Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Atheist Placard Arouses Righteous Indignation

A sign placed near a Nativity scene in the lobby of the WA State Capitol building by the group Freedom From Religion has received national attention; especially vociferous denunciations from none other than FOX television commentator Bill OReilly, who berated Governor Chris Gregoire and the liberal un-churched Washingtonians for allowing this affront to Christianity. This event has turned into a Three-Ring-Circus to include protests from all sides in this mole hill turned into a mountain. Now the Capitol lobby has turned into the nexus for all forms of religious expression, coincidentally during this time of PEACE ON EARTH, GOODWILL TOWARD MEN.” Even included in all the symbols of faith is a sign celebrating “FESTIVUS” as portrayed on the KSTW Channel 11(UPN) television station sitcom, “SEINFELD.”

Supporters of Free Thinkers and true believers clash once again to include Co-Pastor Wendy Treat of Christian Faith Center in Federal Way, WA and Pastor Ken Hutcherson of Antioch Bible Church in Kirkland, WA. It is surprising that Pastor Hutcherson has the time because his energies are usually focused on waging a one-man crusade against the GLTB community. Be that as it may, the ‘real’ issue isn’t religion anyway, but rather the United States Constitution. The Founding Fathers of the Nation, those original representatives of the 13 colonies or Confederation as well as some of the great thinkers of the time whose intellect, philosophy, virtue, and doubtless belief in a Supreme Being helped erect the cornerstone and shape the framework of this great experiment in this government of a Democratic Representative Republic.

One of the essential elements that must be closely looked at is the very structure and language embedded within our most cherished documents. The Preamble to the Constitution and the Declaration of the Constitution itself do not contain language that can be constructed to embody the belief in any particular faith practice concept of deity. In fact, the words religion, Nature’s God, and Creator are ‘generic’ terms that can be applied to any number of religions; and not to any particular one or worldview.

The original settlers and immigrants who came to America doubtless embraced the full spectrum of religious as well as secular thought and experience. It must also be noted that the beginning clause First Amendment says, “Congress [Federal Government] shall not establish a religion [National], nor would it make it illegal for the establishment of one. This seems to imply that it would be left up to the people to practice ‘religion’ as they so determine without interference from the Federal Government. Also within this same Amendment is perhaps the most important, namely, Freedom of Speech. It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL to censure, abrogate, or deny the practice of this Right; no matter how much one may disagree with the expression of it.

Now what have been the history, tradition, and cultural practice for nearly 250 years are citizens who embrace a Christian Theology and whose influence permeate all aspects of American society as well as educational, political, and social institutions. It is unfortunate that the placard placed by this one atheist group denigrates all religions, including itself, but yet, it is still protected under the provision of the Constitution. During the Vietnam War many protestors and demonstrators burned the American flag, but a later US Supreme Court ruled that such actions, as seemingly anti-American, unpatriotic, and disrespectful were nevertheless, Free Speech as allowed under The First Amendment.

This entire matter has for the moment, taken people’s minds off the dreary economic news and unemployment figures, so in a strange and ironic sort of way it is a bit of comic relief; although it seems that nobody is laughing.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
December 10, 2008

Oprah Fails to Heed Own Advice

The Queen of the Daytime Confessionals, talk show host Oprah Winfrey has finally admitted to losing her struggle against gaining weight. What had originally been reported in celebrity televised tabloids such as “INSIDE EDITION” and “ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY” and featured in newspapers across the country has been confirmed by the talk show host. Although Oprah’s condition has been exacerbated by a thyroid condition, which she could manage with the proper medication, diet, and exercise, it is surprising that the High-Priestess of CHANGE YOUR LIFE SPIRITUALITY could not follow her own advice.

Oprah has had many guests on her show throughout the years that she has lectured to about the causes for food addictions, such as having a negative self image who consume food as a sort of feel good therapy. In fact, Miss “O” dispenses more advice to the guests than the medical experts, authors, and professionals in the field who are invited on the show to address these issues. One can only wonder what the root cause is, besides an overactive thyroid, which has resulted in the recent gain of forty pounds to a nearly unhealthy 200 pounds. One would think that Oprah would have consulted friends like Dr. Phil, Eckhart Tolle, or even beau Stedman Graham as she began to feel control over her health slip away.

This personal embarrassment for her must be painful and of course Oprah tries to keep it real for her legions of fans by allowing herself to be portrayed on the latest edition of ‘O’ Magazine, but that is not the same thing as sitting in front of the television cameras where she is viewed by millions of people or in front of her studio audience. It’s too bad that Oprah is in this situation because in 41 days, Barack Obama will take the Oath of Office to become the forty-fourth President of the United States; an event of historic proportions on many levels. Doubtless, Oprah wants to be the ‘Belle’ of the Inaugural Ball for this once-in-a-lifetime event but it would be quite a challenge for any of the famous designers to come up with a dress or gown constructed of the most exquisite fabric and elegant style to be worn by someone who is not exactly a demure waif; but then again, don’t underestimate Miss “O” because what she wants she usually gets.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
December 10, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The “Palin Effect” in One Word: S-E-X-Y

Finally, someone has dared to reveal the ‘TRUTH’ about Governor Sarah Palin’s popularity, and it’s in print (Kathleen Parker Op-Ed in “T-N-T” Section B-7, 10/26/08); namely, her enormous popularity is based upon, not surprisingly, primal “sex appeal.” It doesn’t matter if she butchers the English language or drops her “g’s,” just as long as she looks ‘HOT’ in the process. It goes without saying that the Alaska Governor is the favorite political eye candy of most men, irrespective of party affiliation, and which one of us wouldn’t want to get a hug from the Republican Vice-presidential nominee.

In a strange twist-of-fate, John McCain’s political Ads likened Barack Obama to a celebrity such as Paris Hilton but Sarah Palin has become the Republican equivalent; although Paris has probably been to a foreign country, at least. In fact, if you think about it, both of them are sexy and their lives mirror each other as some sort of ‘Reality TV’ show. Paris Hilton is dogged by the paparazzi and the same can be said for Sarah Palin’s coverage by the media.

When John McCain is around Sarah Palin he seems more invigorated, like receiving a charge from the “Energizer Bunny.” It is worth noting how the Alaska Governor’s designer glasses and her apparel has received some much attention while poor Cindy McCain can wear a $200,000 ensemble outfitted with matching diamonds and pearls, yet it barely rates more than a big “yawn” in the press. About twenty years ago when Hillary Clinton burst on the political scene she was attractive in a plain sort-of-way, but she definitely did not make any of the testosterone-driven observers want a pinup of her.

So, yes, like the famous “PLAYBOY” magazine interview in which former president Jimmy Carter admitted to having ‘lusted in his heart,’ to wit, many of us would doubtless plead “The FIFTH” [Amendment against self-incrimination]. In a week or so the voters will decide who the next President and Vice-president of our country will be, and Sarah Palin will be missed because for the past two months she was to reason to watch more “SNL” with Tina Fey, David Lettermen, Jimmy Kimmel, FOX News, CNN, CBS News with Katie Couric, McNeil-Lehrer News Hour, and any other media source that was interested in her. She will be missed; the most beautiful, sexy, charming, Hockey Mom-Moose-skinning, pit-bull with lipstick, politically scatterbrained person in modern times.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
October 27, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

McCain-Palin’s Other Secret Weapon

The Republican Presidential campaign has been given an unexpected gift in the person of Barack Obama’s presidential running mate, Delaware Senator Joseph Biden. The unflappable member of Congress has made some untimely political gaffes which Barack Obama has had to do some damage control, downplay, or ignore altogether. John McCain and Sarah Palin are making some inroads with small businesses and blue collar working class Americans with their poster boy “Joe the Plumber,” and it seems, they are getting an extra bonus with “Joe the Bumbler.” Some of the more memorable political fodder for the Republicans to use has been comments such as: “It is patriotic to pay taxes; Hillary Clinton is more qualified than I am to be Vice-President, FDR got on television and addressed the American people about the Stock Market Crash of 1929, and within six months an international incident will test the presidency of Barack Obama.”

Never mind all the attacks from Governor Sarah Palin, mostly, that Barack Obama doesn’t share our values, that he is a friend of terrorists, an elitist, he is a socialist (will redistribute wealth), he will raise taxes on the struggling middle class and small businesses, he will increase the size of government and increase federal spending; he voted to give big tax breaks to oil companies, he supported the Bush-Cheney Energy Plan, his earmarks are substantially larger than John McCain’s, and that Barack Obama places his own political aspirations to be President above the interests of the American people and the safety of our troops.

When every political point counts in a very close election, with all the scrutiny and criticism of Governor Sarah Palin’s oddball answers to reporter’s questions, still she is a dynamo in front of a lectern. With Senator Joe Biden, on the other hand, it’s no telling what might come out of his mouth. Since picking the Vice President is the first major policy decision of the incoming Presidential nominee, the more Joe Biden speaks, at least as of late, the better he makes Sarah Palin look. For Barack Obama, with a friend and running mate like this, who needs enemies?

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
October 24, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

McCain Finally Get's Some Fire in the Belly at Last Debate

In the third and final Presidential debate for 2008, which was televised on Wednesday, October 15, 2008, Republican Senator John McCain finally showed “True Grit.” It was like watching the final bout of a heavyweight title fight, some sheer political pugilism with the underdog on the scorecard throwing some pretty good jabs; but once again, he was not able to land any solid blows or deliver that ‘haymaker’ or knock-out punch to buckle Barack Obama’s knees and sending him face first onto the canvas. In what has been described as one of the dirtiest and meanest Presidential political campaigns in American history with each side accusing the other of distorting the other’s record, lying, and dishonesty.

