Since a male has no requirement to be chivalrous, kind, respectful and noble, he can be any way he wants. A man can have several lovers or relationships because that is just being a "man" but a female doing the same thing is considered a "slut" or "ho;" even by other women. The difficulty with addressing this behavior is putting it in the right context.

To correct this convenient marital opt-out clause, the first thing needs to be done are to get away from using words or phrases such as: indiscretion, "my bad," moral turpitude, indecent liaison, mistake, weakness, illicit affair, tryst, seduction, moral lapse, etc; although no one has ever said, "the devil made me do it;" at least, so far. Even the word "adultery" doesn't carry the stigma and pariah status that it once used to, so then, what is the answer you may ask? When a man is abusive to a girlfriend or wife, it is considered "criminal" and punishable by Law, so why isn't it so in this case when someone is 'abused' after the marital vows are broken?

It is the same thing as “Domestic Violence” because in 9 out of 10 times, the aggrieved or abused person will forgive their abusive partner and take them back [try to work things out]. Law Enforcement statistics indicate that the abuse only escalates, rarely does it diminish, and if someone is socially prominent or affluent, the abuse can take on other forms such as neglect, ridicule, control, or abandonment [preoccupation with other things]. There is a name for this mistreatment, and it is called the "Battered Woman Syndrome" and surely the harm inflicted can be of no lesser degree in these instances of marital alienation than a physical beating. One other point; especially for those who may seek an answer that is higher than any secular or civil authority. Remember the Patriarch Joseph who, after resisting the seductive allure and attempts from the wife of his employer, Potiphar, said in Genesis 39: 9b, "How can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?" This in the heart of the matter because "all" sin is against the Creator and Lord God of heaven and earth. It is a serious matter and should not be taken so lightly because although society's Laws change, the Word of God does not.

Psalms 119: 89
Forever, O Lord, Your Word is settled in heaven.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 7, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

President Barack Obama: Negotiate with Israel to release the "Gaza-21"

How ironic is it that as America celebrated its 233rd Anniversary of Independence and Freedom on this past July 4th, four U.S. citizens, including Cynthia McKinney, former House of Representatives member from Georgia, along with others called the “Gaza-21” are being held illegally in an Israeli prison. Ms. McKinney was part of a human rights delegation delivering much needed humanitarian aide to Palestinians living in the war- torn and occupied territories of the Gaza Strip. The boat she was on was seized by the Israeli Navy while in International Waters; much like tankers, cargo and passenger ships are seized in open waters by marauding bands of Somali pirates.

So far, the Obama Administration and the State Department under Hilary Rodham Clinton have been silent on this clear act that is in violation of International and Maritime laws. President Barack Obama’s eloquent speech from Cairo, Egypt about a month ago must not have gotten through to the people of Israel; or at least to the military and political leadership. It will be interesting to see what action the United Nations will take on the matter, and although President Obama hasn’t gotten that phone call at 3AM yet, he had better learn to be a “light” sleeper because it is getting close to 2AM, and the clock is still ticking.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 6, 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Rebuttal to Leonard Pitts article on the Manifested Glory Ministries

Dear Mr. Pitts:
I did look into the incident of the Manifested Glory Ministries in Bridgeport, CT exorcising [driving out] the homosexual(??) demon out of a teenage boy that was broadcast over the Internet. As a believing Christian, I am disturbed by the Church's actions but along with that I am also offended by the way you took a very good point and twisted it into something which bordered on the ridiculous; perhaps that was your intention all along. Although the Scriptures do not specifically point to homosexuality and other behaviors as influenced by demons, it does suggest that there are instances in which demonic influence is real.
In I Samuel 16: 15, 23 King Saul suffered some mental instability or irratio-nality as a result of suffering from what was called an "evil spirit." In Mark 5: 2 and onward, there is the account of a madman who was insane, very strong, could not be chained, and lived among the tombs not wearing any clothes. After the man was healed by Jesus in verse 15, it states that the man put on some clothing and what is most instructive, that he was now 'in his right mind.' In Luke 9: 37-42 is the account of a boy whose epileptic seizures were induced by a demon (in this particular case). Finally, there was a woman in Luke 13: 11, 16 who was afflicted by Satan where she could not straighten herself for eighteen years until Jesus unbound her from that infirmity.
Now that you are no longer demon-illiterate and perhaps you got some demonowledge from this response of mine. Yes, you are right, there is no excuse for fear, stupidity, and intolerance; but the remedy to this troubling incident is not more ridicule, insults, cynicism, narrow-mindedness, and being judgmental. You may not agree with the Manifested Glory Church but it doesn't give you the right to demean their beliefs in print; no matter how much their faith practices offends your own moral or spiritual values of what is good, decent, right, and just.
Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 29, 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009