The last two weeks has seen its share of some of the lowest points, especially at Republican rallies featuring V.P. nominee Alaska Governor Sarah Palin who gets the crowds riled up and worked into a frenzy amid denunciations of “He doesn’t share our values, He is a friend of terrorists, He will raise taxes on the Middle Class, all amid the cries in the audience of, “Liar, Abomination, and Off with His Head.” Also, just as disturbing is a statement within the past week by longtime Civil Rights activist and elder statesman, Congressman John Lewis of Atlanta, GA who likened the activities of the McCain/Palin campaign’s racist attacks (albeit very subtly, if at that) to the character exhibited by former Jim Crow Segregationist, Governor George Wallace of Alabama. This is what it all has descended to with all the partisan name-calling but the stakes have never been higher with both Obama and McCain vying for this country’s highest office and leader of one of the most powerful nation’s on earth.

To Senator McCain’s credit, he did get in a memorable ‘zinger’ when he said to Barack Obama, “I’m not George Bush and if you wanted to run against President Bush you should have done so four years ago.” Perhaps for McCain, it is too little too late in this ‘Eleventh and a half hour’ of his run for the Presidency. Also, with the recent admittance of Vice-President into the hospital for the third time for his heart condition, this may raise concerns in the minds of the voters about John McCain’s overall health, age, and fitness to be Commander-in-Chief and the thought of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin running the country terrifies a lot of people of all political persuasions. John McCain is right when he says that he is not George Bush, but there are similarities. Several years ago, President Bush was criticized for focusing so much on the “War on Terror” that he essentially had no Domestic Policy.

Senator McCain had focused so much on keeping to troops in Iraq for as long as it takes, until ‘Victory is Won,’ caused him to be so preoccupied with that single goal, along with supporting “The Surge” that he became shortsighted when it came to the economy, too. In a very important way, this became an ‘Albatross’ for McCain because during one of the earlier Republican Presidential Primary debates, Senator McCain was asked a question about the economy, and he said, “I haven’t thought about it very much, so I guess I will have to read up on it.” About a month ago, John McCain was speaking in Jacksonville, FLA, which he uttered words that have ominously haunted him ever since when he said, “The fundamentals of the economy are strong.” About a week later to the very day was the “MELTDOWN on WALL STREET.”

To add a bit of “irony of ironies” to this political Shakespearean drama, Senator Hillary Clinton, though not surprisingly, was seated among the audience at ‘Hofstra University’ in her adopted State of New York. One can only wonder what thoughts must have been going around inside her head as she watched the verbal exchanges between her Democratic presidential rival, Senator Barack Obama and Senate colleague Republican Senator John McCain. It must have been surreal as well as painful because she undoubtedly winced as she disagreed with some of the answers to the questions posed by CBS News veteran Correspondent and Moderator for the debate, Bob Schieffer. In the back of Hillary Clinton’s mind, she knows that she is more knowledgeable and qualified than either Barack Obama or John McCain, and it is apparently bittersweet as she replays over and over again in her mind the title from a popular song by the Soul group of the 1970’s, Gladys Knight and the Pips, “It Shoulda Been Me.”

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
October 17, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The McCain-Palin Campaign In Need of a Bailout Plan

With only about four weeks to go until the curtain closes on the 2008 Presidential Election, this partisan political drama is about to run its course. In the waning moments before the final conclusion, John McCain has decided to take the kid gloves off and unleash the Alaskan pit-bull terrier, Governor Sarah Palin to maul Barack Obama before the November deadline. With the first of the "Baby Boomers" about to retire, the Financial and Mortgage Crisis, tightening of credit, bank failures, nearly one million jobs lost since January, equities in 401-k, IRA and pension funds down nearly 35% or more in value, millions of Americans are uninsured or under-insured, and unprecedented numbers of families that have to shop at the GOODWILL STORES and feed their families by accepting donations from food banks, Sarah Palin wants to chastise Barack Obama for attending a political fundraiser hosted by former domestic terrorist William Ayers. The Republicans must really be desperate and are looking for the political 'Hail Mary' pass, another Lee Atwater inspired 'WILLIE HORTON' interlude that will scare the HELL out of white people; but it won't work this time. Americans are not going to fall for the race-baiting that effectively worked in other elections, whether Senatorial or otherwise.

Barack Obama is right on the money when he says that John McCain is OUT OF TOUCH, OUT OF IDEAS, and RUNNING OUT OF TIME. The time is past for demagoguery because the issues are too important and it will take a long time for things to get back to a sense of normalcy, so why are McCain-Palin wasting their resources on bringing up the past? During the Vice-Presidential debate, when Senator Joe Biden linked John McCain to President Bush's failed economic policies and leadership, the same Governor Palin talked about looking ahead instead of back in the past; but she must have forgotten about all of that. What's next on the agenda: Rev. Jeremiah Wright, or whether Barack is a Muslim, Tony Rezko, or perhaps making an issue of Barack's middle name of Hussein? These matters have already been addressed, and besides all that, what does all of this have to do with the really important things anyway? There was a duet sung by Johnny Mathis and Deniece Williams in 1977, which went by the title, "TOO MUCH, TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE, and it seems so appropriate as a post-mortem for the McCain/Palin political life cycle because there is so much to do and so little time to accomplish it in, and their time has just about run out.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
October 7, 2008

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sarah Palin: Biting off more than she can chew

For Governor Palin, it could be "BLACK THURSDAY" later on this week if she fails to convince a very concerned electorate that her Foreign Policy experience is more than just living close to the Russian border and meeting a few world leaders at the United Nations last week after a crash course on International Relations from former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger. Indeed, the lipstick has worn thin, the designer glasses are going out of vogue, the red bathing suit doesn't impress, she didn't sell the jet on eBay, Congress was the first to cancel the Bridge to Nowhere, and the moose steaks are starting to taste a little bit stale now.

Sarah Palin has also championed herself as the reinvented modern feminist political figure but has dismissed the concerns and agenda of her would-be White working Moms constituency as "irrelevant;" that is, compared to her own personal ambitions. The "OCTOBER SURPRISE" might be Governor Palin's minimal knowledge of the issues which are of concern to a lot of women such as Healthcare, The Economy, Education, Equal Pay for Equal Work, Family Leave, Childcare, and Women's Reproductive Rights; among a few others. If the so-called Alaskan Hockey-Mom/Pit Bull/Barracuda doesn't do well in her first serious televised debate, she will have about as much of a future in National Politics as a 'dog catcher.'

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 29, 2008

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Real McCain: War Hero or Just Another Politician??

There used to be an old expression about something being genuine, “true blue,” or honest as “The Real McCoy,” and Republican Senator John McCain just might not be in reality what all the hype has said about him. John McCain was a P.O.W. at the “Hanoi Hilton” for five years and his life in “HELL” was the stuff of LEGEND; but does that necessarily make him a HERO? All the prisoners were tortured, some more than others, and there were doubtless a few who succumbed to their injuries and sicknesses who later died.

John McCain told Diane Sawyer in an interview on ABC’s 20/20 on Friday, September 26, 2008, “I was so ashamed that I considered taking my own life.” John McCain’s shame and humiliation is understandable, and who can imagine enduring the horrors that he not only witnessed but personally experienced, yet be that as it may, he was the only prisoner on record who did the bidding of the enemy. When John McCain chose another career path, it made perfectly good sense to go into politics because how could he gain respect from military superiors or subordinates whom he might have to lead into battle if necessary, who, if any of them were ever captured by the enemy, would it be acceptable for them to give in also; what kind of a role model would that be? Now, why this same ‘War Hero’ wants to be the Commander-in-Chief of the entire United States military forces during a time of war, peril, and uncertainty is totally unfathomable. Talk about audacity, John McCain has plenty!

John McCain talks a lot about being a ‘Maverick’ during his nearly thirty years in the Senate, but outside of the McCain-Feingold Bill on Campaign Finance Reform, what other significant things has he done that specifically has his name on it. It is not enough just to say that he disagreed with or was in favor of a particular piece of legislation, or that he opposed his own ‘Party’ when he was in disagreement; anyone could do that. It is not enough to say that he has ‘experience’ if it cannot be quantified as specifically highlighting his own personal values, ability, and success in getting needed resources to the people he wants to help.

What pressing issues were at the forefront and the cornerstone of his long and distinguished political career? Was Senator McCain at the front of the line or did he lead the charge for against the abuses of power, greed, and indifference within the citadels of power in this country, or is this just a more recent interest? What outstanding Bill has John McCain authored, co-sponsored and pushed through the notoriously partisan Senate to eventually become Law? It is not enough to have lived to a respectable age of seventy-two, and although wise from experiencing many things, still it doesn’t qualify as the litmus test to be President of the United States. John McCain talks about having met several world leaders and spent time in a few foreign countries, but it doesn’t mean that he understands the culture or knows them.

Lastly, just to set the record straight about September 1, 2001. It wasn’t so much that terrorists hijacked commercial aircraft and destroyed the Twin Towers in New York, and although the loss of 3,000 innocent American lives was tragic, those atrocious criminal acts seemed to be geared towards disrupting the global financial infrastructure, centered in the world's most stable economy, which is the United States of America. It is interesting to hear the Presidential candidates talk about ‘National Security’ but as John McCain chided Barack Obama regarding being naïve or saying “Barack just doesn’t get it,” when in point-of-fact, neither of them gets it! America’s National Security isn’t solely about victory in Iraq, Afghanistan, destroying al-Qaida, or even capturing or killing Osama bin-Laden; but rather quite simply, it’s about having stable and growing financial markets. This Nation’s Armed Forces can vanquish any foe set against them on the battlefield anywhere in the world but Americans can lose the more devastating Economic War at home; with a lot more dire consequences.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 27, 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008

Is Sarah Palin Ready for the Job?

Alaska Governor and Republican Vice-Presidential nominee Sarah Palin gave ABC News unprecedented access to her over the last several days. Sarah Palin was featured on ABC News, 20/20, and NIGHTLINE where she was asked a number of questions ranging from National Security to Domestic Issues. Veteran Correspondent and ABC News Anchor Charlie Gibson peppered the Vice-President Elect with the effectiveness of a Prosecuting Attorney, and the result was quite a far cry from the Sarah Palin of the Republican National Convention. Sure, Governor Palin answered all the questions that she was asked, along with the usual tenacity and firm conviction that all of America has come to expect of her; but was it convincing? According to the latest MSNBC opinion poll (“LIVE VOTE”) which was taken after all the interviews, a significant majority of 70% of respondents believe that Sarah Palin is NOT qualified to be Commander-in-Chief, let alone possess the requisite knowledge in Foreign Affairs, especially the so-called “Bush Doctrine,” to be part of the Executive Branch of the Government.

Ironically, it was Sarah Palin herself who scoffed at Barack Obama’s Celebrity status and political shallowness except that he delivers great speeches; yet she seems to be his counterpart. It is not enough to defend Sarah Palin by saying that she is ONLY running as Vice-President and not President, but when Charlie Gibson asked her about that possibility also, she said “I am ready for the Job.” To Sarah Palin, it doesn’t matter to her whether it is as Vice-President or President, she feels qualified just the same; however, nothing could be further from the truth. By Sarah’s answers to some basic questions on key policy issues, Governor Palin has shown inadequate knowledge, preparation, reflection, and even honesty to her responses elicited by Charlie Gibson. Sarah Palin wanted to reframe the specific intent of the questions to mask her weaknesses and to repeat familiar rhetorical themes of her knowledge in Energy matters and Reform Theology; politically-speaking.

It appears that major print and broadcast media are afraid to criticize Governor Palin for fear of incurring the wrath of and offending White women, who comprise nearly half of the electorate. This is reminiscent of the delicate way Barack Obama was treated in the Primaries and is still in evidence for the most part since the beginning of the General Election. The McCain camp may continue to argue until they are blue in the face that Governor Palin was not a last minute choice for Vice-President, but clearly, it is not a strong position that they can honestly continue to defend. The die is cast and one cannot go back to the drawing board after putting forth Sarah Palin’s name into nomination. So far the Republican Conservative Evangelical Christian base is energized for the moment, but Governor Palin has yet to really portray herself as someone who will appeal to Independents, Reagan Democrats, and to the rest of voters as someone who would seek bipartisan support if she were ever, due to unforeseen circumstances to occupy the Oval Office.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 12, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Will the Real Sarah Palin Please Stand Up

There is an old saying that “Fame is fleeting,” and Super Woman-Hockey Mom-Moose Hunting-Lipstick Wearing-Republican Bulldog-Political Barracuda and Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin may find that her moment in the spotlight is beginning to lose its radiance under the print and broadcast scrutiny of her background and embellishments of accomplishments mentioned during the Republican National Convention and on the campaign trail. What has come to light is that Governor Palin may not have been as forthright about that so-called “Bridge to Nowhere” and receiving earmarks. Besides the ongoing investigation about “TrooperGate,” there is also Sarah Palin’s term as Mayor of Wasilla where she met with the local Public Librarian to inquire about the banning of certain books which apparently she thought was inappropriate; putting her nose in business matters which should have been none of her concern. Clearly, this overnight sensation of the Republican Party has a lot of explaining to do regarding her values and views within the next couple of months.

What hasn’t been discussed or investigated a lot is about Sarah Palin’s religion and what she believes. There was such a great interest about Barack Obama’s religion, what Church he attended, and what his Pastor taught, then why not afford the same level of scrutiny for Palin? Supposedly, her former Pastor at an Assembly of God Church believes that Alaska’s vast territory will be a refuge for those who will survive “The Great Tribulation,” and who also reportedly is to have warned that those [believers??] who supported former Democratic Presidential nominee John Kerry were ‘going straight to hell;’ Not only that, but Sarah Palin has said that the involvement of this country in Iraq is “God’s work.” This sounds eerily a bit like President George Bush who talks to his Heavenly Father in Foreign Policy matters and believes that “Democracy” is God’s gift to the world and America is charged with the responsibility to carry it to every corner of the earth.

Former Governor of New York Ed Koch, a Republican, supports Barack Obama for President, and responding to questions about Sarah Palin, says, “She’s scary.” Although Governor Palin enjoys a remarkable 80% approval rating among the people of Alaska, and that is even with of her support of ‘Aerial Hunting,’ which would doubtless not be so favorable outside of Alaska; offending animal lovers and PETA for sure. No one knows about her track record among the indigenous Tklingit, Inuit, and other Indian tribes and protections of their lands, hunting and fishing rights, as well as respect for their ancient and sacred customs. No one knows about Sarah Palin’s positions on Environmental Protection Laws, Civil Liberties, the Economy, the “Morning After Pill,” Partial-Birth Abortion, No Child Left Behind, Healthcare, Social Security Reform, and the government takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, etc. The only thing that is known is her unceasing to the point of nausea criticism of Barack Obama, repetitive reminders of not taking earmarks (not true), and threatening to reform Washington D.C. Someone needs to remind Sarah that just as Hope is not a Strategy, “Propaganda is not Policy.”

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 9, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Underreported Story at the Democratic and Republican National Conventions

The partisan political speeches and denunciations are over with and the General Election is in full swing, but there is an untold or at the very least, the big underreported activities of corruption at the highest levels within both the Democratic and Republican Convention delegates. Brian Ross, ABC News Chief Investigative Reporter conducted an undercover investigation titled, “Following the Money Trail” in which he was able to expose the shenanigans of the upper echelon and committee officers within the campaigns of both political parties. While some of the most stirring speeches were being spoken in Denver, Colorado and Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota, Corporate Lobbyists were throwing lavish parties for Democratic and Republican lawmakers. For the Republican bigwigs, a big party was paid for by the NRA, Lockheed Martin, and the American Trucking Association, featuring entertainment by a band called, ironically, “Hookers and Blow.” According to the report, at least 200 parties had been scheduled during the Republican Convention; just about the same number as the Democrats.

Following in the same traditional practices, Corporate Lobbyists from CitiGroup, Merrill Lynch, and UBS spent millions of dollars on food, drink, and entertainment to influence Democratic lawmakers. Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, has a “Pelosi 100,” which are wealthy contributors to the Democratic Party who pay $100,000 in personal funds for access to Legislative leaders within the Party. Despite the rhetoric within both the Democratic and Republican camps to “Reform” or “Change” the way things are done in Washington D.C. as far as fighting the entrenched Special Interests and Corporate Lobbyists influencing lawmakers, it is only paying lip service to the voters. During the Democratic National Convention, Senator mentioned about “The government must be about we the people, not we the favored few,” but in reality it seems that “The more things appear to change, the more they remain the same.”

These stark political realities were parodied in 1992 by the movie, “The Distinguished Gentleman,” starring Eddie Murphy. The movie was a satire which wasn’t and isn’t too far from the truth as it attempted to portray the sleaziness, greed, and corruption of Congress (“House of Representatives”) and Eddie Murphy played con-man turned Congressman Thomas Jefferson Johnson. To show the neophyte Freshman Congressman how things really are done in the nation’s Capitol was a perhaps over-the-top but nonetheless tour-de-force performance by actor Lane Smith as Dick Dodge, Power & Industry Chairman. Two of the realistic and applicable issues that were raised in the movie, though not treated seriously were ‘Corporate Finance Reform’ and ‘Environmental Protection.’

The thing that is inexplicable is why was ABC the only network to cover this monumental disconnect between all the passionately convincing political diatribe and business-as-usual.’ Although Congress has its own ethics reform law called the “Honest Leadership and Open Government Act” but it contains loopholes purposely enacted by Congress so that they would not be constrained by the very piece of Legislation that they passed into Law. The promised “Change” by both Presidential candidates may be more of a superficial one on the surface because behind the scenes it may be just more of the same.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 7, 2008

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Is John Edwards Affair Forgiven and Forgotten??

Now that the Beijing Olympics and the Democratic and Nepublican National Conventions are over, is the John Edwards/Reille Hunter Affair back on the table? There has been relative since the "National Enquirer" broke perhaps the biggest story of the political season; aside from that of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin being selected as John McCain's Vice-Presidential running mate. Is it out of sympathy for cancer-striken Elisabeth Edwards and their family that the print and broadcast media has decided to lay off or is there just no more interest as it is a non-event; that is, because the General Election is well under way with only about two months to go until the election of the next President of the United States. There are still some lingering unanswered questions about the affair such as when did it really occur, how long did it last, when did it end, who was the baby that John Edwards was shown holding in the "National Enquirer" photo (perhaps doctored), why Reille Hunter won't confirm the paternity of her baby, and the Million dollar question; is John Edwards really the father?

Perhaps this is all just the public's insatiable curiosity with the salacious and scandal-ridden lives of celebrities and political figures who should know better or do we have a right to know when those who might be role models are exposed when their private and personal indiscretions become exposed in the public arena of ridicule, scorn, and shame. Bristol Palin's pregnancy became an issue in the media for a few days at least and not because of a gender bias but due to the diligence of Internet bloggers who wanted to find out everything about a here-to-fore not well known Governor from Alaska who had shocked the political world by being announced as John McCain's running mate. Unfortunately for Bristol, she became a sort of collateral damage, an incidental innocent bystander in the frenzy to quickly amass as much information about the Palin family as soon as possible; and Bristol's pregnancy somehow became the attention of that search.

There is an old saying which goes like this, "Let a sleeping dog lay," and so perhaps it is best to move on to more important things or just sit back and wait for the "National Enquirer" to reopen the investigation or lay the next bombshell because instead of being just a supermarket 'rag,' they have a little credibility now. Besides all that, most reporting is "Tabloid Journalism" anyway.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 7, 2008

Oprah Winfrey’s Refusal to Interview Sarah Palin

On Monday, September 8, 2008 will debut the 150 American athletes who competed at the Beijing Olympics, including members of the “Dream Team” gold medal winning Men’s Basketball for her 23rd Anniversary Show as the ‘Mother Superior Daytime Television host,’ but she doesn’t want to interview Republican Vice-Presidential nominee, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. Oprah is known for her unqualified support of successful, educated, White Soccer/Hockey Moms (“Fem-Power”), so it is quite surprising that she would not have Sarah Palin on her show; at least possibly not until after the Presidential Election is over. Although Oprah has made changes in her show and staff over the two decades that she has been on television, to include shifting from those wonderful moments of Spiritual anecdotes offered by Iyanza Van Zandt to Marianne Williamson to Deepak Chopra to Eckhart Tolle; at last count. Oprah has left the sassy theme song of “A New Attitude” by Patty LaBelle to a more almost “New Age” Spirituality or Metaphysical “Oneness /Enlightenment” which evokes musical themes of the singer Enya.