Rebuttal of Tacoma News Tribune's article: Michael Jackson toxic celebrity

The 'OPINION' section on page 6 in Sunday's "Tacoma News Tribune," June 28, 2009, was demeaning, insensitive, and insulting for the following reasons: Firstly, you displayed the most bizarre-looking, eerie and unearthly picture of Michael Jackson; surely a better looking picture of Mr. Jackson exists but I guess you wanted to substantiate your description of him as "freakish-looking, like a ghostly villain from a 'Batman' movie. Are you sure that you didn't mean ghoulish-looking villain . . .? Then you go on to state that Michael Jackson died as a "pathetic" figure, in debt, isolated, and overshadowed by persistent allegations of child molestations.

The journalistic standard for being objective and not allowing personal feelings to find its way into print just got thrown out the window. Calling Mr. Jackson a 'pathetic' figure without any factual evidence to back up this assertion is just your opinion; and could be pursued in a lawsuit for 'libel.' As far as Michael Jackson being in "debt," everyone has debt. There is a difference between one's personal assets and those as an entertainment commodity; besides, has Michael Jackson filed for bankruptcy? Lastly, as far as the allegations about criminal charges for Child Molestation, Mr. Jackson was acquitted on all charges in 2005, and he settled an out-of-Court civil suit on Molestation charges about ten years earlier. So, in the future, as the former star of the NBC 1952-1959 series "DRAGNET," Jack Webb, as Sgt. Joe Friday badge 714, would say, "Just the facts, Maam." And in the future, the TNT editorial board of Patrick O'Callahan, Cheryl Tucker, and Kim Bradford need to keep your opinions to yourself and not in print!

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 29, 2009

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Boy Prince of Never Never Land

There will doubtless be thousands of articles, stories, a few books, and another movie on the life of the famous Jackson family; and Michael in particular. Michael, like those few humans blessed with an extraordinary gift or talent, became larger than “LIFE;” an almost iconic, mythical figure, who transcended the normal boundaries of moral and spiritual requirements, although he was very much a frail, broken, flawed, and damaged human being. Of Michael’s enormous talent, he stood alone on his pedestal, towering far above the rest because he had no equal. Just think about it: The seventh of nine children, born in Gary, Indiana who was taught musical routines along with his older brothers at the tender age of 7 by his hard-driving, demanding father, Joe Jackson. At age 11, Michael becomes the featured lead singer and performer with his siblings known as “The Jackson Five.” Two years later, though still part of the group, Michael goes for a solo career. Both Michael and his brothers are very popular during the decade of the 1970’s. There was a period where they received some criticism for playing “Bubble gum” music, meaning that they needed to grow up more lyrically, professionally, and in the public perception of their personalities as well.

Although aloofness and strangeness is not uncommon with genius, Michael’s particular eccentricities and interest in some of the bizarre, like bones of “The Elephant Man,” may be deeply rooted in psychology rather than anything else. In 1984, Michael seemed to be just your typical, talented, rising Super-Star performer until his hair caught on fire from doing the Ad for “Pepsi.” There was news footage of Michael being bandaged around his head and hands, and interesting enough, those bandages still remained; in an emotional and mental sense. Michael had repressed or suppressed a lot of childhood pain and this physical sensation from the ‘burn’ was like the internal hell-like torment that he must have carried within himself of the abuse at the hands of his father all these years. It is possible that the uniforms, gloves, masks, and handkerchiefs Michael wore on his body were symbolic to protect his vulnerability and hurt. Sometimes, when one experienced a traumatic, life-threatening event, it can change your entire approach to the way you do things. Remember comedian Richard Pryor’s ‘change’ after he caught on fire from free-basing, and stopped using the “N” word in his routines; and what about soulful crooner Al Green who also saw the “Light” after some hot grits was tossed on his chest by an angry girlfriend while he was in the bathtub?