Oprah has never before, until recently, publicly endorsed any political candidate; that is, until she saw and heard fellow Illinoian, Senator Barack Obama. It was like seeing a ‘kid in a candy store,’ and Oprah enjoyed that political confectionary so much that not only did she endorse him, but did one better by going out on the campaign trail with him in the very beginning of the Presidential Primary. With Oprah’s much sought after stamp of approval, Barack Obama got out of the starting blocks with a little bit of a headwind behind him over all the other candidates. There was only one little problem with Oprah’s enthusiasm for Barack Obama, namely, forgetting about Hillary Clinton. Oprah’s lack of lending support to Hillary Clinton left many of her affluent, professional, educated White working Moms feeling betrayed because they thought Oprah was one of “them” or just like them; at the very least. To say that her supporters were shocked, surprised, and enraged would be an understatement of epic proportions. Now, it seems, is another slap in the face of some of those very same female constituencies and supporters who transcend racial and political boundaries. Some of Oprah’s closest friends and supporters, who are most likely Gail King, Maria Shriver, and Caroline Kennedy to name a few, probably had advised her against the idea; although the Executive Producers of Oprah’s show were in favor of it.

Regardless if one agrees with Sarah Palin’s Evangelical Christian Conservative Republican political and social views and her taking those cheap shots at Barack Obama during the RNC, still it is an historic moment for women across America regardless of political ideology that she is the first female to be nominated as Vice-President on the Republican ticket since the founding of the Republic. The backlash against is bound to increase and the chorus of disenchanted Hillary supporters might swell the ranks of those who wield those “PALIN POWER” signs to put pressure on the sponsors of Oprah’s show, which could result in the loss of advertising revenue and slipping in the Nielsen ratings. As a reminder as to what can happen when you fall from grace, just ask Martha Stewart. It wasn’t so much that she lied about her insider trading of IMClone stock to Federal Investigators leading to criminal prosecution and conviction, which was bad enough, but more importantly was the fact that a majority of her legions of adoring fans withdrew their support; and as they say, the rest is history. Of course this is not to say that Oprah has done anything close to being criminal but it does suggest that she is not immune to the swaying of public opinion; which is important in her line of work.

Over the many years, Oprah has been able to successfully weather her share of small controversies, criticisms, or rumors about her and has been able to put all of them to rest for the most part. Still, it seems a little disingenuous for Oprah to pride herself on being so open and unbiased, staunchly leading the charge for ‘Working Women of America,’ and yet be so obviously partisan in her refusal to acknowledge the significant accomplishment of one of the very people that she is the “Poster Girl” for. Not only that, but if Oprah can have George Bush on her show, then why not Sarah Palin? Perhaps it is time to take a second look at Oprah Winfrey and find out who she really is. There was a familiar refrain which criticized the Republicans during the Obama campaign all the way to the Democratic Convention, which was, “That’s Not Change but More of the Same.” But for Oprah, the label seems appropriate because when it comes to shafting Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin, she is certainly consistent because her actions show, “That’s Not Change but More of the Same.”

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September7, 2008

Saturday, September 6, 2008

John McCain Addresses Republican National Convention

The speech that John McCain delivered can best be summed up as full of a sense of patriotism and wanting to change the status-quo in Washington D.C. Considering that America is still involved in two wars, one in Iraq and the other in Afghanistan, it is not surprising that a heavily nuanced theme of Nationalism (“Country First’) and military service augmented John McCain’s incredible ordeal as a POW in the “Hanoi Hilton” for 5 unimaginably brutal and tortuous years; being subjected to atrocities that scarcely anyone can hardly imagine. If ever there was one distinguished American who should be honored and recognized for his military service and devotion to his country, then John McCain certainly stands right up there near the top. Having said all of that, still even someone with such an impeccable record as well as serving thirty years in the U.S. Senate with distinction does not by itself qualify him to be President of the United States.

On Thursday, September 5, 2008, Senator John McCain had the opportunity to tell the American people by laying out his case, much like the duty of a lawyer presenting evidence before a judge and jury as to why he would be the best choice to be the sole occupant to sit in the Oval Office. Although Senator McCain is not known for being one of the most oratorical-gifted Senator’s, still he failed to give specific and concrete steps that he would take to solve some of the most pressing issues that the average American citizen faces, namely, jobs and healthcare; among a few others. Yes, there was the typical ‘boilerplate’ as George Stephanopoulos, Senior Correspondent for ABC News calls it. McCain talked a lot about “CHANGE” (sound familiar??), about our being Americans, government corruption, losing the confidence and betraying the trust of the American people, and quite a lot of time was spent on the McCain biography; perhaps a little bit too much time.

There were some light brushes of issues that McCain wanted to address, such as: reducing big government, doubling the child tax exemption, lowering business taxes, opening new markets for our domestically-produced products, new job creation and worker retraining, choice of sending children to a public, private, or charter school, and spending some of the estimated 700 billion on oil sent to mostly the Middle East and use those funds to invest in and develop new technologies in nuclear energy, wind, oceanic tides, solar, electric hybrid energy sources as well as drilling offshore as a temporary stopgap measure until America gets these new energy sources up and running. One of the more memorable statements by John McCain besides chastising the more entrenched special interests and corporate lobbyists within GOP was when he said that “Education is the Civil Rights issue of this Century.” Little does he realize that this profound statement will have significant implications in the future; especially among those who are racial minorities.

Selecting Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as the Vice-presidential running mate, it seems was a shrewd and clever choice, and only time will tell if it was the right choice. Sarah certainly has energized the Convention delegates who are just enamored with her and she will undoubtedly attract some of the Conservative base and White women in general who can relate to her. With an employment rate at 6% nationally, high department store retail prices everywhere, a slumping economy, high gasoline prices, and increases across the board at the grocery checkout, it’s going to take a lot more to convince the average blue-collar worker and the nearly 65-95 million ‘Baby Boomers’ who will be retiring within the next several years than just clever one-liners and sharp barbs at Barack Obama.

It is going to take coming up with practical solutions and since the McCain-Palin ticket are still the inheritors of the failed Bush-Cheney Republican legacy, it going to require more than just a group of “talking-heads” going at it with each other. Perhaps that political Ad or spoof by Paris Hilton needs to be looked at again because by mimicking both Obama and McCain, she might be on to something, which is, instead of an either-or-solution, why not look at the merits of both and take the best parts from each.

For too long in our politics, each side of the major political parties tries to play one-upmanship on the other and it’s like the little kid with the ball who says, “It’s my ball and my rules and if I can’t get my way, I will just take my ball and go home.” Even if a Democrat learns that a Republican has a better policy solution, he or she will either plagiarize (Oops, rework) it and pass it off as their own original idea, credit it to someone else, or simply just discredit it; vice versa for the Republicans too.

This is probably the way things are done in the Nation’s Capitol, it seems, and as a confirmation of the poor Legislative accomplishment of our Federally-elected officials is the fact that President Bush’s approval ratings are the lowest of any President since this information was collected. Not surprisingly, how the citizens rate the U.S. Congress is even worse. Let’s hope that the ‘Change’ which both the Democrats and Republicans promise won’t end up leaving the voter getting ‘shortchanged.’

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 5, 2008

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sarah Palin a Big Hit at the Republican National Convention

The eagerly anticipated national debut of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as Senator John McCain’s Vice-President running mate did not disappoint. The ‘Hockey Mom’ in designer glasses or in her own vernacular, showing the distinction between a pit bull and a hockey mom was only that one of them wears lipstick, showed to a partisan crowd that the reputation may be well deserved. Her acceptance speech was laced with humor, toughness, competence, and Sarah Palin will be a force to be reckoned with on the political stage for some time to come. Some of her sharpest attacks were directed at Barack Obama, which is traditionally what candidates in those positions do by attacking the other Party’s Presidential nominee. The Republicans have touted Sarah Palin’s background on the Wasilla, Alaska City Council as well as becoming Mayor and eventually elected as the Governor of Alaska which has a territory 250 times the size of the State of Delaware. Sarah Palin’s experience and Executive responsibilities dwarf any of the other Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates of either political party; eclipsing even those of Senator John McCain also.

Sarah was painfully effective in presenting the weakness of Barack’s scant political resume of Community Service Organizer to Illinois State Senator to United States Senator to President-Elect. She was correct to state that in the U.S. Senate Barack Obama passed no significant Legislation with his name on the Bill and that he only produced a couple of published memoirs worth noting. During the Democratic National Convention John McCain was lambasted by partisan Democratic speakers as voting with President George Bush at least 90% of the time, but can’t it also be said by the Republicans that Barack Obama voted with his own partisan Democrats 90% of the time, too. Perhaps the only noticeable hint of independence and working across the aisle was in his efforts to get a Senate Ethics Reform Bill passed into Law.

Sarah Palin has now publicly thrown down the gauntlet and accepted the challenge of National Political warfare and as Green Energy Advocate and former oilman and CEO of Mesa Petroleum, T. Boone Pickens one said, “If you want to play with the big boys, you have to learn how to block and tackle.” Sarah will undergo her “baptism of fire” including even more intense media scrutiny of her political career and answering reporters’ tough questions about her views on Immigration, Stem Cell Research, Roe vs. Wade, the Economy, Health Care, Gun Control, Torture (“Guantanamo detainees”), Social Security, The Budget Deficit, FISA, the Mortgage Crisis, The Global War on Terror, Israel and the Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Syria), Nuclear Weapon proliferation, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Global Warming, North Korea, Russia, India, China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and many other such complex issues.

To Barack Obama’s credit, at least he has had to endure a grueling and brutal eighteen month Primary, not to mention engaging in around 20 televised public debates as well as being the subject numerous relentless interviews, investigations, etc. Sarah Palin has criticized Barack Obama as being essentially nothing but all “flash” but without any real substance or in the politically-correct jargon, “he doesn’t have any realistic solutions.” Well, Sarah, the challenge for you is like the question that Hillary Clinton posed regarding Barack Obama during the Presidential Primaries, and that is, “Can he take a punch [to the chin]?” So Sarah, when the attack dogs are unleashed on you and start ripping away, don’t whine and complain about the biased Liberal Media or try to play the ‘victim’ or the equivalent of a political feminizing White Hockey Mom/White-working Women-with-a-Family against the Male-dominated World card because it won’t work.

Already there is a small and perhaps insignificant Ethics investigation amid questions as to whether Sarah Palin as Governor of Alaska used undue influence to fire the Public Safety Commissioner because he refused to terminate a State Trooper who was married to Sarah Palin’s sister while they were going through a bitter and nasty divorce. This is just the beginning of woes and although Sarah’s Star is shining very brightly in the Republican Heaven for the moment; however, in an instant all of this could change and suddenly her political future can be dashed down to ‘Hell’ faster than you can blink an eye.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 4, 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bristol Palin’s Pregnancy Reveal Republican Party Hypocrisy

On the third year Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina inundating the city of New Orleans, LA, and in the wake of Hurricane Gustav again pummeling the Gulf Coast states, including Louisiana, the Republican Party Convention had another storm to weather; namely, the pregnancy of Bristol Palin, the seventeen year old daughter of Alaska Governor and Republican Vice-Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin. The issue is not the pregnancy of a seventeen year old or Sarah and her husband’s parenting skills but rather John McCain’s judgment and hurried determination at the eleventh hour to nominate someone who wasn’t even remotely considered as a potential running mate.

Supposedly, the McCain camp had thoroughly investigated Sarah Palin’s background and was aware of the pregnancy; at least this is what is being told to the media. There is even an unsubstantiated rumor that Sarah Palin’s youngest child, the one with “DOWN SYNDROME” is not really her’s, but that the baby is really Bristol’s also, and Sarah is just covering up for her daughter. Be that as it may, it is troubling that Sarah Palin would put her political ambitions ahead of her daughter’s privacy because she has been in the game long enough and could not have been so naïve as to believe that this would not have surfaced and not only that, why did she not disclose all of this information from the beginning instead of it being circulated on Internet blogsites.

It is interesting that the Republican Delegates who were interviewed by television news reporters were supportive and stated that at least Bristol Palin was going to keep the baby and not get an abortion. In fact, many of the wagons of the GOP are surrounding the Palin family with their unqualified support during this very difficult as well as embarrassing time. The byline in most reports on this surprise announcement defend Sarah Palin and note that it is her politics and not her success as a parent which is the issue. While that may be true it must also be remembered that your family situation is an example to the nation as a role model and what kind of example you set and your family decisions and experiences which go on behind closed doors and later to come out in full view of the public does have some impact on the lives of other Americans and perhaps even Internationally among those who look up to the Presidential and Vice-Presidential nominees as exemplary examples of contemporary American family life.

Although Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama has defended the Palin family and stated unequivocally not only his support for Sarah Palin, but that family should be off limits in political discourse. This is quite gracious of the Illinois Senator and no one should want to gain political points from the poor decision of a young teenage girl but it is yet another wake up call to the political party who prides itself on being the staunch moral guardian of American family values, abstinence is the best policy, Evangelical Christianity, and social conservatism. On a side note, even Vice-President Dick and Lynn Cheney who are so strong in their opposition to Gay/Lesbian relationships lovingly embrace their adult daughter who is openly ‘Gay.’

However, many of the partisan responses to this situation does mask the uncomfortable tone of ‘race’ in America and particularly this Presidential election as evidenced by the question that Tavis Smiley asked former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich on The Tavis Smiley Show on Monday night, September 1, 2008, which was, “What if instead of a White girl named Bristol Palin it was Sasha or Malika Obama who got pregnant as a teenager, what would be the reaction?” During the entire segment of the telecast Mr. Gingrich failed to answer the question and was evasive because he knew the truth and was unwilling to publicly admit it. Teenage Black unwed mothers who are on welfare are the fodder of White-controlled media and the bane of White tax payers who are the first to decry the failings of Black families but are not so vocal when it comes to one of their own; especially one who is in the preeminent political spotlight. Rarely, if ever, is the virtue extolled of a Black female teenager who chooses to keep to keep her child as opposed to getting an abortion. Instead the girl’s promiscuity, how soon she became sexually active, or how many lovers she has had seem to be more carefully scrutinized than having compassion or giving her support she needs during this difficult time.

In fact, so little is the value placed upon the offspring of Black teenage unwed mothers that Bill Bennett, who this very month three years ago, addressing a caller's suggestion that the "lost revenue from the people who have been aborted in the last 30 years" would be enough to preserve Social Security's solvency, radio host for “Morning in America” and former Reagan administration Secretary of Education dismissed such "far-reaching, extensive extrapolations" by declaring that if "you wanted to reduce crime ... if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down." Bennett conceded that aborting all African-American babies "would be an impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do," then added again, "but the crime rate would go down."

And poor Bristol Palin is going to be pressured into marrying her eighteen year old baby’s father when both of them are probably not mature enough to handle the responsibility of parenthood. And what about Sarah Palin, the very attractive, political maverick-in-her-own-right, and charming ‘CINDERELLA’ who seems to have come out of nowhere to attend the Republican National Political Ball wearing glass slippers and designer glasses may come to realize it is 12:00 midnight and that beautiful political carriage that she rode into town on and magically enchanted us all, may quickly turn into a giant pumpkin.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 2, 2008

Friday, August 29, 2008

John McCain Chooses Sarah Palin as Vice-President

In the movie “Forrest Gump,” veteran actor Tom Hanks played the unpredictable character and in one segment he said those unforgettable words, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll find inside.” Well, John McCain’s choice of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is a big surprise to everyone because no one ever saw it coming. Most political pundits and the GOP standard bearers had more or less narrowed the Vice-Presidential short list down to Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, former Governor of Pennsylvania Tom Ridge, Democratic/Independent Senator of Connecticut Joseph Lieberman, or former Minnesota Governor Mitt Romney. It is unlikely that Mitt Romney had a serious chance because during the Primaries, exit polls indicated that a significant majority of Americans who considered themselves Evangelical Christians would not support a Mormon Presidential candidate, and it is doubtless that the numbers would have changed significantly in the choice for Vice-President.

John McCain, who relishes being referred to as the ‘Maverick’ has made an interesting first decision as the next future President of the United States. All of John McCain’s much talked about experience has led him to choose a running mate, though very talented, has barely less than two years experience as Governor of Alaska. Sarah Palin is a strong anti-abortionist while McCain is not and when Sarah Palin was told about being selected as the Vice-president, she asked, “What exactly does the Vice-President do on a daily basis.” This is coming from the one person who will be one step away from becoming President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief of the military might of the most powerful nation on earth. Much has been made about George W. Bush’s decision-making ability, but not even he would not chosen so poorly. Not only that, but Sarah Palin is Chairwoman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, which might be seen as a conflict-of-interest especially with America’s focus on energy independence not only from foreign Middle Eastern oil reserves but from petroleum-based fossil fuels anywhere in the world.

If this is Senator McCain’s answer to the Obama/Biden ticket of the Democrats then America might just be on the verge of a real “Change” in this nation’s political life because it seems that McCain/ Palin ticket will be ‘McFailin.’

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 29, 2008

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hillary’s Big Night at the Democratic National Convention

It was the night that had supporters of Barack Obama a little nervous and uncertain as to how Hillary Clinton would address the delegates in Denver on Tuesday at the DNC. Her debut was preceded by a visual montage of her life and political speeches and it seemed at times as though she was presenting a video resume of the reasons why she should be the one to be the party’s nominee. After former First-Daughter Chelsea Clinton introduced her mom, Hillary was greeted with a standing ovation and a raucous applause that seemed as though it would never end. Even though Barack Obama’ s oratory skills are praised by nearly everyone, Hillary Clinton is just as good, if not better in some instances. Hillary, as expected urged unity among the different factions within the Democratic Party, but several themes were missing.

Hillary Clinton never referred to Barack Obama as Commander-in-Chief, nor did she mention his experience. Hillary stressed electing a Democrat, the Party’s Nominee, namely Barack Obama because he identifies with the same policies that she does; but not necessarily because he [Barack] is the ‘best qualified’ candidate. Interestingly, Hillary Clinton did mention Vice-Presidential candidate Joe Biden’s experience. Hillary Clinton showed tremendous grace and deference to Barack Obama by a powerful speech that should help heal the wounds that still persist among the Obama and Clinton camps. Only time will tell if her delegates were voting for her or for the issues that she championed.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 26, 2008

Monday, August 25, 2008

Barack Obama’s Gold Medal Moment at the Convention??

The Olympics held in Beijing, China just concluded on Sunday, August 24th, and by all accounts it appears to have been a great success. Following that Larger-Than-Life spectacle is another ‘OLYMPICS;’ but instead of athletes competing against one another, it will be political speeches competing for the hearts of voters. Michelle Obama will be the featured speaker on Monday, August 25, 2008, the first night of the Democratic National Convention amid the theme of “One Nation.” This is quite an ironic starting topic because earlier in the presidential campaign Michelle Obama created a little controversy when she was quoted as saying, “I have never be more proud of my country until now;” and not only that, but it seems that the Democratic Party itself might still be fractured because of Hillary Clinton’s army of 18 million strong disaffected supporters, those Angry White Female Voters who feel that she was mistreated during the Presidential debates.