Not to drift too far from the point, the person who sang, “Man in the Mirror,” seemed to live at times as though he were the “Boy in the Bubble” by his aversion to coming into contact with germs and sleeping in a hypobaric oxygen chamber. And like former billionaire industrialist Howard Hughes, Michael got to the point where he didn’t want to pick up and handle anything with his hands. Mr. Hughes’ condition can be explained medically because he was diagnosed as suffering from ‘Syphilis;’ which had affected his brain. It is unfortunate that Michael has been accused of Child Molestation because the one thing that he seems to stand out for is his great ‘Love’ for children. It is almost as though he was an ebon ‘Pied piper’ who could capture the hearts of the youth with his magical flute.

There will continue to be the debate as to whether Michael Jackson should be called “The King of Pop” as opposed to the title going to “Elvis” or the “Beatles.” Well, with the latter, classification would be impractical because it would be comparing an individual to a group. Even when Paul McCartney formed the group “Wings,” it still wouldn’t make sense because how well has Sir Paul done as a solo artist? Now, regarding Elvis Pressley; Michael has sold more albums; and “Thriller” has more Number 1 hits than Elvis had from any of his albums. Although Ed Sullivan didn’t want the cameras to show the gyrating legs of Elvis when he performed on his stage, how does that compare to Michael’s patented “Moonwalk” and other irreproducible, unduplicatable, gravity-defying dance moves; let alone his eye-catching, jaw-dropping, crotch-grabbing dance number in the “BAD” music video. One thing though, are the similarities to his death and Elvis; which is: a personal medical physician has once again prescribed medication or “pain killers” [‘ironic label’] which proves to be fatal to his famous client.

The legendary Fred Astaire made a comment about Michael Jackson’s form as that of ‘an angry dancer,’ and perhaps there was some truth in his assessment. For Michael, since he couldn’t go back and relive his childhood all over again and recapture all the fun, imagination, and fantasy of youth; he will just try and create it by his Walt Disney-themed Never Neverland ranch in Santa Barbara, CA. Michael once remarked that he was “Peter Pan” or the boy who never grew up; perhaps that explains his surgically-altered appearance as opposed to suffering from ‘Vitiligo’ (skin depigmentation). Although it would seem that Michael was someone who may have had the genetic material which appeared to be a combination of ‘Peter Pan’ and ‘Benjamin Button.’ As old Blues legend B.B. King used to say, “THE THRILL(ER) IS GONE.” Be that as it may, perhaps Michael finally has found peace and may truly walk through the pearly gates of the true “NEVER NEVER LAND!”

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 26, 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Farrah Fawcett: The 'Angel' with the golden smile

The actress with the long golden hair and beautiful smile, who was one of the ‘original’ angels on the hit ABC TV show of the 1970’s, “Charlie’s Angels,” can finally get her wings for real. Ms Fawcett succumbed to cancer at the age of 62. The native of Corpus Christi, TX was an accomplished actress on both television and the Big Screen. Farrah was undoubtedly one of the first actresses to portray the abuses of a battered woman [‘wife’] in the riveting movie, “The Burning Bed,” in 1984. This was followed by other such victimization movies as “The Color Purple,” in 1985, starring Whoopi Goldberg and Danny Glover. Julia Roberts played an abused wife in the 1991 thriller, “Sleeping with the Enemy.” Angela Bassett portrayed Superstar performer, the legendary Tina Turner in “What’s Love got to do with it,” in 1993; and Jennifer Lopez starred in the movie “Enough” in 2002.