Besides all that and the expected contention at the Convention, Barack Obama’s moment will come Thursday, when he will have to score a Perfect ‘10’ by giving the best performance of his political career. This will be a gold medal moment and there aren’t any silver or bronze medals. All preliminaries are over and this is the final event to introduce himself to the American people. It isn’t about making another eloquent speech because we have already heard one after the other. This opportunity is for all the marbles and has to be more than just another appearance before the cameras like a movie star celebrity or in front of a microphone like a Rock Star. Barack Obama has to do like Hillary Clinton did in one of the earlier Primaries, and that is, to find his [inner] voice. Barack has to show emotion, depth, passion, and conviction and present it with powerful words that will touch the heart, mind, and soul of even his most skeptical cynics and detractors.

Barack has to deliver one of those speeches that when you hear it, the words send shivers up one’s spine. Barack has to mesmerize the delegates, invited Convention guests, the National and International print and broadcast media, internet bloggers, the American electorate and International audiences; just like the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics did for all the athletes, the Chinese people and the rest of the world who watched. It is not enough just to blame everything on the Republicans or to say that he isn’t George Bush or John McCain because we have already heard that before. Barack must connect with the voter, the average struggling blue-collar [predominantly ‘White’] American whom earlier he cynically said was bitter, and clung to religion, guns, etc.

Not only must Barack Obama talk about “CHANGE,” but he must represent the living embodiment of that change and use the podium as a bully pulpit to talk about the American values that once made this country great and the envy of the world. It is an enormous challenge and since Barack has raised the bar so high perhaps even he cannot meet the expectation. Barack’s political Ads always mention ‘CHANGE’ that we can believe in, but is he a “LEADER” that we can believe in? This is Barack’s glorious moment in history and will he become an Olympic champion and win the gold medal or will he stumble before he crosses the finish line.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 25, 2008

Friday, August 22, 2008

Why the Big Fuss Over Barack Obama’s V.P. Choice??

The Vice-Presidential choice for Illinois Junior Senator and Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama is like waiting to open a Christmas package after the stroke of midnight on Christmas Eve. The much anticipated event will be sent as a text message on cell phones throughout the world on Saturday, August 23, 2008, and as with anything of this magnitude it is bound to overwhelm the capabilities of the telecommunication service providers. Besides all that, the choice of Vice-President, though intriguing as the first step in signaling the direction and tone an Obama Administration might go, it is not necessarily the most crucial. The Secretary of State is the representative of American Foreign policy on the International stage and it is very important that Barack gets this selection right. On the domestic front the Attorney General is crucial as this individual will head up the Justice Department and will be in a position to represent the Executive branch of the government before the United States Supreme Court. Since September 11, 2001, American citizens have experienced an erosion of their right to privacy due to anti-terrorism as well as Civil Rights, and therefore whoever will ultimately fill this position is important also.

Unlike the 1970’s Pop/Folk Music singer Carly Simon’s song, “Anticipation,” most Americans are not holding their collect breath to find out who Barack Obama will choose as his running mate. In fact, a new MSNBC poll taken recently shows that only 4 out of 10 people are even interested in this outcome; probably because most of them are watching the Beijing Olympics. Many of the political pundits, major network news commentators, and syndicated newspaper columnists seem to have narrowed the field of choices down to a narrow list to include Joseph Biden, Tim Kaine, Phil Breseden, and Republican Senator Chuck Hagel. If its one thing that this political season and pollsters have shown and that is, the ‘experts’ have blown it almost every time. Supposedly, Barack’s choice is going to be a surprise, so maybe Colin Powell or even Ralph Nader might just fit rather nicely in the ‘shock and awe’ of presidential politics.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 22, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Michael Phelps: Turning Olympic Gold into a Marketing Goldmine??

There is no question that Michael Phelps is one of the greatest athletes of all time, and what he has accomplished in the sport of swimming is almost inconceivable; but can he capitalize on the almost unlimited financial opportunities that come with winning 8 gold medals at the Beijing Olympics. Michael has numerous endorsements and solicitations from other companies eagerly wanting to hitch themselves to the Phelps bandwagon, but the big question is how marketable is he in the long run. There is an old saying that ‘fame is fleeting,’ and one wonders if Michael will be talked about as much six months from now as he is presently. Bob Costas, at the NBC Sports Center in Beijing, China interviewed Michael Phelps several times and in every instance, Michael didn’t have a lot to say that was any different from previous times. This is certainly understandable because what he accomplished in the field of spots competition would leave anyone in a state of shock and at a loss for words. Be that as it may, Michael will have his greatest and perhaps most challenge yet, and that is, to let people know a little bit more about his personality.

It has been estimated that Michael has the potential to earn somewhere around 100 million dollars in lifetime earnings based upon what is perceived to be his market value, but that is based on more than just showing videos and replays of his amazing victories in the pool. Michael has the rare opportunity that very few athletes have and how he capitalizes upon it depends to a great extent upon who he is as a person. Becoming a marketable commodity and the object of a slick Madison Avenue advertising campaign is more than possessing near superhuman athleticism, rock hard abs, and yes, even eight gold medals, but rather can the consumer identify you with a particular company’s product brand name, logo, or service. Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods achieved the success they did because they were able to ‘sell’ themselves along with the right product label that matched their popularity based upon certain social and economic demographics and mass appeal.

Of course, swimming isn’t exactly one of those events that has always drawn as much interest in Olympic competition like ‘track and field,’ ‘gymnastics,’ or ‘basketball,’ and even the great swimmer Mark Spitz, whose Olympic record Michael Phelps broke, didn’t really enjoy the lucrative commercial endorsements he could have although he accomplished a feat just as amazing as Michael did, nearly forty years ago. There are certainly other candidates who could be promoted just as heavily as Michael Phelps, namely, Misty May-Traenor and kerri Walsh, who, if they should win the gold medal in ‘beach volleyball,’ will set a record that will probably not be broken in a very long, long time.

Also, one cannot forget fellow women’s swimming phenom Natalie Coughlin, who although not getting as many gold medals as Michael Phelps, essentially achieved for the American women what Michael did among the men. When the closing ceremonies for the Beijing Olympics concludes and Michael appears as a guest on nearly every show on television, it will be interesting to see whether he will be the marketing once-in-a-lifetime-dream-come-true, or will he instead be just a formerly bullied, ADHD son of a single parent who was enrolled in a swimming class to counter his boredom and restlessness who discovered through escaping from his pain and inner isolation that a watery world of wonder and imagination welcomed him. It was within the swimming pools and countless hours of grueling training and the crucible of athletic competition and extraordinary athletic ability and the drive to get better and better that an Olympic champion was forged. And now after all that Michael has accomplished, does Michael want his picture to be displayed on larger-than-life billboards or marquees in Times Square N.Y., on boxes of cereal, candy bars, sports drinks, athletic apparel, etc., or is he just a 23 year old male who wants to hang out with his friends, play video games, and listen to Lil’ Wayne and some ‘Techno’ on his Ipod.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 19, 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008

Is the Old Soviet Union on the Comeback?

On the eve of the Beijing Olympics last Friday, August 8, 2008, Russian missiles and bombs have destroyed significant parts of the Republic of Georgia’s infrastructure. Russia essentially has the country cut off and controls the borders as well as the airways and harbors. Though the United States is an ally of the Republic of Georgia, it seems that Georgia was making military attacks within its own territory, in the provinces of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The military incursions placed Russian peacekeepers or troops in the-line-of-fire, so in response the Russians used that action as an excuse to retaliate inside the Republic of Georgia. It is interesting to hear the rhetoric coming from Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.

What kind of pressure can the United States realistically exert on Russia, who is enjoying a somewhat reviving economy based upon earning nearly 600 billion dollars from oil revenues; of which undoubtedly a great portion of it will be used on updating its military arsenal? Also, not only that, but Russia is still a major nuclear power and the United States still needs Russia as a major player on the world stage to use its leverage or influence in the Middle East; most notably in negotiations with Iran. Telling Russia that there will be serious consequences or threatening to exclude it from the G-8 Summit or from an organization like the WTO might not be enough to dissuade the emerging spectre of a possible resurrected ‘Soviet Union.’

President George Bush said that “Bullying in the twenty-first century is unacceptable,” and Republican Senator John McCain said that “In the twenty first century nations do not invade other nations.” Isn’t that a little disingenuous to the Russians because the United States invaded Iraq without support from the United Nations, as well as over the protestations from Russia, North Korea, and China; among others. But then of course, America was justified because of September 11th, and this is an entirely different situation. Do we really know all the facts about this conflict and what kind of government does the President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili impose over the people? Although the Republic of Georgia is reportedly Democratic, is there ‘freedom of the press’ without censorship, and how are political rivals treated, and what is the role of the military in the lives of ordinary citizens? Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice stated “this is not 1968,” meaning that this is not the ‘COLD WAR,’ which is true, but if we are not careful it just might turn into something that we as a country just might not be ready to deal with at this time.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 13, 2008

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Olympic Gold: Competitive Advantage or “Technological Doping??"

The swimming records at the Beijing Olympics are falling like dominoes, and as such, the shattering of world records continues to add more fuel to the fire regarding the use of the High-tech swimsuit, the SPEEDO LZR in this Olympic competition. The technologically advanced swimsuit was designed by NASA engineers to enhance buoyancy and to reduce the drag-coefficient and surface tension of the water has some critics complaining about “competitive advantage.” Of course, civilization has come a long way from the first ‘OLYMPIAD’ held in Elis, off the peninsula of Peloponnesus in 776 BCE; the very first Olympic champion was a naked runner named Coroebus who completed a run of 192 meters (210 yards). A lot more is known about body mechanics, nutrition, and Sports Physiology than the ancient Greeks but the one thing that hopefully will continue to be part of any athletic and competitive sports participation, and that is, to ensure the ‘integrity’ of the sport and to make sure it is “pure.” If champions are to be crowned and records broken, and as athletes continue to improve from advances in the newest and more rigorous training methods, discipline, sacrifice, their accomplishments cannot be tarnished by the slightest doubt that they earned it by nothing but hard work and dedication.

In the 1984 LA Summer Olympics, a barefoot South African named Zola Budd entered the 3,000 meter race amid claims that she competed unfairly by not wearing track shoes. This is an interesting point because what if other athletes decided to compete barefooted? Or better yet, let’s say, ‘NIKE’ scientifically engineered and designed a track shoe with materials which ‘significantly’ reduced the torque and stress on the ankle and knees, as well as the surface tension between the sole of the foot and the running track or pavement, dissipating the heat and perspiration from inside the shoe, and was so lightweight that wearing the shoe feels like ‘walking on air’? And as a result of adding this feature, new world records in track, the high jump, and the broad jump were occurring in almost every national and International meeting.

In the 2008 Olympics from Beijing, China, there is one named that is ‘LARGER-THAN-LIFE,’ towering above the rest, namely, swimming ‘phenom’ Michael Phelps (a.k.a. “Aquaman”). There is no question that Michael Phelps is one of the greatest swimmer’s, if not one of the greatest athletes in the history of Olympic competition; and if Michael competed in the glory days of Greece, he might have received a wreath of victory from one of the gods of Olympus themselves, most notably, the Father of the Seas, Poseidon. It is also true that in all the races that Michael Phelps competed in so far, he was the best of all the swimmers. The question is not so much about his athleticism or any of the other extraordinary swimmers from all the countries, but rather, does wearing the SPEEDO LZR allow the wearer to experience less ‘natural’ drag from the water, thereby enhancing performance even if it’s by fractions of a second, leading to breaking a record that the individual might not have achieved otherwise.

The I.O.C. approved wearing the swimsuits but one wonders if they had ever thought as many world records in swimming would be broken at a single competition by several different competitors; let alone by some of the expected favorites. The athletes are tested for ‘doping’ or illegal performance-enhancing substances after every event but what about “technology,” how do you test for that? Even the State-of-the-Arts 200 million dollar Water Cube and swimming pool at the National Aquatics Center in Beijing, is scientifically engineered to produce faster swim times. No doubt the controversy about wearing the new swimsuit won’t go away, at least for now, but it will be interesting to see what other scientific improvements will be introduced into sports in general as well as the next Olympics.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 13, 2008

Saturday, August 9, 2008

John Edward’s National Confessional on “NIGHTLINE”

The number 8 is supposed to be symbolic for luck, prosperity, and good fortune, but for former Senator John Edwards, it may prove to be a bad omen of things and unforeseen consequences that are yet to come. John Edwards laid it all out on the line, at least as much as he was willing too publicly, in an exclusive interview with ABC News Correspondent, Bob Woodruff on Friday, August 8, 2008. John Edwards wanted to face the music alone, take his lumps like a 'real' man, and not have to as with other elected officials who were caught in sexually-compromising situations, put on public display the hurt, wounded, and yet supportive wife by his side. The 'affair' which wasn't but ultimately admitted as 'was,' simply came down to a "matter of poor judgment?" This sounds like a referee or umpire at a baseball game where a batter was called 'out' on a bad pitch or a base runner colliding with a catcher at home plate was called 'safe'; or something like that.

Does Rielle Hunter feel that the brief sexual tryst or fling that she and John Edwards had, including the laughter, the intrigue of sneaking around, the late-night or otherwise clandestine rendezvous, being sexual playthings for each other, dinner and lunch dates, all of this was just a 'mere' Oops? It is interesting that with all this political baggage from two years ago on his shoulders, even telling Elisabeth about his indiscretion, how could John Edwards even think of running for the Presidency and more importantly, how could his wife have supported him in this quest; both of them knowing full well that the truth was going to come out eventually?

The more John Edwards explained his case, which certainly showed exceptional courage and strength, seemed a bit disconnected at times because on the one hand he repeated over and over how much he loved his wife; but yet not owning up to the 'fact' that “love doesn't behave in this fashion." John Edwards appears to be in some sort of denial and perhaps there is a deeper pathology than what he shows on the surface; which he eluded to it when he said, “I became egotistical, narcissistic, and I felt that I could do anything and get away with it.”

All of us have that "inner child" within us, at least according to the social scientists, and perhaps Elisabeth can forgive and love her husband because she knows that part of John Edwards which is hidden from public view; the one who is vulnerable, uncertain, devoted, needing and wanting attention, to be understood and accepted, and the one who in spite of the serious and painfully deep emotional wound hurt that he has inflicted upon her, still, Elisabeth knows in her heart that John really, really, loves her; despite his moral failings and short comings. If Elisabeth is willing to forgive her husband then who are the rest of us that have the audacity to sit in judgment. As Jesus told the crowd of Pharisees who brought before Him a woman who was caught in the very act of adultery, and they told him, "the Law commands that such a person be stoned," to which He replied, "those of you without sin be the first to cast a stone at her.”

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 9, 2008

Friday, August 8, 2008

John Edwards Finally Admits to Extra-Marital Affair

It is not an easy thing to admit to the world about sexual indiscretion but eventually, when the truth finally comes out, you have to do just that. So, former Senator and Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards decided to confirm reports by the National Enquirer, which he previously denounced and said was not true, that he had been unfaithful to his wife of over thirty years, Elisabeth Edwards. It is interesting that a so-called 'tabloid,' grocery store checkout, sensationalist, and to many, non-journalistic 'rag' could out do the major, reputable news sources on this "BIG STORY." If, as it has been reported, that the news departments of print and broadcast media knew of this alleged affair several months ago, why did they not mention it? Was it out of concern for the Edward's family, especially Elisabeth Edwards, because of her ongoing battle with cancer?

Quite a few years ago, Senator John Edwards publicly scolded former President Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky had no idea that he would eventually be involved in an adulterous relationship with Rielle Hunter. Of course, one can wonder about the moral compass of Ms. Hunter who not only had sex with a married man whose wife suffered through her difficult battle with cancer, but within two years she gives birth to a daughter where the paternity of the father is unnamed as of yet. Perhaps these kinds of things should not surprise anyone because elected officials are more vulnerable to the sexual allurements and enticements that wielding a position of civil power and authority can attract.

It is interesting however, to take note of the wording that these betrayers of marital oaths and the public trust use when they confess their wrongs. There is an almost predictable pathology to it all because first comes the denial, followed by outright lying; whether under Federal Grand Jury oath or not (Bill Clinton). Later, when pressed to give a definitive answer, there is the clever 'legalese,' such as with Bill Clinton, "It depends on what the meaning of the word [sex] is." With John Edwards, it was, "Everything that the National Enquirer reported about his involvement in an affair was a lie."

There is never a sense of remorse or contrition but rather an explanation, almost a justification for the act. Bill Clinton and John Edwards exercised poor judgment, and when the former President appeared on "Oprah," Bill Clinton said, "I did it because I could." John Edwards essentially said the same thing because he admitted to becoming egotistical, narcissistic, and thinking that he could do anything he wanted [even having an illicit sexual liaison with another woman]. Maybe it is too easy just explaining it away and move on with your private lives because the American people are so forgiving; but that might only be the half of the story. No one is really confronting infidelity as violation of a sacred covenant before God by the man and woman.

If one fails to honor that agreement then the offended person in the 'absolute' sense is the Creator; who established this institution in the first place. When an individual acknowledges that they have "sinned," this puts the focus where it should be in the first place. God is forgiving as well as merciful, but there is always a consequence for every act of rebellion or arrogance. John Edwards is still a decent human being and although he did a shameful thing, still he was courageous enough to try and protect his family from this scandal and in some ways, to make it go away, but he couldn't.

It is true that timing is everything and with The Beijing Olympics coverage starting this week, how much will the media allocate resources to this 'story' when the world will be concentrating on the Olympics as well as the military fighting, possibly all out war that just erupted between the 'Republic of Georgia' and the former 'Soviet Union.' Elisabeth Edwards recently issued a statement to the media asking for people to respect their privacy during this difficult time, and considering the devastating blow it must be for she and the children, it is the least anyone of us can do, as well as keep all of them in our thoughts and prayers.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 8, 2008

What Do the Clinton's Want From Barack Obama?

Bill and Hillary Rodham-Clinton are scheduled to speak at the Democratic National Convention, the political coronation for Senator Barack Obama as the leader in the delegate count and nominee for President of the United States. Ironically, if Barack Obama hadn't entered the race, Senator Hillary would in all probability be crowned as the "belle of the ball." There was some bad blood spilled between Barack Obama and the Clinton's during the Caucuses and Primaries, and it is a foregone conclusion that Hillary's name is not on the short list for 'Veep,' so why are Hillary and Bill Clinton willing to rally the troops and extol the virtues of the candidate who cost them some measurable amount of political clout? What can Obama promise to offer Hillary Clinton, who is one of the more influential Senators in Congress, and would she accept a position in Barack's Cabinet; and if so, what office would she want to hold, other than the Oval Office? Are the Clintons able to put aside all of this ill will towards Barack Obama in the interest of political solidarity, although the Clintons don't like to lose and would rather go down swinging their fists than to capitulate.