Besides her failed marriage to actor Lee Majors, she continued in a relationship with actor Ryan O’Neil until the end. Farrah was the epitome of a sexy, pinup girl with the photo of her on that unforgettable poster wearing a red, one-piece bathing suit. Farrah’s surviving cast members include Kate Jackson and Jaclyn Smith, and this trio became an International success. Although “Charlie’s Angels” ran from 1976 to 1981, Farrah wanted out of her contract and became a lightning rod of controversy because of it. After leaving her television role behind her, Farrah went on to do Broadway, cinematic movies and she received an Emmy nomination as well as six Golden Globe nominations. There were of course, rumors that Farrah was feuding with her former co-stars since she had left the show but that has since been repudiated by Kate Jackson. Farrah lived a full life and one which she probably felt was filled with happiness for the most part, and of which she probably had little or no regrets.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 25, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Message to Governor Mark Sanford: Some people never seem to learn from the mistakes of others

The moral authority of the GOP seems to be unraveling among those whose mouths drip with sweet platitudes of devotion, loyalty, patriotism, fidelity, honesty, and family values are falling like a house of cards. The latest embarrassment is Governor Mark Sanford (R-NC), who has admitted to an affair with a woman named “Maria” from Buenos Aires, Argentina. If it is any consolation, the Governor is just the latest inductee into the dishonorable “Hall of Shame.” Former tarnished members include: Former Mayor Eliot Spitzer (R-NY), alias “Client Number 9” had affairs with prostitutes, including, Ashley “Kristen” Dupree. Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R-NY) had an affair with Judith Nathan, who later became his second wife.

Former Senator John Ensign (R-NV) had an affair with a campaign staffer. Newt Gingrich had an affair with a young Congressional Aide named Anne Manning; although she said it was only “oral sex.” That one sounds vaguely familiar, and it is about as logical as former Senator Larry Craig (R-OH), saying that he wasn’t ‘gay.’ Even the ‘pit-bull’ of the Republican Party, Bill O’Reilly had to settle an out-of-court sexual harassment lawsuit filed against him by the former producer of "THE O’REILLY FACTOR,” Andrea Mackris. Even the “Mouth,” Rush Limbaugh has an ongoing affair with the sound of his own voice; not to mention those occasional encounters with ‘oxycontin.’

In order not to appear biased or one-sided, the Democrats have their roll call members, too: NY Governor David Paterson had an affair with several women; including one who was a State employee. Now, saving the best for last: poster boy for Infidelity, former Senator John Edwards who had an affair with Reille Hunter; while his wife Elizabeth was undergoing painfully debilitating cancer treatments, and who was in remission. One thing is becoming increasing clear in these instances, especially among Republicans, which is, the Party that preaches such ‘virtuosity’ ends up practicing the most ‘hypocrisy.’

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 24, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

Cheerios: Breakfast cereal and "Drug," according to the FDA

The overburdened and understaffed governmental agency entrusted with the responsibility to keep the public safe from harmful products, the FDA has just come out with its latest consumer warning about "CHEERIOS" being a drug. Never mind about lead-based toys from China, or the ones containing powerful magnets that can be swallowed by infants; after years of research and investigation into the suspected 'cereal,' the FDA has concluded that the health claims which are printed on the side of the box to lower cholesterol, thereby mitigating the onset of coronary heart disease is so misleading and dangerous that it warrants labeling it as a "drug."

Prescription drugs such as Oxycontin ('Rush's favorite) and DMX (dextromethorphan), which used to be found in over-the-counter cough medications; as well as the illegal steroids EPO and THG (tetrahydrogestrinone) used by the former "Golden Girl" of TRACK & FIELD, Marion Jones, and A-Rod's favorite supplements of Primobalin and Testosterone, are one thing; but CHEERIOS? Even the 'Designer' drugs such as "ECSTASY," MDPV, desoxypipradrol, methylmethaqualone, sildenafil ("Viagra"), or Cannabinuids JWH-018 (derivative of the 'cannabis' plant; marijuana) is understandable that Federal agencies would want to keep these dangerous chemical substances inaccessible to the public, but what is wrong with having a little milk in a bowl of Cheerios at breakfast, or anytime? This really does give new meaning to the phrase, "War on Drugs." One can only wonder if the FDA tested boxes of plain Cheerios or was it the Honey-Nut variety? What's next; the secret chemical formulation in 'COKE' or the "special" herbs & spices used at KFC?