It is rather generous and unselfish of the Clintons to honor Senator Obama with their heartfelt blessing but one would be naive to believe that there isn't another reason besides what is told to the media. Hillary Clinton says that she is going to campaign for Barack Obama but that remains to be seen. Hillary's disaffected angry White female supporters (AWFS) don't seem to be willing to budge from their intrascience in not wanting to support the nominee; either threatening to not vote at all in November or vote for Republican contender, Senator John McCain. It should be an interesting Convention as the Florida and Michigan Delegates seek to have a 'voice' and this just might be one of those rare events of Party disunity and discord; a gift you might call it, sweet music to the eagerly anticipating ears and eyes of the GOP, Karl Rove, and of course, John McCain.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 7, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Obama's Odyssey Unsettling for Many

Response to New York Times Columnist David Brooks Op-Ed ("T-N-T" 7/8/08)

Dear David:
I think you had some fairly plausible points about Barack Obama, and I wanted to add my two cents also. Blues singer B. B. King had a song entitled, "The Thrill is Gone," and this is the case with Obama. It's like the excitement while attending a Rock concert and watching a surreal, LARGER-THAN-LIFE performance, but when you leave the event, return home, discuss it with friends and family and you live in that 'moment;' but tomorrow you return back to your normal, mundane, everyday life. The illustrious junior Senator from Illini' has lost the ‘mojo,’ his campaign has stalled, and Senator Obama has been found to be shifting on some of the issues (like the leaning tower of Pisa), and outside of mentioning the War in Iraq, he hasn't offered any new, creative, and realistic plans dealing with the things most Americans are more concerned about at the moment, which is: jobs, mortgages, gas prices, retirement security, health care insurance, and a few others.

You briefly eluded to 'race' in your commentary, and although earlier in Obama's presidential candidacy, the broadcast news media mentioned 'race' too often, I don't think the American people, mostly the White majority, are as troubled about Senator Obama being Black, but rather that White people become incensed when they perceive a Black as "uppity." Of course, to be politically-correct, the media cannot use such a word because it carries obvious racial overtones but there is a correspondingly appropriate acceptable word called 'elitist.' African-Americans have a word that means essentially the same thing, which is called 'boussie' (bourgeois), and it is quite a surprise that so many have embraced him when in the not too far distant past, this is exactly what he would have been called.

As far as the polls showing the once double digit lead that Barack Obama had over John McCain (in some states) are roughly statistically even, it is not because of anything from the McCain campaign that has damaged Obama, but rather due to Obama himself. The overseas trip was a big political risk that didn't pay off, except negatively. To some of the electorate, Obama is like a political 'fix,' similar to a drug and when people don't continue to get their 'high' as it were, they suffer withdrawal pains; which in a manner of speaking, is exactly what's happening. Maybe Hillary Rodham-Clinton and John McCain are right in one regard, and that is, Obama is great at making speeches but is there any real substance [in the way of policy formulation] to all the beautifully eloquent rhetoric. Well, it seems that maybe the people are asking that very same question among themselves, and only time will tell to see what the final answer is.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 7, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008

Barack Obama Acting Like George W. Bush??

For the past several months Democratic Presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama has been repeatedly and doggedly hounded by broadcast and print media journalists and correspondents to answer their persistent and lingering question of him, and that is, “Why won’t you admit that the ’Surge’ is working? Barack Obama has continually praised the performance of the troops in Iraq while doing so under very difficult and dangerous circumstances, as well as their bravery, patriotism, heroism, and other such platitudes, but not once has he admitted that the ‘Surge’ is succeeding. Senator John McCain was in support of the Surge and Sen. Barack Obama was not in favor of it. Instead of Barack admitting that he is not ‘Nostradamus’ and no one can predict how these things will eventually turn out; still he will not acknowledge that he didn’t get this one right. In fact, the success in Iraq has nothing to do with McCain or Obama but with the successful implementation of military strategy at the Pentagon level and by the Field-Commanders and soldiers in Iraq.

For Barack Obama, the issue may be one of ‘character’ because the American people have been through 8 years of a President who never admitted to mistakes and now it seems, we might be on the verge of electing another man to sit in the Oval Office who is unwilling to admit that he can’t be wrong, also. Senator Obama has to realize that he isn’t going to get it right every time, but he needs to have the moral courage, fortitude, and integrity to admit this to himself, learn the lessons from unforeseen consequences and make better decisions in the future. It is not a matter of McCain wins and he loses because we all lose if Barack is the type of man who is driven by ego, and relishes in his own almost international Rock-Star, Celeb-type political high as opposed to a life of humble public service and leadership. Barack Obama has to accept the responsibility that he has raised the bar in American political discourse and he is going to have to live up to some very lofty expectations; and if he cannot, then he has no one else to blame but himself.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 30, 2008

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Is Barack Obama Playing the “Race” Card?

I think using the "race" card cuts both ways. America is increasingly becoming more intolerant of this kind of divisiveness and polarization of candidates running for elected office and in other arenas; which has traditionally been wielded by a White guy. So, it would clearly not be to John McCain's advantage to use it, although he would probably like to. Of course, it can be argued that John McCain did play the “race” card by his campaign releasing a political Ad on Senator Obama with two of the paparazzi’s favorite “blonde” party girl’s, Brittany Spears and Paris Hilton in the background. Conversely, these two women can be viewed as portraying Obama as elitist, a celebrity, a flake (Politically naïve), and someone who should not be taken seriously for the nation’s highest elected office. If McCain really wanted to use the “race” card, he could imply that Obama has a ‘thing’ for White women (revamping YouTube’s “Obama Girl” video), or associate him as identifying with some of the ‘thug life’ Gansta’ Rappers, or a sure SELL for White America [and many Black Americans, too] is another “WILLIE HORTON” political Ad.

Barack Obama on the other hand, is in the unique position to sort of use the “race” card indiscreetly and in some cases not so indiscreetly because no person of color has ever been in this place before; certainly not at the level that he is. It is almost an oxymoron, that is, a Black candidate using the "race" card against himself; who ever heard of that? It is interesting that Senator Obama would mention that he doesn't look like previous individuals who addressed the people of Germany or his features aren’t like those whose faces are on currency (all White men), so it is quite innocuous or very, very, clever. Why state the obvious when it is so apparent unless by the mere mention of his ‘Blackness,’ it psychologically disarms (beats them to the punch) those who might want to use it to discredit him from becoming President of the United States.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 31, 2008

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Miley Cyrus is not Hannah Montana

Perhaps one of the biggest disadvantages to being a Mega recording-Star, teen idol, role model, and for Walt Disney productions, a marketing franchise, is that people forget that you are in some respects just an ordinary teenager. Sure, not many teenagers can say that they are the daughter of “Achey Breaky Heart” legend Billy Ray Cyrus, but nevertheless, being a teenager comes with the same issues as with everyone else. No doubt she faces enormous pressure to be the little Miss Perfect “tween” with Christian values and Miley has to be careful who she has as friends, what she says to the ever-curious media, the image she portrays to the public, and even what she does in her private moments with her most trusted confidants and family members. It certainly would not come as much of a surprise that even at this stage in her young life and career Miley might indeed have, ‘the best of both worlds.’

Sometimes it seems as though you aren’t ever allowed the luxury of ever growing up, but growing up is part of living. Even making mistakes or exercising poor judgment in certain social situations as in the case of Jamie Lynne Spears’ pregnancy at 15 years of age; which is quite an unexpected turn of events for one “Zoe,” of NICKOLODEON fame. Be that as it may, it doesn’t seem a this point that it was the end of the world for her and even if she doesn’t walk back into that character role or another one at Disney, hopefully other opportunities will be offered to her in the future.

The same can be said for Miley Cyrus; that no matter what she might chose to do in the coming years, and some of her performances or public behavior or the way she dresses might raise some eyebrows, possibly causing her to be cast into the same group of paparazzi favorites as Brittany Spears, Amy Winehouse, Lindsay Lohan, and others, remember that she has the right to make her mistakes; just like everybody else.

However, no doubt there are odds makers in Las Vegas taking bets on when the cutesy little innocent-looking virginal Princess will grow up, take control of her life, career and finances; turn into a vixen, and start wearing a sexy black leather dominatrix outfit, singing, “I’m Not That Innocent” (remember Brittany's song??). For Miley, the thing she has to cope with is to know that there are big differences between your alter-ego character and the ‘real’ you. The only lesson that Miley has to learn is to be true to who she really is and not try to live her life to please others or to live up to other’s expectations because that is the surest way to live a very unhappy life, indeed.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 30, 2008

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Barack Obama’s Rise from Political Obscurity

It is hard to believe that a first-term Junior Senator from the State of Illinois is only one political Convention and four months away from being elected as the forty-fourth President of the United States. There aren’t enough superlatives and accolades to describe this historic ascent, not only in terms of the racial significance but perhaps just as importantly, in terms of fundraising. Barack Obama beat out one of the most influential power-couple in modern political memory and ‘Super Stars’ of the Democratic Party, Bill and Hillary Rodham-Clinton. What it took the Clinton’s over 35 years of public service to accomplish, first as then Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas and two terms of President, and Hillary as First Lady of Arkansas and First Lady of the United States in addition to both the Clinton’s advocacy in behalf of Civil Rights, Women’s Rights, HealthCare (Hillary), etc., Senator Obama all but eclipsed and made to look as also-rans by raising more money during the Primaries and Caucuses.

This is all the more amazing because in order to be that successful, you have to plan ahead for quite some time and have the grassroots support and teams of volunteers in place to do all the canvassing of neighborhoods, making telephone calls to voters, registering non-voters, planning the logistics of setting up campaign offices, hiring staff and volunteers, placing campaign ads, and of course, getting the money from donors. The phenomenal success of the Obama campaign makes one think that this decision to run for the Presidency was not made on a whim because it seems they hit the ground running and knew exactly what they were doing. Through use of the Internet, thousands of donors could make unlimited small donations, and one could ask how could someone who is quite literally from outside the “mainstream” of political, social, and economic power in modern America able to amass a campaign war chest of approximately three hundred million dollars?

There has to be more to it than Senator Obama surrounding himself with young, college-educated, tech-savvy, mostly White, millionaires. Surprisingly, there might be some old money behind this as well because no neophyte would have the ‘know how’ and young people could not have put this thing together so well; no matter how talented they might be. No, some experienced veterans were behind this thing from the very beginning and although it may not matter in the long run, it would be naïve to believe that Senator Obama’s meteoric rise to National and International recognition is the result of having written his groundbreaking best-selling book, “The Audacity of Hope.” What has gotten the Senator this far in his “Election Quest” just might be by ‘the same old nasty’; which he has managed to finesse and clean up in such a way that it appears to have changed to look decent, honorable, and different.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 29, 2008