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 22, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Obama Administration hedging its bets on Iran’s Presidential Election

All eyes in the International community, especially those in Washington D.C. and among those G-20 countries including the United States and the EU, are closely watching events as they unfold in Tehran, Iran. The unrest and civic protests as well as some arrests and violent deaths resulting from clashes with the police due alleged voter fraud resulting from president Mamoud Ahmed Ahmadenijad’s victory over challenger Hossein Mousavi, have left many of the more reform-minded, youthful, and many feminists with a sour taste in their mouths. This is especially crucial because Iran is one of the world’s major oil-exporting countries and a continued escalation of tensions could lead to conditions which might destabilize financial markets and send the price for a barrel to an all-time high.

The irony of this unrest cannot go unnoticed because it was in December 1979 that a popular “Shia” Imam by the name of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeni led the overthrow of the corrupt, pro-Western government of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahalavi; ushering in what has been referred to as “The Islamic Revolution.” Now it seems as though history might repeat itself with Supreme Islamic cleric Ayatollah Ali Khameni’s support of President Ahmed Ahmadinejad. This is even more intriguing because Ex-President Mohammad Khatami is one of the challengers to Ahmadinejad, and one of his daughters is a supporter of Mousavi. Not only that, but Khatami is the leader of the Supreme Ruling Council who essentially are the power behind Ayatollah Khameni. Also, in this same June of 1989, protestors were killed at “Tiananmen Square” in Beijing, the People’s Republic of China for wanting Democratic freedoms and reform.

The game of wait-and-see for President Obama’s Administration must be wrenching as nerves are tense with a heightened sense of urgency, trepidation, as well as anxiety because the situation is so uncertain and unpredictable. Even the bookies in Las Vegas don’t know which way to call this one. As the old saying goes, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend,” but also, “It is easier to deal with the devil you do know than with the one you don’t;” and therein lies the dilemma or paradox. For now, all the White House and the State Department can do is watch “CNN” or “YouTube” and order out for pizza; lots and lots of pizza!

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 18, 2009

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Vampires are a Cinematic and Literary CASH COW

It seems that a growing number of people, from tweens, their parents, and those in their twenties and upward have been bitten, or rather, smitten by the latest interest in vampire movies, romance novels, along with a possible television show in the works. The fascination with the undead is nothing new, starting as far back as in 1931, with Hungarian-born actor Bela Lugosi’s portrayal of Count Dracula.
In 1966, ABC-TV aired the show “DARK SHADOWS,” with Canadian-born actor Jonathan Frid starring as the vampire Barnabas Collins.

Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, and Christian Slater starred in the movie, “INTERVIEW WITH A VAMPIRE,” by popular Author Ann Rice in 1994. Sarah Michelle Gellar starred in “BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER” in 1997, including David Boreanaz from “BONES;” which popularized the whole romantic tension, attraction and interplay between a handsome male vampire and a vulnerable-looking female. Although in this particular case, Buffy could really kick some butt! Now Forks, WA is getting ready to receive the next wave of the almost cult-following adoring fans who were seduced by the first showing of the movie, “TWILIGHT,” with stars Robert Pattinson as the vampire ‘Edward,’ and his almost victim/love interest ‘Bella,’ played by Kristen Stewart.

This is definitely “New School,” because in the past, vampires were not interested in relationships but in control and power, using a hypnotic glare to paralyze their victim before fangs were struck on the side of the victims neck, penetrating the Carotid Artery; killing the victim, while the vampire drank the life-sustaining red elixir of Life. In a few instances, the person was bitten only to be infected with the Vampire curse; of becoming one of the damned, to wander the earth following the scent of blood, pulsating in the warm bodies of their next prey; just as their former masters did to them. Also, vampires could not see their reflection in a mirror, could turn into a bat, were vulnerable to Holy water and the Crucifix, slept in a coffin bed, and could not enter the sacred ground of either a cemetery, Church, Cathedral, Temple, or Mosque(??); that was then, this is now.

Although vampires can still be killed by the Ages old ‘stake’ in the heart, or from a real serious beat-down, the modern vampires like to hit the clubs, take drugs, get freaky in sexual orgies, surf the Internet Chat rooms and collect pornographic materials. Some of them, like the handsome Robert Pattinson, probable spend quite some time in front of the mirror. It is even probable that a few vampires wear a necklace with the ‘crucifix’ around their neck and talk more about a belief in God than the devil; and after all, one must not confuse them with being demons because they aren’t. Lastly, it seems all the fascination with the vampire story is predicated upon the romantic feelings and love between an unequal power relationship between a beautiful and in many if not all cases, female and a male, who like in the fairy tales is dashing, heroic, handsome, unselfish, and most important of all, heterosexual.

One can only wonder how popular would any vampire be if he or she reflected today’s social experience of a homosexual, rapist, a pedophile, a leader in Congress, Police Chief, member of the clergy, Fortune 500 CEO, mailman, soldier in the Military serving in Iraq or Afghanistan, or if there was a beautiful female teacher who seduced her unwitting Middle School male students.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 16, 2009

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Message of "hate" has a long shelf life

The ironic shooting death of an African-American security guard, Stephen Tyrone Johns, at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D. C. on July 11, 2009, underscores once again the irrationality of ‘HATE.’ Much has been made of the affiliation to a White Supremacist group by the 88- year-old assailant, James von Brunn, but not as much attention and coverage was given to the slain man’s grief-stricken family, friends, co-workers or relatives. Experts from the FBI, college professors and Advisory Council or Public Policy Institutes have all weighed in on this issue and reached conclusions that are once again, OLD NEWS. This act is just another violent symptom due to fear of further polluting the so-called “pure” White race and as well as witnessing the gradual demise of old White Men [the status quo].

Some will point to the election of Barack Obama, a non-White man as the tipping point to trigger more such outbursts based upon an increase in Internet chat rooms toward harming the First-Family which have most certainly been censored, sanitized, and filtered through the media by Government officials; and any domestic assassination attempts, threats, and conspiracies were doubtless thwarted through surveillance and eavesdropping on private communications by the FBI, Homeland Security, and Justice Department.

While this incident is unfortunate, President Obama is not the scapegoat for all of this rage which will incite White people to ignite a “RACE WAR.” Attempting to use Barack Obama’s opposition to the NRA’s attempt to overturn the Law banning the sale of Assault [automatic] Weapons does not deprive those avid gun enthusiasts, sportsmen, Aryan Nation, Skin Heads, Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists of their First Amendment Right to Bear Arms; and to say he wants to is ridiculous. Also, excuses such as blaming the high crime rates in some impoverished urban communities is a threat to Whites is not credible because the Law Enforcement statistics for Black on White victimization show that such incidences are very low.

Another common grievance is the Immigration issue, which is meant to mean “illegal aliens or those with Spanish surnames who supposedly keep wages low by working in occupations, industries, and on jobs that native-born and naturalized citizens don’t want to. This is troublesome for Whites, mostly the males, especially when the Economy is contracting and in a Recession. These hard working, albeit undocumented men and women are accused of avoiding paying Federal Income taxes but it is conveniently ignored about the billions of dollars they spend in the Economy from their employment on goods and services. Adding to this paranoia is the fact that within a few decades, Hispanics will be the majority population in the United States. Not only that, but bi-racial families are the fastest growing segment in American society, outpacing, if not replacing, the traditional social experience or expectation.

For those who would predict America will go down in flames among the conflagration of an ‘Apocalyptic’ Race War, don’t hold your breath because it just ain’t gonna happen! Nor will using the universal, pathetic, anguished and hateful cry of all-time, “Blame it On the Jews.” So then, what is at the heart of an underlying root for the frustration, powerlessness, and disorientation besieging White men desperately needing an answer to losing one's job, health care insurance, home, standard-of-living, retirement benefits, and confidence; causing them to lash out in unprovoked maniacal and criminal actions towards those who look differently from them?

There is a name for this ‘PAIN’ but it is not the ‘Black Man.’ Indeed; it might be a lot closer than he is willing to admit or look. Besides, who are the ones taking most of the good jobs; it’s certainly not the Blacks, Jews, Arabs, or even the 2% outsourced to Asia. Even if all the facts are never fully known or disclosed, still, there is no excuse or justification for this kind of bigotry, hatred, viciousness, callousness and murder.

This kind of warped mentality isn’t unlike what motivated the killing of Dr. George Tiller, whose body was found shot to death in the foyer of a Lutheran Reformation Church in Wichita, Kansas about two weeks ago. This physician who performed thousands of abortions had received death threats by PRO-LIFE anti-abortionists whose twisted logic ardently value the sanctity of Life for an unborn immature fetus [a human in-becoming] but for some reason, have little or no regard for that same preciousness of Life when an abortion clinic is bombed, placing medical staff, assistants, office personnel, and the pregnant female in harm’s way; or a doctor shot to death because to them, these people deserve whatever they get coming to them.

What these two extreme examples have in common is a delusional state-of-mind driven by intense passions, devoid of reason, dedicated and fixed upon one single objective, namely, to eradicate the perceived affront to one’s core beliefs, and driven by an obsessive, albeit, convincingly unbalanced sense of what seems to such a person, of ‘doing the Right thing.’

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 13, 2009

Friday, June 5, 2009

Change All of Us Can Believe In

President Barack Obama's speech on yesterday from Cairo, Egypt was not only historic, but it was probably one of his best speeches ever! It's unfortunate that it will do little to move people to act in more humane and compassionate ways toward one another. The real issue is whether or not we as members of one diverse race and family of humanity are ready to beat our swords into plowshears (gardening tools), and not learn the ways of war anymore. There is so much more which we have in common with each other than which separates us, and it is now far past the time for Muslims, Christians, and Jews to "Stop the Insanity."

Barack was correct in pointing out from a reading of the Holy Koran that it is against the teachings to harm or kill the innocent and when al-Qaeda does this, they are violating not only the teachings of the prophet Mohammed but the very word of Allah Himself; this all muslims know in their hearts because afterall, the very word, 'Muslim' means, "submission to the will of God" and the word Islam means, "peace." So, it is troubling when an Imam teaches one to participate in "Jihad," make the holy pilgrimmage to Mecca in one's lifetime, as well as pray 5 times a day while memorizing verses of the Koran, and yet are they not blaspheming the very name of Allah if they are unfaithful to the Truth by slaughtering the innocent; and are themselves no worse off than the very infidels whom they vehemently condemn?

Also, the truth about war needs to be revealed for what it really is, and that being, an insidious attempt to gain wealth and power by exploiting people, lands, and natural resources. It is not strictly about political ideology, religion, or human rights but rather, if there is gold in them thar hills, copper and diamonds in those mines, and how many bbl. of oil or mcf. of natural gas can be extracted from the ground; democracy and christianity are used as just the means to an ends. As an old Indian elder once lamented: "They [the Christian missionaries] had Bibles and we had the land." The missionaries said, "Let us bow our heads, close our eyes, kneel and pray." "When we opened our eyes, raised our heads and stood up on our feet; they had all the land and we got Bibles."

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 6, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Are Tacoma Mayoral Candidates Closet Christians?

Have we become so cynical, sensitive, and politically-incorrect that the mere mention of a word such as "spiritual" conjures up visions of bible-toting demagogues preaching messages of hell-fire, brimstone and eternal damnation who browbeat sinners (those who don't embrace their particular theology) to repent and accept God's salvation; while at the same time they talk about God's Love as they practice intolerance, hatred, and judging other people. Some fail to see that the word 'spiritual' has meaning in a number of different religions besides Christianity; not to mention among other philosophical teachings and disciplines.

It seems that Tacoma, WA Mayoral candidates Marrilyn Strickland and Jim Merritt may face the political equivalent of being thrown into the arena before latter-day Romans who smell blood just because of their "Faith." Being a Christian is not about adherence to some rigid, outdated dogma, but rather, it is about the freedom to live a virtuous life of the highest ideals of moral integrity, honor, compassion, justice, championing human rights, and unselfishlessly desiring to serve others for the common welfare of all people. It is not about political labels but rather to seek consensus, and to build bridges and bi-partisan support among those with whom you may fundamentally disagree on some policy issues or decisions.

The thing that is most important is for a candidate to be honest, transparent, and to stand firmly behind their word. Having a religious background, whether Christian or any other, if it embraces these principles, should not disqualify someone who seeks to be chosen for a non-partisan elected office.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 3, 2009